
Oregano Oil & Garlic to Fight A Cold/Flu


Since it’s flu season and almost everyone I know is sick with a cold, I wanted to share my favorite natural remedies with you guys! I’ve been traveling a ton to different climates, sitting on airplanes with sick passengers, and hanging out with sick friends, and these two magical little items have recently helped me ward off a few colds that I felt coming on in the past several months. And when I say “ward off,” I mean wake up with a full on sore throat, take a few drops of oregano oil in the morning, swallow a few cloves of garlic at night, and by the next morning any sign of a cold is completely gone!

These remedies may sound a bit hippie-ish, but I’ll break them down for you below, and I think you will be believers like me!


Meet oregano oil aka nature’s antibiotic. Oil of oregano is effective at killing bacteria, and can also help the immune system take action against viruses, fungi and parasites.

Warning, this is the strongest, most potent flavored stuff! Don’t let the word “oregano” fool you, because it is way more intense in oil form! I mean, it makes apple cider vinegar taste like apple pie in comparison, but the outcome is so worth it! The first time I put the drops under my tongue, my mouth was burning and I was frantically searching for water to chase it down – BUT, the next morning my sore throat was completely gone. I always have a bottle of this magical little herb in my house at all times, and any time I feel achy or sick I take a few drops and the next day, I feel fantastic and symptom free!

Where to buy it:
Amazon, Whole Foods, Sprouts, and most health food stores
How much is it: $15-$20 per 1 oz. bottle
How to take it: 4 drops underneath your tongue (or as directed on the bottle) 2-3 times daily.


Garlic, not just for cooking! Garlic may be particularly useful in preparation for cold and flu season as it contains compounds capable of killing viruses and bacteria that can cause earaches, colds and influenza!

It’s best to do this remedy at nighttime just before you go to bed. I mean, garlic has quite a strong scent, and you don’t really want to smell like garlic all day! Plus, if you go to bed right after taking the garlic, this remedy will go to work while you are asleep. Start with 3-5 fresh cloves of garlic (jarred, or powdered will not have the same benefits as fresh). Next, chop the garlic into pill sized pieces pieces (you can also dice/mince them but the flavor will be stronger). To maximize the health benefits, you should chop/dice/crush your garlic at room temperature and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes before swallowing – this triggers an enzyme reaction that boosts the healthy compounds in garlic. Finally, swallow the chopped garlic with a glass of water or orange juice (as you would with pills – If you chew the raw garlic, it will burn!). Go to bed, and wake up cold/flu symptom free! Repeat if necessary!

The first time I did this, I was literally gagging on the “pill sized” pieces of chopped garlic. So if you have a really bad gag reflex and are sensitive to strong flavors like me, dice it up, put it on a spoon, and swallow it with some OJ!

How much to take:
3-5 cloves
How to take it:
Chop it, let it sit for 15 minutes, swallow with water or OJ.
When to take it: Right before going to sleep

Next time you feel any little symptom of a cold or flu, definitely give these remedies or at least one of them a try! I literally swear by them! Let me know if these natural remedies work for you!

Health & Happiness
Do you have any natural remedies you use when you are trying to ward off a cold or flu?

Cinnamon Raisin Almond Butter + Blendtec Designer 725 Review

When I was contacted to review the new Blendtec Designer 725 blender and Twister Jar, I have to admit I had some slight hesitations and doubts. I had been loyal to my previous blender for years. I baby it, I talk about it as if it’s my child, I hand dry it with only the finest towels, and I think it does an exceptional job. So why make the switch and try a Blendtec? Well, they told me about their new Twister Jar, and it was time to give Blendtec a chance! I also love the brand’s collaborative spirit and desire to work with bloggers, it makes me so happy!

So here it is, in all of it’s shiny sleek glory – The Blendtec Designer 725 (in Gunmetal)!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-5When I first pulled it out of the box I thought to myself. “Where are the buttons? They forgot the buttons! My blendtec is missing all of the buttons and knobs!” But then I plugged it in, and it lit up like a little space ship!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-1The digital touchscreen interface is the coolest thing! Is this what I have been missing out on for years?! The touchscreen allows you to select the speed by sliding your finger along the line at the bottom of the screen, plus it makes cleaning a breeze. During my first blend I quickly learned that there are 100 speeds, yes 100 speeds on this puppy! I slid my finger a little too fast and it went into lift off mode and I thought this thing was going to take off to mars! I cannot believe how much power it has –  I’m so used to generic speeds 1-10!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-2Another reason I had always been hesitant to try Blendtec was because of it’s single blunt safety blade. Blentec’s signature is their single blade which is 80% thicker and 10 times stronger than their competitors blades, and completely safe to clean and use. It seems kind of strange right? One dull blade? I mean, wouldn’t you want multiple sharp blades to chop up and pulverize your produce and ingredients? I am SO SO SO very glad that I gave Belndtec a chance and tried it out, because they have 100% proved me wrong and have completely blown my mind! The single blade pulverized everything in sight!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-3Above is the Blendtec Designer 725 (in Gunmetal) on the right, and the Twister Jar set on the left!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-4The Twister Jar is probably the coolest thing since sliced bread. It comes with the Twister Jar, patented Twister lid (BRILLIANT!!!), Mini Gripper™ lid for containing thinner blends, and the Spectacula (epic!).

For my first recipe with the Blendtec Twister Jar, I decided to make a Cinnamon Raisin Almond Butter!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-6 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-7 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-8 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-9 This is not your average blender. This is a teacher. And during today’s lesson, it taught me when I needed to stir (none of my other blenders did that, they just stopped blending everything), taught me when I needed to add more liquid (say what?!), and gave me congratulatory messages when I succeeded in snack making with virtual praise and high fives on the digital interface!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-10I am OBSESSED with the Twister Jar. I wish that all blenders had this genius little gadget. It’s absolutely brilliant! You know how when you try to make really thick things you have to turn off the blender, scrape down the sides with a spatula, and then turn it back on to continue blending? Well, with the Twister Jar, there is none of that! You put the Twister Lid on and if anything gets stuck to the edges of the jar, you just twist the lid while it’s blending! SO STINKIN’ COOL! I’ve never made any type of nut butter before, and I’m so glad I waited until now to do it myself, because this was the best possible experience ever.
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-11 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-12 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-13The single blade is sooooo easy to clean, and the shape of the Spectacula is just spectacular for getting every last bit of almond butter out of the jar! Another plus about the “dull” blade is that since it’s thicker, it doesn’t cut into your rubber spatulas and ruin them!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-14 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-15 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-16
Cinnamon Raisin Almond Butter

1.5 cups roasted almonds
1/4 + 1 Tbsp raisins
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla

Place the almonds, cinnamon, and vanilla in the Blendtec Twiter Jar. Place Twister Lid on top of jar. Set slider speed to 7. Blend until smooth. Twist the Twister Lid as needed. Remove almond butter from the jar and transfer to a mixing bowl. Fold in raisins. Store in a glass jar with lid in the refrigerator.

Of course after I played with the Twister Jar I had to move onto the big guns and give the big container a test run, so I made a smoothie with my new Cinnamon Raisin Almond Butter!

Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-17 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-18 Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-20I love the “walk away” blending features that allow you to select what you’re making, walk away and do other tasks, and then come back to a perfectly blended smoothie and blender turned off by itself. Blendtec is such a little smarty pants! Plus I love the little messages that it displays after each blend!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-19Check out that power!
Blendtec-725-and-Twister-Jar-Review-Cinnamon-Raisin-Almond-Butter-Recipe-23Cinnamon Raisin Banana Bread Smoothie
Serves 1

1 Tbsp Cinnamon Raisin Almond Butter
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 frozen banana

Combine all ingredients in the Blendtec. Press the smoothie button, let it blend until completely smooth and creamy, and enjoy!

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown:
Produce: banana and raisins
Whole Grain: oats
Protein: none
Plant Based Fat: almond butter

Rabbit Food Meal Tip: Complete this meal with a scoop of vanilla protein powder in your smoothie!

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This post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Blendtec.

Niagara Falls, Canada NYE

I finally found some time to go through my photos from my trip to Canada for New Years, and I’m shivering just looking at them! A few days after Christmas, Matt and I flew to Toronto, Canada. He had to work on New Year’s Eve, and I got invited to tag along, which was seriously so much fun. We flew into Toronto and then made our way to Niagara Falls for Entertainment Tonight Canada’s NYE Bash at the Falls. The falls are absolutely stunning. It was “warm” as the Canadians would say, but I’m letting you know right now – this was the coldest I have even been in my life. I’ve been skiing, I’ve been in below zero temperatures, but the windchill and moisture in the air at Niagara Falls is FREEZING. I have terrible circulation, so my feet and hands are always first to freeze, so I survived walking around the falls with mini heating packs in my shoes that I purchased from Shoe Hero and gloves… and still bought a second pair of gloves during the walk! Don’t let the little patches of sun peeking through the clouds fool you, it was actually snowing while we took these photos and my lens kept fogging up!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-1 Perception above vs reality below.
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-2 Bunny teeth out in full force!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-3 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-4 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-6 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-7There were SO many rainbows at the falls, it was gorgeous. And yes, that is in fact a double rainbow!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-8 Matt and a rainbow! So prittayyyy!Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-5This is the American side of the falls. So sunny! Matt and I were cracking up because we both got US cell service (AT&T) while we were in Niagara Falls because we were so close to the border! Score for us!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-9These are the Canadian falls! Note how theirs are instantly icier and snow covered!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-10I love how different both sides of the falls look. The Canadian side looks drastically colder!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-11 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-12 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-13 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-14 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-15Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-16 After we explored the falls we went to the venue for the ET NYE show where matt was tour managing.
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-18 The show started off with fireworks that were set off from the falls at 9pm, so we all went outside of the greenroom to watch.
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-19 Matt and fireworks!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-25While Matt was working I went and bared the cold to photograph and watch some of the other artists perform. I loved watching Lights open the show, she’s adorable.
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-26Next up was our little nugget Shawn!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-27He absolutely killed it with Nick Jonas, so proud!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-28Keith Urban closed the show. Matt is so proud of this photo, the perfect hair flip. Such luscious locks haha.
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-20 At midnight fireworks shot off from Skylon Tower!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-21I LOVE this photo of Matt! He will probably hate it, but I think it’s the cutest thing ever! So much joy and happiness : )
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-22Matt and I at midnight!
Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-23 Niagara-Falls-Canada-NYE-2015-24Confetti everywhere, the end of a perfect NYE!


DIY Reusable Grocery Bag

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-9I haven’t done a “Fashion Friday” DIY for sooooo long, and since it’s a new year, it’s definitely time! This DIY was inspired by Cassey from Blogilates! I always have my car stocked with reusable shopping bags for last minute farmer’s market and grocery shopping trips, and thought this “do it yourself” bag/tote was the cutest addition to my collection. You can use any old T shirt (the bigger the better!) but I decided to buy an ACDC shirt from Target to give my bag a chic rocker look! I’m absolutely obsessed with how it turned out and got stopped a couple of times at the North Park Farmer’s Market in San Diego to ask where it was from (major points!)!
DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-1Jacket: c/o Smythe (on sale 65% off & free shipping!)  |  Leggings: American Apparel  |  Shoes: Converse  |  Beanie: Ebay (black)  |   |  Lip Liner: Mac ‘Cherry’  |  Lipstick: Lime Crime ‘Red Velvet’

My favorite part about this DIY is that it’s a no sew project! No needle, thread, or sewing machine required! All you really need is a pair of scissors and an old T shirt, but if you are a perfectionist like me, a white or colored pencil, ruler, and rotary cutter, will do the job just perfectly! If you are super crafty and looking for a rotary cutter, cutting mat, and ruler set, this one by Fiskars is amazing!

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-3 DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-4I’m obsessed with my new Faux-Fur Cropped Jacket by Smythe! It’s faux shearling with a huge oversized collar that is seriously way too cute. I’ve been wearing it nonstop since they sent it to me! I also just found out that it’s on sale at Neiman’s for 65% off, which is INSANE! Oh and did I mention they are offering free shipping? Unreal.

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-5DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Tote-Step-By-Step-2DIY Grocery Bag

T-shirt (the bigger the better)
white or colored pencil
scissors or rotary cutter
cutting mat

1. Get a large T shirt and lay it flat.

2. Cut off the neck (about 2-3 inches below the neck hemline), sleeves, and bottom hem.

3. From the bottom of each arm hole, measure down 6 inches and make a mark. This is where the bottom of your bag will be, and your fringe pieces will start.

4. Line your ruler up horizontal across the shirt from both marks that you just made. Start marking small dots/lines 1/2 inch apart all the way across the entire width of the shirt. This marks where each fringe will be cut.

5. Place the ruler horizontally across the bottom of the shirt and mark small dots/lines every 1/2 inch all the way across (the same way you just did in step 4). This will help you to get perfectly aligned/straight fringe pieces.

6. Using scissors or your rotary cutter and ruler, cut from the top dot, straight down to the aligning bottom dot (through both layers of fabric). Work from left to right until all of the fringe has been cut.

7. Once all of your fringe pieces have been cut, double knot both of the corresponding front and back pieces of fabric together. This will seal up the bottom of your bag.

8. Voilà, Your grocery bag is complete! For even longer fringe and more sealed up edges of your bag, stretch out your fringe and handles!

Note: If you don’t want to go through all of the marking and aligning with a  ruler, you can totally freehand it and make bigger fringe pieces with scissors. I personally think it looks best when you take the time and measure out the small 1/2 inch fringe pieces, but it’s still an awesome and fun DIY no matter how you do it!

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-6Above is an example of the dots 1/2 inch apart along the bottom of the fabric.

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-7Cutting from top to bottom dot.

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-8Double knotting the fringe pieces.

DIY-Reusable-Grocery-Bag-Farmers-Market-Shopping-Bag-2So cute! Grocery shop away!
This is a really fun project to do with friends for a girls night in, and it also makes a super cute gift!

Health & Happiness

Kale Salad with Spicy Peanut Dressing

M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-1 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-2 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-3 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-4 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-5 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-6 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-7 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-8 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-9 M-Cafe-CopyCat-Kale-Salad-with-Spicy-Peanut-Dressing-10

When I lived in LA, I loved going to M Café for their Peanut Kale Deli Salad. It’s one of my top 10 favorite kale salads (yes I love that many kale salads). It’s super rich, flavorful, and even better with a side of brown rice!

The salad at M Café de Chaya is served with blanched/wilted curly kale, which is how I prepared my salad in this recipe. If you are more of a tuscan kale (dinosaur kale) fan, I have also prepped the salad with it for you! With the dinosaur kale, I left it cold and unbalanced, rinsed it, chopped it, warmed the dressing over the stove, and then massaged it in and let the kale wilt a bit! I loved the salad both ways, but I think the dino kale might be my new fav!

Kale Salad with Spicy Peanut Dressing
Adapted from Linda LaRue

1 large bunch curly kale
1/4 cup peanuts, chopped for garnish
1/4 red onion, halved and sliced for garnish

Spicy Peanut Dressing
makes about 1/2 cup of dressing

1/2 cup peanut butter [for more macro version use tahini instead]
2 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce or Tamari
2 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp garlic, minced
1/2 tsp ginger, minced
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp salt
3 Tbsp hot water

Remove the kale from the stems. Add a pinch of salt to a pot of boiling water, then blanch the kale for 3 minutes. Remove the kale from the boiling water and shock it in a container of ice water. Finally, squeeze the excess water out of the cooled kale. For the dressing, place all dressing ingredients into a blender. Blend until mixture turns into a smooth consistency. Add 1 Tbsp of dressing per 1 cup of kale and mix until kale is evenly coated. Garnish with sliced red onions and chopped peanuts.

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