Hi bunnies!
I know it’s been a while since I last posted (way too long!), but I miss this little blog of mine, and I truly miss all of my little bunnies! Blogging has changed so much in the past year. The internet has transitioned to a world of “influencers”— Something I have no interest in becoming. I started this blog because I wanted to be authentic to my readers and share something personal that I struggled with so others could find a place to relate. I never set out for this blog to become my career, but it quickly turned into a full time job for 4 years that I absolutely loved. Years have gone by, I’ve grown, and sadly… blogging just isn’t what it used to be. I think about my blog and how passionate I was about it, and the other day I had a realization that I still want to keep my blog alive (not that it’s been dead… I still get traffic surge emails from my host!). It’s a creative outlet for me and I love connecting with others on this platform.
Call this my semi comeback, ha! I’m not exactly sure what I want to blog about, how often I’ll post, or what direction this will go. For now, I just want to share fun projects I’m working on and let it transition with my life. I still have a passion and love for healthy food and recipes, but there’s other things I love just as much like DIYs and (amateur) event planning.
Since it’s been a while, here’s a quick update on what I’ve been up to:

Matt and I got married on January 7, 2017! Now we’re expecting our first baby (a boy!) in January 2018! I’ve always wanted to be a mom and I’m soooooo excited for this next chapter in our lives. I don’t expect this to transition into a mommy blog, but I’m sure there will be some baby posts here and there!
As I said, I have no idea what I’ll be posting in the future, but for now I might share some wedding photos if anyone is interested, a couple DIYs from our wedding and my bachelorette, as well as some other events/projects I’ve worked on!
I hope all of my little bunnies are doing fabulous!