exercise Archives - Eat More Rabbit Food


Tips For Your First Spin Class

Spinning is definitely no ride in the park but all that pedaling will work the quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and core and give you a total calorie burn anywhere from 400 calories and up! Good news for anyone with joint issues, indoor cycling keeps impact on the joints to a minimum.

I’ve been totally addicted to spin class at Full Psycle recently! Once I powered myself through my first class I was absolutely hooked. Since some of you guys have been asking me questions about spin class on Instagram, I thought I would share what I’ve learned so far. I’m no expert, but I hope that these tips will make spinning seem a little less intimidating and maybe inspire you to try a class! I mean, it’s just a stationary bike… how terrible could it be?! haha.

Reserve a bike before class:
Spin class popularity is on the rise, so make sure to call or reserve a bike online beforehand if your studio requires it.
Don’t sit in the very back row:
I know, we’re all tempted to snag a bike in the very back row our first time, but if you sit towards the front (second row) you will be able to watch the instructor and veterans. Its often helpful to watch a pro and use them as a guide.
Don’t go faster than the veterans: If your legs are going faster than the veterans or instructor, you probably don’t have enough intensity and you’re not doing yourself any favors. When your instructor says “give it your all” or “go go go” think of it as intensity, not leg speed.
Kick your heals out with some force to unclip from the pedals: I saw a girl a few days ago take her feet out of the shoes and leave them on the pedals after class! No need to do that haha, unclipping is easy!
Bring water: Seriously, I drank an entire 1 liter bottle of Smart Water my first class!
If you have a Heart Rate Monitor Watch: BRING IT! You will be so motivated and inspired by your endurance and the amount of calories you burn!

Full Psycle(source: Full Psycle)

What to expect:
Expect a vigorous workout! You will burn upward of 400 or more calories per 45 minute class. Every class is different, but you’re going to get a hardcore workout no matter what. For those of you who say “I never sweat,” you will!

Don’t be intimidated: Yes, there will probably be some seasoned pros in your class, but there will also be some newbies and people of all different ages, sizes, and level! Spinning is less intimidating than you may think. 
Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from trying an awesome workout! Remember that anything new is always scary. It’s just spinning!

Polar RC3 GPS 1My new PR calorie burn from Spin class at Full Psycle!

Polar RC3 GPS 2Polar sent me their new Polar RC3 GPS to review, and I am so obsessed with it. Aside from the clips I have been wearing to class, this is one of the biggest reasons I am so addicted to spin. You can watch your progress and see your exact calorie burn, minimum, average, and maximum heart rate, distance, and more! I’ve been wearing the heart rate monitor to class and it has been life changing you guys! I will be doing a full review on this watch and it’s functions in a couple of weeks!

Suit up: You will definitely work up a sweat, so throw on some moisture-wicking clothes to keep cool and dry.

Girls: I recommend crops and a fitted tank that’s tight so you don’t have a lot of extra fabric. Oh, and it can’t hurt your ride to put on something you feel confident in!

Guys: Shorts and a tank. A lot of guys end up without shirts by the end of class because it can get pretty hot in the studio.

Thoughts on padded bike shorts: The saddle can be an issue for some people and I’ll admit, the seats can definitely take some getting used to, but my advice would be to take the class in your normal workout gear and see what you think before buying cycling shorts. I don’t think padded cycling shorts are 100% necessary since you do spend a good amount of time out of the saddle, but it’s all about preference. If it makes you more comfortable, go for it!

Shoes matter: Make sure to call ahead or look at the FAQ online to see if your shoes are okay for class. In most cycling classes normal athletic kicks are just fine, but in others, cycling shoes are required.

My two cents on cycling shoes: I suggest finding a studio that has cycling shoes to rent, because with cycling shoes the feet are connected to the pedals much more securely. “Clips” as they’re called, can also make you more comfortable on the bike, give you more power, and allow you to get more integration of muscles in the legs for an overall better workout.

Full Psycle 3
Towel: Bring a towel if your studio doesn’t provide them and keep it draped over the handlebars for easy access.

Water Bottle: You are definitely going to want a big bottle of water nearby! Swigging water is encouraged mid-ride to stay hydrated, although the spin n’ sip may take some coordination haha. Sport cap bottles are suggested.

Full Psycle 1

Eats: It’s important to feel like Goldilocks before class. You know… not to be too full and not too hungry.

Hydration: Stay well hydrated before, during and after class! You know you are properly hydrated if you are not feeling thirsty. Probably a good idea to use the restroom before class too!

Arrive 15 minutes before class begins, especially if it’s your first time. You will probably have to sing a waiver and it takes a few minutes to get properly situated on your bike.

Full Psycle 2

Bike setup is key to a great ride: Don’t be afraid to ask your instructor for help setting you up on the bike. It’s the best way to prevent unnecessary discomfort and injuries!

Resistance: There are no real gears to change, but there is a resistance knob (or computer screen in some cases). There should always be some resistance on the pedals. It takes a few classes to get familiar with the right amount of resistance for you, but you’ll get the hang of it.

Don’t give up: If you start to feel exhausted or overwhelmed, just sit down in the saddle, take the tension down, and continue to peddle through the end of the class if you can. You’ll be prouder of yourself for enduring the class than walking out! Give yourself permission to build into this activity and you’ll find that you enjoy it more each time.


Stretch: Take full advantage of stretching those legs to keep tightness and injuries to a minimum.

Eat: It may seem a little counterintuitive, but immediately after your workout is the best time of day to eat. Try to eat a high protein meal right away, because your body’s ability to refill muscle energy stores decreases by 50 percent if you wait to eat just 2 hours after your workout! Everyone loves an incentive to eat, right?!

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated following your workout.

Indoor cycling puts things in full gear with its awesome tunes, control over resistance and speed, and overall intensity. Hop on to the nearest bike and give this class a go!

Do you have any additional tips for first time spinners or a story about your first class? I would love to hear about it!

Second Attempt at Spin

Happy Monday bunnies!

Congratulations to William, you are the winner of my Chobani #WTFlavor Giveaway!
Be sure to check your email!

Motivation Monday: “It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.”

A little over one year ago I took my first spin class. I struggled the entire way through, unable to keep up with the instructor. It was so hard for me, that I was actually really really proud of myself for pedaling the entire time! A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to my friend Katelin and she was telling me how much she loves spin. Her pitch to get me to go with her was pretty convincing. “45 minutes and you’re done. That’s it and your workout for the day is done!” “Full Psycle has clips and towels!” “Your first class is free!” How could I say no to that? A couple of days later we met up at Full Psycle for our class and away we went! I have to admit I felt pretty bad@$$ when I “clipped in” with the cycling shoes. It got me seriously pumped for some reason. Like, I just felt so cool, and I’m not even joking, I think that made all the difference from my first spin class.


My very first class at Pedal Spin, I wore my new Nike Frees which I just got two weeks ago when I came across the offer at https://www.raise.com/coupons/nike and the instructor attached “baskets” to the pedals since I was wearing regular shoes. I quickly realized that spin class is 10 times better when you wear Clips. They make it much easier to keep your foot in place. This way you aren’t worrying if your foot is sliding or going to pop out, and you can focus on your power and speed. If you’re interested in trying a spin class, I highly suggest finding a studio that has rental clips like Full Psycle or Soul Cycle, borrow them from a friend, or buy a cheap pair from a bike shop or online. It made such a huge difference for me. After my first class I had no interest in going back, but thankfully my friend convinced me to give it another try at an excellent studio and now I’m in love!


After trying a free class at Full Psycle, I wanted to give spin a chance and see what other studios had to offer. Later last week I met up with my friend Amanda at YAS. I am totally addicted to spin right now! I used to be a die hard Bar Method-er until a few months ago. I got really burnt out and to be honest extremely lazy. I got into a complete fitness rut and nothing could motivate me until I was convinced to give spin a second chance. I’m so happy that I did because once again I have found something that I actually look forward to doing for exercise! I’m not saying spin is easy, it’s definitely challenging for me, but I have already seen progress with my strength and endurance in a few short weeks! Yay for second chances!

The classes: I tried them, so you don’t have to!

Pedal Spin – My very first classMonthly Unlimited: $119 ($49 for first month, new students)
First class free
Towels are provided
No rental clips
Instructor was very… passionate, and raised his voice a lot
He would run around and actually up our resistance for us. Ugh not fun!
Britney Spears Soundtrack played the entire class haha. But that was probably specific the instructor.
What I thought: My first experience was not so great. I hear great things about the studio, maybe I had a mediocre instructor?

Full Psycle – Second attempt at spin
Monthly Unlimited: $150
First class free
They provide rental clips
Towels are provided
Instructors remember everyones names
The instructors often come around the room and motivate you
Full body workout – you do weights while on the bike
HDTV screens in front of the class display your real-time performance statistics (Power, RPMs and Energy), allowing you to compete against your neighbors, your instructor and, most importantly, yourself.
Your personal online account tracks your progress and PRs.
What I thought: Obsessed. I love the displays that show you your speed, power, energy, etc. It keeps my mind occupied and makes me want to try harder to keep up with the group. I really hope that they open more locations!

YAS – Third spin class
Monthly Unlimited: $225
First class free
No towelsNo rental shoes
Good music and good instructors
What I thought: The company has great branding that really draws you in, but I didn’t find anything special about it. Why would I pay almost twice the price as another studio that has more amenities?

This morning my friend Kayleigh from Okay Fitness convinced me to go to spin at 5:45am. Yaaaa, never thought this night owl would take an a.m. class when it’s still dark out! We had a ton of fun and it was totally worth it! Metromint sent me a case of their waters, so I decided to take my Metromint Spearmint water to class with me today along with another bottle of plain water. The mint water gave my body a cooling sensation that was super refreshing during class. You know that feeling after you chew mint gum and then drink water? How it feels extra cold? Thats what this water does, every time! I have to admit that I’m not crazy about most of the other flavors, but spearmint and peppermint are awesome! I love that Metromint is made with refreshing real mint with zero chemicals, and zero calories! It’s a tasty way to up your water intake!
After spin I got a ginormous green juice from Nekter!
photo 4
How many of my bunnies take spin?! Or who has tried it and what did you think?
Your challenge this week:
 Go to a “first class free” fitness class! Spin, barre, yoga, anything! Just try it! You never know, it might be your new favorite!

Workout Playlist

When I was on the plane the other day I came across the best snippet in Self Magazine:

“5 Songs Not To Put On Your Workout Playlist”
as told my Martha MacIsaac from NBC’s 1600 Penn.

1. Kelis’s “Milkshake.” ‘Cause it always makes me crave an actual milkshake.
2. Anything by Bon Iver – You’ll fall asleep. But if my gym had a napping room, I’d be there more often.
3. Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” (aka the ASPCA song). Those sad puppies…
4. Jack Johnson’s “Bubble Toes.” Unless you’re working out in Birkenstocks around a campfire.
5. Nickelback’s… everything. We all love a Nickelback joke, am I right?

I literally laughed out loud on the plane reading this. I always see workout playlists, but I’ve never seen a list like this. Too funny!

Speaking of workouts, there is only one rule I have: thou shall never sweat in silence.
Music is crucial while getting your sweat on at the gym. Have you ever forgotten your headphones and had to listen to the person next to you pounding on the treadmill? Ya, been there done that. There’s nothing more irritating. Needless to say I only last about 10 minutes in the gym when that happens. My favorite types of workout classes are the ones with the best music because you find yourself getting so into it!

Workout Playlist

Spinning without music would be miserable!

I thought it would be fun to introduce you guys to my musically inclined friend Kevin. He’s a total music maven with a great ear for finding new bands and music that will have you hooked and wanting more. Each season he takes to his website to share mixes of his favorite bands and newly discovered artists. Not only are his mixtapes insanely good, they’re 100% free too! Browse around Kevin’s website MOMENTARY to find your perfect workout playlist and discover some new bands!

MOMENTARY ARTEach mixtape is 100% free for you to enjoy, inspired by the season, no one artist repeats on a tape, and displays cover art designed by Kevin at MOMENTARY ART!

MOMENTARY ARTOne of my favorite’s “MOMENTARY SUMMER MIXTAPE VOL. III ” has some great finds from Coachella 2013 and a track from the new Great Gatsby Soundtrack. It’s a must hear! Go to MOMENTARTOFFICIAL.COM to download the mixtape for free!

1. Capital Cities – Safe & Sound
2. Foals – My Number
3. Gold Fields – Dark Again
4. Phoenix – Trying To Be Cool
5. DIIV – Follow
6. Tame  Impala – Elephant
7. Mac Demarco – My Kind of Woman
8. Jessie Ware – Running
9. Lana Del Rey – Young & Beautiful (Kulkid Remix)
10. Young Wonder – Time (Feat. Sacred Animals)
11. Toro y Moi – So Many Details
12. Flume – Sleepless
13. The Presets – Fall
14. Empire of the Sun – Alive
15. Walla – No Time
16. Dan Croll – From Nowhere
17. Alt-J – Breezeblocks
18. Washed Out – New Theory
19. Chrome Sparks – Marijuana
20. Elizabeth Rose – Again (Feat. Siden)
21. Purity Ring – Grammy (Soulja Boy cover)
22. Chad Valley – I Owe You This (Feat. Twin Shadow)
23. Classixx – Borderline
24. White Arrows – Coming or Going (RAC Remix)
25. Major Lazer – Get Free (Feat. Amber Coffman)


Stalk Kevin
Instagram: @momentaryart
Twitter: @m0mentary
Facebook: Momentary Official
Oh, and his French Bulldog, Griffey is famous.

Tweet us @EatRabbitFood and @m0mentary with the hashtag #momentarymix and let us know what you think of the mixtape!

Question: What is your favorite workout song, and one you would NEVER add to your workout playlist?

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in SF

Hi bunnies!
Oh my gosh I have been so busy busy busy! I have house guests visiting from out of state so I’ve been playing tour guide and hostess with the mostess this week, hence the very delayed post! I haven’t had two seconds to go onto my blog this week, but I am so happy to be back today!

Since I missed my usual Monday post, here is your Motivation Monday quote, a la Thursday!
Motivation Monday (now it’s a Throwback Thursday quote haha): “You are what you eat. So don’t be fast, cheap, easy, or fake!”

My trip to San Francisco for the Produce for Better Health: Consumer Connection Annual Conference was so much fun. By the end of the conference I didn’t want to go home!

I love being surround by others who are passionate about healthy eating and excellent produce! My panel was moderated by Bob Ochsner from DGWB who gave an outstanding presentation about blogger outreach and forming long lasting relationships with bloggers and brands. As Bob said…“Bloggers are the rockstars of the future…” It’s pretty amazing how blogging has evolved from an “online journal” to a full time career and main source of advertising for many brands. It has been such an honor to work with Selena and Bob at DGWB, DOLE Salads, DOLE Bananas, and Bard Valley Natural Delights Dates. I feel like the luckiest little bunny in the world!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San Francisco

I never imagined a conference being so much fun. I got to chat with some excellent produce lovers from marketing and PR professionals, family farmers, dietitians, produce sales representatives, and of course blog idols! The second Selena told me that Kathy Patalsky from Healthy. Happy. Life. was speaking on my same panel, I nearly had a fan girl moment! I have been reading and swooning over Kathy’s mouth watering vegan recipes for over a year now, and meeting her in person was surreal! On my second day at the conference, I walked back to the hotel and saw Kathy relaxing in the lobby with her (you guessed it, soy matcha latte). Of course me and my overly excited self walked right up to her and said “Kathy? I’m Catherine!” and the rest was history. Just kidding, but really. We sat and chatted in the lobby for a couple of hours until we realized what time it was! I was so intimidated meeting one of my favorite bloggers face-to-face (hello, she’s like serious celeb status!), but she is as sweet as a peach, and so much fun to be around. When the conference was over, we spent the entire cab ride to the airport brainstorming T-shirt ideas to promote Kathy’s blog and book 365 Vegan Smoothies that is coming out this June! I’m so excited to help her with her shirts, they’re going to be sooooo cute!

I ended up with way more photos than I originally thought, but here they are!


PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoThe trip started off with some night before travel snack shopping at Mother’s Market. I ended up with a basket of Alive & Radiant Kale Krunch: Tarragon Dijon flavorGo Raw Spirulina Super ChipsJustin’s Almond Butter packets, and a handful of Larabars.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoPrinted a bunch of new business cards. They were a big hit at the conference!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoEnded up making a special RFFMBT shirt to wear for my panel. At midnight… haha Can you say procrastinating to avoid packing?


PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI was up early on Wednesday morning to fly up to San Francisco. Needless to say after my night of procrastinating, business card making, and shirt creating, I needed a Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoBoarded the plane in style… on the tarmac! Off we went to SF!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI arrived at the W San Francisco just in time to check into my gorg room and change clothes for the “veggie tour!”

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoMy office away from home for a few days!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoHow beautiful is this view? My room looked right at the Bay Bridge!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI found Waldo on top of one of the buildings!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoChecked in at registration and met Sharese Alston who coordinated my trip and the event! It was so fun to meet her and finally put a face to the lovely lady behind all of our emails! I wish I got a picture with her, she is the cutest thing and full of energy. Once I checked in, I got my name badge and ran to the bus for our tour.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI couldn’t have arrived on a more beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, and the two hour drive to our tour destination was absolutely stunning.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoOur tour destination: Mycopia Gourmet Mushroom farm.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoSo pumped when they brought out these suhhh-weeet hairnets for us to wear. Nothing says sexy like a hairnet.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoSnapshot of all our the tour attendees entering Mycopia in their super chic hairnets.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoBefore each room/area we went to in the farm, we had to dip our shoes in little tubs of a bleach mixture to prevent any spores from being transferred into the farm.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoGetting an intro to the soil and planting process. So not what I was expecting! I thought we would drive up to vineyards of mushrooms outside! Ha! Boy was I wrong!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoJars of soil and growing mushrooms. Totally not how I imagined mushrooms being grown.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoInside the “farm!”

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoFull grown mushrooms.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI felt like I was in wonderland when I walked into this room!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI’ve never thought of mushrooms as gorgeous until this day.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoHad to refrain from touching them haha they look so soft and… pretty!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoGetting a demo of how the mushrooms are “picked” from their jars. No cutting needed.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoMushroom packaging room.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoDelicious mushroom snacks for us! The chef sautéed three different types of mushrooms in olive oil with a little bit of salt and pepper and it was absolutely to die for. On a side note, how cute are these mushroom bouquets?! Call me crazy, but I’m tempted to throw a mushroom partayyy and have some adorable mushroom center pieces! They’re too cute! Huge thank you to Mycopia Gourmet Mushrooms for the awesome tour!


PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoDay two started off with a nice lonnnnggggg walk. I really worked my glutes and calves on all of those hills haha.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoWouldn’t be SF without a cable car photo.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoMy favorite Chinatown. Ever.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoAnother cable car photo.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoVisited my old stomping grounds at FIDM SF (although I did go to the LA campus)!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoAfter several hours of walking up hills I went back to the hotel for some hydration… andddd met the amazing Kathy from Healthy. Happy. Life.!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San Franciscoand dove into my snacks!  Alive & Radiant Kale Krunch: Tarragon Dijon flavor & Go Raw Spirulina Super Chips. Accompanied by some work on my laptop.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoLater Thursday night I met up with two of my friends Michaela and Katherine from home! We enjoyed tons of laughs, a bottle of wine, and amazing Italian food at Ristorante Milano. It was so great catching up with them. Missed these girls so much!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoIt took us about 10 tries to get a photo of all of us in the cab.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoAnd here’s the final product. Look how clear the photo is! Hahaha We tried.


PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoPre-panel selfie! I was really proud of my hair that day haha and my bunny phone case obviously needed to be shown off!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoGolden kale necklace and custom handmade “EAT MORE RABBIT FOOD” shirt!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoBefore the panel, Kathy and I met in the lobby and explored the conference room!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoMy name badge and “SPEAKER” ribbon! Ahhhh!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoKathy’s pre-panel tea. Loved how the leaf on the tea bag peaked out of the mug!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoFeatured speakers for the interactive blogger panel!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoSpeaking with Amy Sherman from Cooking with Amy, Kathy Patalsky of Healthy. Happy. Life., and Jess Goldman Foung from Sodium Girl!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoAfter our panel, Kathy and I hopped in a cab and made our way to Saha for some Arabic fusion! When Kathy visited Veg News, they told her she must try Saha, and now we know why! If you are in San Francisco, you must go! plus It’s very veggie and vegan friendly. It’s safe to say that Kathy and I arrived at Saha with quite an appetite. Our feast (not exaggerating) consisted of: Cauliflower Coconut Lavender Soup, Stuffed Artichoke Hearts, Kale Quinoa Tofu Salad, Vegan Mushroom Ravioli (omg. melt in your mouth. so good that I ate them before I could even take a photo.), Vegan Tagine, Vegan Baklava, and Vegan Knaffe. See, I told you we ordered a feast!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoWe arrived at 5:30 for our 6pm reservation hoping to be seated early… until we found out that Saha opened at 6! Can you tell that we were starving?

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoKathy and I at Saha.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoKale Quinoa Tofu Salad with cooked peaches. The menu had me at kale.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoStuffed artichoke. To die for! It was cooked to perfection and at first bite was reminiscent of a portobello mushroom.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoOh yes, I’d like to order the “Slap Yo Mama.” I couldn’t resist taking a photo.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoVegan Baklava. Holy yum. I’m such a sucker for Baklava. It’s totally my Armenian roots coming out! Love how they were cooked as individual treats!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoVegan Knaffe, an Arabic dessert!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoCompletely stuffed from dinner at Saha, we went back to the W… and got stuck in the revolving door. Yes, you read that right! For the brief time we were stuck, I had visions of SFFD having to come break the glass and rescue us! What was probably seconds felt like hours as the entire lobby of guests were staring! I could not stop laughing, it was so epic! This scene from the movie Anchorman can give you a great idea of what we looked like in that glass revolving door.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoAfter the revolving door incident we decided to go get Soy Matcha Green Tea Lattes and go on a stroll to Union Square.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoI told Kathy that we had to go in the glass elevator a.k.a. Oz at the St. Francis hotel to see the gorgeous city view! …and then we eded up getting stuck in the elevator. There were no buttons inside. total. fail. We had to ride it until someone else got in and pressed “lobby” with their hotel key from the outside! For a hot second, I though’t we were going to be stuck in yet another glass case of emotion.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoWe got back to the W and watched the new lights/light show on the bay bridge. It felt like I was at Disneyland every night watching World of Color!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoIt wouldn’t be the W without super out-there decor! When I got back to my room the first night, I noticed a pink and purple light glowing from above the desk. I laughed hysterically because at the Chobani dinnerAmy Keefe was telling me about the glowing Buddha when se stayed at the W SF! Of course I had to email her a photo of it right away haha. This little guy changed colors all night and I literally couldn’t turn it off! Buddha was glowing in all of his glory until I found out that he had a little door that hid him haha.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoSaturday morning, Kathy and I packed our bags and met up in the lobby.

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoSince we both had flights around the same time, we shared a cab to SFO and got to hangout together at the gate before departing. We found an awesome cafe at the airport that was loaded with healthy options – so rare in the airport world. They had a yogurt bar with nonfat, 1%, and 2% Greek strained yogurt, soy yogurt, and your choice of toppings along with a big selection of Kombucha! Multi-Green Kombucha, nonfat Greek yogurt with kiwis and granola for me, and Synergy Kombucha for Kathy! It was an excellent way to end the trip!

PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San FranciscoWhile on my flight, I opened up my book to find a hand written note from Kathy. I totally started tearing up on the plane while reading this. She is so genuine and kind. Still speechless, I’m framing this!

Thank you so much to the Produce for Better Health Foundation for including me in your Consumer Connection Conference and for sponsoring my travel and stay at the W!

P.S. Look what just arrived!!! Can’t even contain my enthusiasm right now! I can’t wait to get them photographed and onto my online store asap!
PBH 2013 Annual Conference in San Francisco

Peanut Butter & Banana Toast

Happy Toast Tuesday to all of my little bunnies!

Sam and I  are on the last leg of our road trip making our way from Tucson to LA! Yesterday we drove  15.5 hours, so we are really excited for the shorter drive today. In the past couple of days I have been smothered by a countless number of incredible emails and a plethera of new readers, pinners, Facebook fans, and Twitter followers. I love reading your stories and seeing your DIY photos! Thank you soooo much for continuing to read my blog everyday. Your support means the world to me. Because I have been attempting to blog via my iPhone (appologies for any awkward autocorrections and spelling errors!) in the middle of the dessert on my road trip, I haven’t been able to respond to emails as promptly as usual. I love chit chatting with readers and really appreciate the time and courage that goes into so many of your emails and I like to do the same for you! I’ll be emailing everyone as soon as I can, you are so important to me! I love you little bunnies!

Now onto the toast! Not only is this toast a classic, but it’s the perfect post workout snack with a purpose.

It may seem counterintuitive to eat after you have just exercised, but this is the best and most important time to eat. Your body needs protein and carbohydrates to repair muscle tissues and replenish glycogen stores, which are depleted after a strenuous workout. You can avoid cancelling out the calories that you just burned by eating the correct combination of foods to meet your body’s fuel needs.

After a sweat session, you want an ample protein (nut butter) combined with a high-glycemic carbohydrate (banana). By adding a complex carb like whole-grain toast, you are getting extra fiber without empty calories to make a more substantial post-workout meal. Eaten together within 45 minutes after a workout, this combination will go a long way to help your body repair and restore.

Peanut Butter & Banana (PB&B) Toast
Serves 1

1 slice whole-grain bread
1 Tbsp unsalted peanut butter
½ banana

Toast the bread and slice up half of a banana. Spread the toast with peanut butter, and top with banana slices.

1 2