Ohhh my gosh, I am so excited to share this recipe with you! On Tuesday, I went to a Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Group social and came home with the BEST recipe! My fellow sister, Carter (sorority sister for those of you who may be confused) told me all about her new healthy dessert creation, and I was all over it! Only 6 ingredients and takes 2 minutes to make, what’s not to love?! Carter has a Tumblr with tons of delish healthy recipes so make sure visit choisis la joie!
When I asked her how she came up with the recipe, she explained, “I am not Paleo, because I love cheese and sourdough bread too much, but Paleo recipes are a great place to start, because they are focused on veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins. This makes it so that overall, the foods I make for myself are healthier and more nutritious. Then I can indulge without guilt when I’m out for happy hour or food-truck day!” I love her philosophy on using Paleo guidelines as a starting point or base for her recipes. It’s a great way to explore different healthy foods and experiment with new recipes!
I like to emphasize that all types of foodies are welcome here whether you are vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, candy lover, paleo, gluten-free or if you follow Weight Watchers, or a low carb diet like Atkins. I want my blog to be a place where anyone can come to find inspiration and motivation to try new healthy recipes. There is no foodie judgement here! Plus most of my recipes can be easily adjusted to fit your dietary needs.
I do however want to talk about the pressure to follow a certain “diet.”
My most requested recipe adjustments are usually to make meals gluten-free, but recently I have been asked about Paleo options. I don’t follow the Paleo diet, but I love the way that Carter explained it! It makes Paleo seem less cult-like and more approachable! If you are an avid healthy living blog reader, you probably know what I mean by “cult-like” haha but if not, let me explain. CrossFit has recently turned into a phenomenon. Not only for fitness, but for it’s own “language” (box, WOD, AMRAP, etc.) and even adopting it’s own diet; Paleo. It seems like any blogger that I follow (or even Facebook friend) that goes to CrossFit, gets sucked into this crazy CrossFit cult! Suddenly they give up their vegetarian lifestyle to become full-blown carnivores and LIVE to plaster their new weight lifting PR all over the internet. It seems more like people are quick to jump into the Paleo world for the trendy CrossFit reasons than for their health. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I’m proud of all of my friends who do CrossFit. I know it’s something that I A) would never enjoy B) would probably suck at, and C) would most likely get hurt doing, so props to the CrossFitters in the world! But why has CrossFit gone from a trendy new exercise to intimidating hardcore lifestyle? Honestly, I would be so scared to set foot into a “box” because I wouldn’t be able to lift more than 10 lbs, would feel guilty that I ate whole-wheat, and think that Fran is my instructor, not my workout! As you can tell, CrossFit is probably not for me, but it’s a great match for so many others! Long story short, I like Carter’s approach for creating healthy recipes by starting with paleo guidelines. To me, that’s how special diets should be used. You shouldn’t feel obligated or pressured into eating a certain way to sit at the cool table haha. Not every diet or lifestyle works for everyone, and most of the time it takes a little while to find out what works for you and makes you feel your best. I don’t want anyone to think that because I eat a certain way, that they have to as well I also want everyone to know that no matter what their diet is, they are very welcome here and I respect their choices. The important thing is to eat clean whole foods as much as possible and have a healthy balance and relationship with food. Healthy eating should be fun, not intimidating!
Also love that Carter made my DIY Workout Shirt before meeting me or knowing that this was my blog! So awesome!
I had some very curious kitchen assistants today. Elin (Labrador Retriever) & Teddy (Corgi) had tons of fun as the cleanup crew.
Since this recipe requires a heaping tablespoon, I thought I would show you what that looks like. If you are unsure of anything in my recipes, always feel free to ask! I had no idea what a heaping or scant Tbsp was a while ago haha yay for learning new things!
The batter before microwaving.
Coconut mug cake cooked!
My favorite way to eat it, with one tablespoon of all-natural peanut butter!
Coconut Mug Cake
Serves 1
1 heaping Tbsp coconut flour
1 heaping Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp almond milk (or coconut)
1/2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 egg
Combine all all ingredients together in a microwave safe mug and mix well. Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes until cooked.
Carter’s notes: Enjoy with a big dollop of peanut butter if you’re as obsessed with the pb/choc mix as I am! You can also add some dark chocolate chips in the cake for a little extra flavor.
May 9, 2013 at 3:19 pm (12 years ago)I appreciate that you are open to all kinds of recipes on your blog and do not discriminate against different diets or ways of eating! I feel like I have run into a lot of discrimination recently about different types of workouts. Crossfitters think you’re not “cool” or as good as them if you don’t do Crossfit, people who lift hardcore talk badly about Crossfit, and I’ve seen tons of memes, etc. on social media making fun of people who do Zumba, etc. I just don’t get it! We’re all working toward the same goal – living healthy and happy lives. So if zumba gets one person there and Crossfit works for someone else, great! Why all the bad talking about each other? I do lots of different types of workouts and appreciate that they can all bring something different to my body. But if someone else would rather just stick to one thing that they enjoy, more power to them!
I think it’s important to remember that what’s best for you isn’t always best for someone else. So can’t we just be supportive of each other?
I always love your posts, Catherine! Thanks for being a positive voice in the health and fitness blogging world!
May 9, 2013 at 3:27 pm (12 years ago)That you so much for your feedback Emily! Seriously, we are all working towards the SAME goal! It’s crazy how competitive people can be over diet and exercise! It becomes extremely triggering and makes others feel like we are doing something wrong! I’ve still been meaning to try Zumba, my friend’s mom teaches a few classes per day and I still haven’t attended a class! Ahhh time to get my butt in there, I love dancing! I loved loved loved your comment and am so happy you are also one for supporting others to reach their goal!
<3 Health & Happiness xo
P.S. I literally want to post your comment in my post! I hope everyone reads it 🙂
May 9, 2013 at 4:46 pm (12 years ago)Aww thanks! I started doing Zumba once a week a few months ago. It’s a lot of fun! I consider it my “easy” day (even though it’s still a great cardio workout and I always break a sweat!) because it’s fun and it doesn’t take as much motivation to get to the gym on Zumba days. 🙂 Fun + Calorie burning is always a win in my book!
May 9, 2013 at 4:08 pm (12 years ago)This looks yummy w/o the guilt. Will try tonight!!! Thanks for sharing.:)
May 9, 2013 at 4:18 pm (12 years ago)Hi Catherine!
First off, I love your blog! You are so inspiring and whenever I see that you post something new it literally makes my day!
I am a recent follower of CrossFit (6 months now) and I LOVE it! I used to HATE working out and now I cannot wait to go to CrossFit every week. It changed my life and I can’t imagine doing anything else. Which is why it makes me sad to see that it seems like it’s getting a somewhat negative reputation. At the box I go to, there is a Paleo challenge once every three months and anyone is allowed to do it. However, there is absolutely ZERO pressure put on anyone to participate. I haven’t done it yet, but the reason I like the idea of it is because everyone works together on the diet and motivates each other to stick to it. It builds a sense of togetherness and community.
I don’t want CrossFit to get a bad rep, and I also don’t like any other form of “workout-shaming.” I think everyone needs to find whatever workout (or diet!) is best for them and no one should think that their form of exercise is superior to another.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents.
Thank you so much, you are such an inspiration!
P.S. CrossFit isn’t as intimidating as you think! You could totally do it! :]
May 9, 2013 at 5:38 pm (12 years ago)Hi Malone!
I’m so glad that you are loving CrossFit! It’s a really great workout as long as you are using proper form and thinking about safety first! I wish it wasn’t getting a negative rep either. Before it started getting insanely popular and collaborated with Reebok I was really interested in it! It’s a bummer because many of the boxes in Southern CA are way overpopulated (good for them because it’s so popular!) thus not enough personal attention and guidance from the trainers. It sounds like your box is a great match and excellent place to be 🙂 Definitely a different vibe from some of the others that I hear about! You’re definitely right, no one should think that their form of exercise is superior to another! There are great things about EVERY exercise 🙂 xo
May 9, 2013 at 4:37 pm (12 years ago)Hi Catherine,
I love you blog and think it’s great how you support others.
I’m interested in purchasing one of your eat more rabbit food singlets. Do you know when more will be available ( I’m probably and xs or small).
Also I completely agree with the post above.
Everyone should stick to what makes them happy and healthy and not judge others for trying to do so, even if they go about it differently.
Of course its great to meet like minded people but everyones different and thats what makes us special.
A. Morse
May 9, 2013 at 5:07 pm (12 years ago)Ughhhhh I LOATHE crossfit people. I lost a friend to that cult, it’s beyond bizarre and in most cases extremely dangerous as the people running the facilities are undertrained and ego-driven. Paying someone a lot of money to scream at me and shoot a hose at my about-to-expire body sounds terrible. As someone who doesn’t eat wheat or dairy for allergy reasons I know first hand that you are what you eat but I’m by no means checking in on facebook every time I go to Pilates or make a healthy dinner choice. Sigh.
May 9, 2013 at 5:43 pm (12 years ago)HAHAHA A. Morse you cracked me up with the last sentence about checking into Pilates on Facebook! I’m on the same page as you, I can’t handle trainers yelling at me haha! CrossFit is just not for everyone, I’ll stick to my barre classes haha! xo
May 9, 2013 at 5:25 pm (12 years ago)Do you think this could work with whole wheat flour?
May 9, 2013 at 5:38 pm (12 years ago)Wheat flour might make it a little rubbery, but you could try almond flour!
August 12, 2013 at 3:31 pm (12 years ago)Thanks for the explanation about the flour. I keep seeing coconut flour popping up in recipes lately, but I haven’t seen it in my area grocery stores yet and I wasn’t sure what it was!
My grocery only just recently started getting medjool dates and I’m super excited to start trying recipes with them in it!
September 1, 2014 at 2:36 am (11 years ago)Hi Melody,
My endocrinologist was recommending a brand of flat bread which is made using coconut flour or soy flour. When I saw the price (gasp!), I figured I would do what I have done many times in the past- make my own.
We found Nutiva brand coconut flour at Costco. It sounds as though you might not have huge options for your grocery shopping, so I thought I would let you know that Amazon not only carries the Nutiva brand coconut flour, but many other brands. I’ve been quite pleased with other Nutiva products, so if I had purchased it from Amazon, I am sure that after just now reviewing their options, I would have ordered the exact thing I bought at Costco. Nutiva quality is very good and the price point is right.
The flour takes some getting used to. It is VERY, VERY absorbent. I made a single serving of “bread” (it was kind of like a a largish pancake or a gyro type pita, but not sweet) and just the ONE piece of “bread” was only 2 TBSP coconut flour but two eggs, along with some almond milk. When you compare that to making pancakes for the family and only using two eggs for a whole batch, that’s a lot of egg for one piece of “bread” with only 2 TBSP flour! Like I say, it really take a lot of moisture.
Coconut flour IS more expensive than other flours, but a little goes a looooong way! Right now Amazon is selling it for a reasonable price. And, if you think you will be really incorporating into your diet, it is far less expensive to buy Nutiva’s 4 lb. bag ($14.99) than their 1 lb. bag( $9.99!). As for a four lb. bag, I will use it because I am pretty darned committed to keeping those carbs down. But, whether it’s from Costco or Amazon, my daughter-in-law and I are ALWAYS buying things and splitting the order. Just a thought.
Here is the link to Amazon’s Nutiva 4 lb. bag of coconut flour for you or anyone else who is having a hard time finding it in their local stores:
I hope this helps. Happy baking!
September 1, 2014 at 3:33 am (11 years ago)Hi Melody,
My endocrinologist was recommending a brand of flat bread which is made using coconut flour or soy flour. When I saw the price (gasp!), I figured I would do what I have done many times in the past- make my own.
We found Nutiva brand coconut flour at Costco. It sounds as though you might not have huge options for your grocery shopping, so I thought I would let you know that Amazon not only carries the Nutiva brand coconut flour, but many other brands. I’ve been quite pleased with other Nutiva products, so if I had purchased it from Amazon, I am sure that after just now reviewing their options, I would have ordered the exact thing I bought at Costco. Nutiva quality is very good and the price point is right.
The flour takes some getting used to. It is VERY, VERY absorbent. I made a single serving of “bread” (it was kind of like a a largish pancake or a gyro type pita, but not sweet) and just the ONE piece of “bread” was only 2 TBSP coconut flour but two eggs, along with some almond milk. When you compare that to making pancakes for the family and only using two eggs for a whole batch, that’s a lot of egg for one piece of “bread” with only 2 TBSP flour! Like I say, it really take a lot of moisture.
Coconut flour IS more expensive than other flours, but a little goes a looooong way! Right now Amazon is selling it for a reasonable price. And, if you think you will be really incorporating into your diet, it is far less expensive to buy Nutiva’s 4 lb. bag ($14.99) than their 1 lb. bag( $9.99!). As for a four lb. bag, I will use it because I am pretty darned committed to keeping those carbs down. But, whether it’s from Costco or Amazon, my daughter-in-law and I are ALWAYS buying things and splitting the order. Just a thought.
Here is the link to Amazon’s Nutiva 4 lb. bag of coconut flour for you or anyone else who is having a hard time finding it in their local stores:
I hope this helps. Happy baking!
May 9, 2013 at 7:34 pm (12 years ago)Coconut flour is really unique, so I wouldn’t recommend subbing in whole wheat flour in its place. There are a lot of more traditional mug cake recipes that use wheat flour on the web though, so take a look around! And if you want to make this with almond flour instead, I’d start with removing the milk, as almond flour needs less liquid than coconut flour. Hope that helps!
Hannah R
January 1, 2015 at 10:29 am (10 years ago)Do You think it would be good with shredded coconut for some extra flavor? Because I don’t really see how this is a coconut mug cake other than the coconut flour. Ty
January 1, 2015 at 11:34 am (10 years ago)Hi Hannah! Coconut flour gives a pretty strong coconut flavor, but shredded coconut would be so delicious in this recipe!
May 9, 2013 at 6:14 pm (12 years ago)So I am SO excited to test this recipe out and I wanted to say I’m a Theta too!! So exciting 🙂 Going to start testing out this paleo thing more often. I already love the paleo pancakes you made awhile back.
May 9, 2013 at 8:31 pm (12 years ago)Awwwww!!!! What’s up sis?! So glad you loved the two ingredient pancakes, I think you will enjoy this one as well! xo TLAM
Shari Olivia
May 9, 2013 at 8:14 pm (12 years ago)I’m allergic to all nut products what do you think I could use in stead of almond milk and peanut butter?
May 9, 2013 at 8:30 pm (12 years ago)Coconut milk, rice milk, water are all good options for the milk. And sunbutter might work for the peanut butter, or you can just skip that part – it’s not a necessary ingredient for the cake itself!
May 9, 2013 at 9:46 pm (12 years ago)Sunflower butter is an excellent idea! Completely forgot about it. Thanks Carter! xo
May 9, 2013 at 8:33 pm (12 years ago)Oh no! You can use any type of milk! Cow’s milk would work just fine 🙂 As for a topping, what about a little drizzle of honey, pure maple syrup, coconut butter, or fresh berry jam!
Shari Olivia
May 10, 2013 at 5:56 am (12 years ago)Thank you both it came out amazing I used soy slender chocolate milk with the sunflower butter it taste great you guys are such an inspiration thank you
May 11, 2013 at 8:21 pm (12 years ago)Yay! So glad you enjoyed it.
May 9, 2013 at 10:43 pm (12 years ago)Oh my gosh that sounds so nice! I’ve heard of the brownie in a mug but with coconut it sounds amazing! Can’t wait to try it out!
May 10, 2013 at 6:42 am (12 years ago)As someone who recently got bugged by a trainer at my gym… “You know, she says… you do a lot of cardio but you’ll never keep it off if you don’t strength train… I’m just sayin'” I totally hear you that everyone has their own thing. As much as we are all alike, we are also all different. Even what works for me does not always work for my husband. It’s frustrating to always be seeking and trying to lose weight and be healthy when the corporate food machine is seemingly so against you.
OK, enough negativity. 🙂 I recently “quit” bread and grains to focus more on unprocessed whole foods (and some cheese, can’t seem to quit that one). I am looking forward to trying this recipe as it is cakey without the flour.
Thanks also, in the comments for the idea of almond flour in case I can’t find coconut flour anywhere.
For anyone interested in calorie counting (I have to because I have a HUGE appetite and lose site of portion control when left unchecked) I worked it out and each serving of the cake alone looks like about 237 calories. I think I might top with banana … mmmm
Julia Barzizza
May 10, 2013 at 9:14 pm (12 years ago)Hey Catherine!! I’m so happy your back! I kept checking back in on your blog every now and then hoping you’d be back and fully recovered from your foot monsters.
I really want to get a tee shirt but you’re out of stock! Let me know when you get a size small!
Cheers 🙂
May 13, 2013 at 1:24 am (12 years ago)this sounds great!! to bad I don’t own a microwave! could I make this in an oven?
November 14, 2013 at 10:30 am (11 years ago)I was excited to try this. It turned out very dry. I researched and found the exact recipe but with 2 T. of pastured butter added. I will try it that way next time.
February 14, 2014 at 2:37 pm (11 years ago)This was so yummy!! Topped it with almond butter and raspberries. Not dry at all 🙂
February 27, 2014 at 1:20 pm (11 years ago)Well I think you’re whole take on Crossfit was extremely rude. Crossfit isn’t a cult and it isn’t any more “cult” like than any other exercise program. People who lift weights- love to lift weights; people who do Zumba- love to do Zumba; people who swim, love to swim… Do you see my point? It’s not different than a runner posting “wow ran 9 miles today!” and a Crossfitter posting “PRed and cleaned X lbs today!”
Just because you don’t think it’s for you makes doesn’t make it cult-y. On top of that, if you step foot into a box and someone makes you feel guilty for eating whole wheat than you’re at the wrong box. I can assure you that 98% of Crossfitters are nonjudgemental, down to earth people that just happen to love lifting heavy weights.
While I’m here I might as well say that Crossfit didn’t “adapt this new diet; Paleo.” A Paleo type diet has been around from the beginning of time – hence the whole idea of eating like cavemen? For anyone who thinks that Paleo is a brand new way of eating is clearly missing the bigger picture of what Paleo is.
End Rant.
The mug cake was good though.
Lisa Branam
March 10, 2014 at 6:32 pm (11 years ago)This recipe was terribly dry. I added a second egg and it was much butter.
April 4, 2015 at 11:20 am (10 years ago)I was going to comment the same thing Lisa. I was thinking maybe some baking soda to lighten it up.
Ashley Sue
April 5, 2014 at 1:13 pm (11 years ago)Alicia, she didn’t say that Crossfitters “adapted” or “created” the Paleo diet. She said they adopted the diet. And like everything about Crossfit, they make it special. Exclusive seeming. And two years before Crossfit became the newest hot trendy workout of the day, nearly no one had heard of “Paleo”, and fewer were eating it. Now it seems like everyone who’s doing Crossfit is blogging, Tumblring, and Instagramming their every Paleo meal, which is fine, but to a lot of people, it (reasonably) comes across as culty… exclusive cool-kids only lifestyle. Being offended by anything she said – particularly because she was SO nice and very explanatory as to why she feels like she does – is a waste of your time… and you’re welcome to waste your time as you choose. I just figured you should think through that.
And another thing I disagree on… I actually didn’t like it. The cake was crazy dry. I saw another commenter with that issue who added another egg… so I did that, and it was a fine consistency then… but I think I’ll keep trying new recipes.
This blog is AWESOME, though. Catherine, is it? Keep it up. Seriously awesome blog.
April 8, 2014 at 6:52 pm (11 years ago)This was sooo terrible. I followed the directions but it tastes pretty much just like flour. No sweetness factor at all, I even added choc chips and yuck!!
September 1, 2014 at 5:10 am (11 years ago)Hi Catherine,
I just found your blog tonight and am looking forward to reading more, trying more recipes, and… I found that though I am old enough to be your mother, we have some things in common (but minus the Hello Kitty thing! Maybe because I raised four awesome, wonderful young men, we never got into anything to do with Hello Kitty… hmmmmm, can’t imagine why!)
We DO have a huge bunny family that lives in our front yard in all the Oregon Grape, Ferns, and Salal plants. One of them literally comes out on to the lawn and lays on its back in the sun. Just sleeping away flat on its back. Since we live in a place full of wild life, which includes bears, coyotes and cougars, I don’t think this bunny has the greatest survival instincts, but he/she is SO cute to watch. There is a huge group of babies this year, and watching them run around and chase each other is very entertaining. I thought you would like that, seeing as how you said you like bunnies so much.
Before I forget, I posted a comment for someone letting them know where they could get coconut flour…and I accidentally posted it twice b/c it didn’t look like it went through. Sorry about that. It was to Melody, and hopefully you’ll catch that.
I really like the idea of using Paleo as a starting place, but not as a hard core dogma. I basically fed our family that way anyway, i.e., there weren’t packaged goodies around, there was no soda available and other little kids who ate here didn’t have a clue what eating salads or fresh vegetables was about. My sons are all adults and all of them have an excellent attitude toward food. I have always tried to keep foods as close to the way that they were found in nature, but I have never been obsessed with a given eating plan. One of our boys was very thin growing up and his best friend wasn’t. Our son wanted to have more weight on him, so he’d BEG me to feed him the way his friend’s mom cooked…Costco everything. Mac & Cheese, hot dogs and soda was dinner and Oreos and Ice Cream was dessert (as an example). That was never gonna happen for him here and it disturbed him that I didn’t care that he was skinny!! Interestingly, he grew up to be a Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute graduate, and by the time he was 22 years old he was the Sou Chef at a “tre chic” restaurant in a gorgeous town that is a vacation destination for people from around the world. It makes me laugh to even think of him eating Mac & Cheese now. Not from a box! He may choose to make home made pasta and put several kinds of locally made cheeses on it. So, it all turned out. And as for being thin, he still is, and he’s 6’3″ and found out quite by accident that his long legs, long strong hands & fingers, and his lack of any excess body fat makes him the perfect person for serious rock climbing. I shared that because you were really great in this article about not being “cultic” about there only being one way to exercise, and not feeling like you can sit with the “cool kids” (I can’t remember if you said that , or if someone else did) if you don’t Cross Train. That was pretty funny!
Okay… down to business. I tried the coconut mug cake. I followed your instructions exactly, and since you were so excited about it I was SURE it was going to be AMAZEBALLS good! It turned out SO dry that I didn’t know quite what to do. If I make it again I think I would increase the honey and add some coconut oil. What do you think? I did see several other people comment on it being dry. I am sure that you did not put that recipe up with the idea that it would be dry, and there were other people that said it turned out great.
I did try a vanilla one last night, and it did call for a TBSP of coconut oil. Yep, the calories went up on that one, but it was really moist and delish. I love cocoa big time, and I usually have cocoa nibs in my pantry and would love throwing those in this recipe. Since I am not the only one who had this result, I am just wondering what happened between you eating it and loving it to some of us trying it and having it be SO dry. I took a bite and I had to run for a glass of water quickly because I was trying to swallow and it wasn’t going down. I can tell that you’ve put a LOT of effort into your blog and I doubt very much that you had this difficulty. One of the other things the vanilla one I tried did was instruct people to put their microwaves on 80% power. I am going to do a few experiments with it, but if you have some ideas- PLEASE, I’d love to hear from you. BTW- I only put mine in the microwave for 90 seconds. What is confusing is that there are people who are saying it turn out great, and people like me who were really surprised that it was too dry to eat. I did something that wasn’t exactly matching up with my reasons for trying it out , and I melted some butter to put on it. Kind of felt guilty, but I didn’t want to throw it out. (Great excuse, Debbie!)
I would love to hear your thoughts, and I will definitely be looking through your other recipes.
To the people who are being pretty disrespectful with comments such as , “Ughhhhh I LOATHE crossfit people.”, I was very encouraged by the attitude Catherine stated in her comments. I don’t want to hear a lot of negative comments about things like that. And, I don’t Crossfit, or Cross Train, or whatever, so it’s not personal for me. I just really would love a very upbeat and supportive place that we can come to and get encouragement to attain health goals. That should be something everyone can agree upon. Come on, gals! I think there is a lot that we can all learn from one another, and Catherine has clearly done a LOT of work to put together a really great, encouraging web site and blog. That is what I am looking for as a person who is overweight for the first time in my life. It was horrifying as I watched it all happen in three months. If anything, I am going to look at more people with some compassion. When you are born with great genetics and have never had to worry about an excess pound… oh that’s right… after my fourth child was born and I was past the baby weight excuse, I had FIVE UGLY HORRID POUNDS to lose. That is how unaware I have been about weight gain and how awful it is. Those are my thoughts….and since my doctor is encouraging me to really go for it in terms of using things like coconut flour, and really paying attention to carbs, fats, and eating food as close to the way it come from nature, I am hoping this will be a fun and encouraging place to do those things.
Okay… enough for tonight! Wow. I went on a typing binge.
Looking forward to perusing this site more, and getting some great ideas from you.
November 8, 2014 at 9:30 am (10 years ago)I have been very sick, and was craving sweet but not willing to bake something big. This little dessert was like a warm hug! Very moist and flavorful for only taking 3 or so minutes. I made a few modifications, including using 1 teaspoon of maple syrup instead of honey (I prefer the flavor), using a flax egg instead of a chicken egg to reduce calories, a pinch of baking powder to help it rise and some leftover fresh pumpkin puree for extra sweetness.
The little swipe of peanut butter is a must. Thanks for sharing.