
Tropical Quinoa Smoothie

Happy Friday!

Last night I made another batch of Mediterranean Lentils and refrigerated them overnight for a quick pre-made lunch for my busy day today, and it was sooo good cold! It tasted like a completely different dish. I’m never a huge fan of refrigerated leftovers or meals, they just never taste the same to me… but this one was perfect.

This morning a threw a smoothie together with what I had on hand in the refrigerator and freezer and it turned out pretty good! I had some leftover cooked quinoa that needed to be eaten, along with some miscellaneous frozen fruit, so into the blender it went. I have been loving putting cooked quinoa in my smoothies (a nice break from rolled oats) because it gives a slightly nutty flavor and is also a complete protein. With the addition of some milk and coconut, a filling tropical morning smoothie was born!

Tropical Quinoa Smoothie

Serves 1

1 cup milk of your choice
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 cup mango
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
2 Tbsp shredded coconut
1/2 tsp vanilla

Precook and chill quinoa. Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender and blend thoroughly. Enjoy chilled.
Note: If your blender is not very powerful, blend the milk and quinoa first until it is completely smooth and then add the other ingredients.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: pineapple and mango
Whole Grain: quinoa
Protein: milk
Plant Based Fat: coconut

Mediterranean Lentils

Today started off with a magical phone call from the Apple store telling me that my computer was ready to be picked up! After arriving at the apple store, they told me that my baby got some brand new shiny parts: logic board, track pad, wifi antennas, right fan, rubber foot, and 2 new screws. I was so pumped and ready to take my little lappy home until the dreaded word dun dun dun…”unfortunately” came out of the employee’s mouth. He said, “Unfortunately we were not able to replace your battery because that is not considered a repair, but a new purchase and installation, so we’re going to have to do that in the store.” He told me that they are usually able to replace batteries in MacBook Pros during Genius Bar appointments but due to an overbooking of appointments that were then running 45 minutes behind, they could not replace my battery at that time and had to keep it overnight. Boooooo! So off went my computer in a bright white apple box… Hopefully we will be re-reunited tomorrow morning!

Yesterday, an amazing RFFMBT reader, Tamiko completed the Skinny Bunny Cleanse with a total loss of 7 lbs! Tamiko also shared her awesome one day meal plan for her first day post cleanse so I thought you guys might like to see what she’s whipping up in her kitchen! Thank you so much for sharing your success and meals with me and the RFFMBT community Tamiko, you are so inspiring! Don’t forget to join the RFFMBT Facebook community for more updates and discussions like this!

If you are interested in doing the Skinny Bunny Cleanse and have any questions, make sure to read through the comments on the post to see if your question has already been answered. There are tons of comments from readers regarding questions and their success stories after the 5 day cleanse!


Produce: 1 Apple
Whole Grain: 1 Slice of Toasted Whole Grain Bread
Protein: 1 Cup of Soy Milk
Plant Based Fat: 1 Tbsp. Almond Butter

Produce: 1 Cup Peas and 1 Cup Carrots
Whole Grain: ½ Cup Cooked Whole Grain Couscous
Protein: 3oz Chicken Breast
Plan Based Fat: 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil

Produce: 1 Cup Broccoli and 1 Cup Asparagus
Whole Grain: ½ Cup Cooked Brown Rice
Protein: 3oz Salmon
Plant Based Fat: 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil

Produce: 1 banana
Whole Grain: ¼ cups rolled oats + ½ cup water
Protein: 1 Cup Soy Milk
Plant Based Fat: 1 Tbsp. Almond Butter

I have found that the serving sizes and combinations listed on my blog in the Rabbit Food Pyramid work perfectly for me. Everyone is different and not every day or workout is the same, so it could take some tweaking to find the perfect amount of food is for your body. Since I am maintaining, I do add in some extra fruit throughout the day if I am hungry and usually incorporate a post workout protein shake if I exercise that day. The pyramid is meant to be a guide to build healthy balanced meals to lose weight, and can be adapted for your individual needs, so if this is not enough food for your body/exercise level, or you are now maintaining, you can add another small meal or up your protein to fit your needs!

Earlier this week I posted a photograph on Instagram of a nutrition label for a round of “NAME THAT FOOD!” After tons of great guesses, a RFFMBT reader was able to identify that the label belonged to a bag of dry lentils! You guys had tons of great questions about lentils and I got a few requests for a lentil recipe, so here it is: vegan Mediterranean Lentils!

Let’s get to know these little legumes know as Lentils!

  • High in fiber with an average of 10-15g per serving.
  • Helps to regulate blood sugar by providing steady, slow-burning energy and balancing blood sugar levels from the high amount of fiber.
  • Loaded with iron, making them an excellent choice for vegetarians, vegans, and people who don’t eat red meat.
  • The protein in lentils makes up 26% of its overall calories, which makes them an outstanding source of protein for vegans.

Mediterranean Lentils

Serves 1

1/2 cup cooked lentils (you may use dry or canned)
1/2 cup cooke whole-wheat couscous
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup tomato
1/2 cup onion
1/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth
10 pitted kalamata olives
1 Tsp  balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp minced garlic
lemon juice to taste

Cook the lentils to package instructions (usually 1:4 lentil water ratio). Cook couscous to package instructions (in only water – no butter if suggested). Chop the onion and tomato. Mix the vegetable broth and garlic and pour into a pan over medium high heat. Cook the onion and spinach in the vegetable broth. Once the spinach has wilted, add the tomatoes to the pan (to avoid overcooking). Rinse the lentils once they have finished cooking, and combine one half cup lentils with the cooked vegetables. Add balsamic vinegar and chopped pitted olives to the lentil mixture and finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to taste. Place the couscous on a plate and top with the lentil mixture.
Note: If you use canned lentils, rinse and strain lentils, and cook in the pan with the vegetables to heat them.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: spinach, tomato, onion
Whole Grain: whole wheat couscous
Protein: lentils
Plant Based Fat: olives

Cherry Chia Jam

Happy Toast Tuesday!
I decided to change things up a weeee bit for this week’s Toast Tuesday by posting a toast related recipe! This recipe if from one of my favorite blogs: Eating Bird Food! Brittany has some really fantastic healthy recipes and she is basically a chia genius. She is super creative with her recipes & ingredients and gives the term “bird food” a whole need meaning!

Brittany’s Easy Chia Seed Jam used strawberries, but since I am allergic to berries (with the exception of raspberries), I decided to go for cherries. It can be really tricky to find yummy jams and jellies other than orange marmalade and grape, so once I saw Brittany’s super simple recipe I was pumped to make my own! You will not believe how easy this recipe is. Only three steps stand between you and some fresh homemade jam! It is so delish, you could actually enjoy this jam as a vegan Jello-O snack which counts as 1 serving of fruit, and one serving of plant based fat!

Cherry Chia Jam

Makes about 1 cup of jam

1 cup black cherries (I used frozen pitted)
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp water

Defrost the cherries under warm water until thawed and remove pits if necessary. Place the cherries and 1 Tbsp of water in a blender and pulse until cherries are mashed, but not completely pureéd. Transfer the mashed cherries to a jar and stir in the chia seeds. Refrigerate for about 60 minutes until chia seeds expand and turn the content into a thick jam.

Raw Brownie Bites + Natural Delights Medjool Dates Giveaway

A few weeks ago, I was sent a a 12 pound package from Bard Valley Natural Delights Medjool Dates! Inside this delightful box (no pun intended) was a combination of twelve packages of delicious Medjool Dates and Date Rolls from Bard Valley! Natural delights sent me some of their amazing Date Rolls, which included 3 different flavors: almond, pistachio, and coconut. I had never tried date rolls before, but they are pretty addicting! Coconut was my favorite, so much sweet chewy goodness in one bite! Along with a generous amount of date rolls, they also sent me some whole Medjool dates which were fantastic. I go through tons of dates in my kitchen because I love using them in place of refined sugar for baked goods & desserts, and love nibbling on them when I am craving something sweet.

I saw this quote on the Natural Delights website and had to share it with you guys! It’s perfect haha
“Once the fruit of kings. Now the king of fruits. The mighty, majestic Medjool.”

“Known as the “Fruit of the Kings,” caramel-like Natural Delights Medjool Dates are considered the best-tasting, most luscious dates in the world. In addition to being a good source of fiber, they contain no added sugar, are high in antioxidants and offer important vitamins and minerals including Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Calcium, Iron and Vitamin K.” -Natural Delights

Natural Delights also sent me some excellent information explaining why Bard Valley Natural Delights Medjool Dates are a nutritional powerhouse!

  • They are naturally sweet Medjool dates are naturally sweet and contain no added sugar, making them an ideal alternative to artificial and processed sweeteners.
  • They help protect against cancer Medjool dates are filled with polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help protect the body against the oxidation and inflammation of cells that can lead to cancer. Medjool dates contain more antioxidants than blackberries, plums and apples.
  • They help stabilize blood sugar levels Medjool dates rate low to low/medium on the Glycemic Index (GI). A low-GI carb diet keeps glucose and insulin levels stable, helping maintain sustained energy and a healthy weight.
  • They make you feel fuller for longer Medjool dates are loaded with dietary fiber. Just one-quarter cup of Medjools provides 12 percent of the daily requirement of fiber and helps satisfy between-meal cravings.
  • They can reenergize Rich in potassium, manganese and other important minerals, Medjools help balance blood sodium levels and release energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  • They are a healthy snack Medjool dates are a no-fat and no-cholesterol treat, making them ideal for snacking.
  • They help fight against “bad” cholesterol Medjool dates help lower LDL cholesterol levels, which decreases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
  • They can ease labor and deliveries in pregnant women A study in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology indicated that pregnant women who consumed six Medjool dates for four weeks prior to their estimated delivery date had easier labors with fewer complications.
  • They help lower blood pressure Medjool dates are also dense in copper, Vitamin B6, niacin, calcium, iron and Vitamin K, making it the perfect addition to the DASH diet, which is proven to lower blood pressure.
  • They have a long shelf life Medjool dates have a shelf life of 30 days when stored at room temperature – making them ideal for travel and enjoying at work, home or play.

With an abundance of fresh dates, I knew it was time for a new dessert recipe! Mmmm my fav! This is an adaptation of my favorite Vegan Chef, Chef AJ’s Raw Brownies!

Raw Brownie Bites
Makes 12 servings

1 cup pitted Medjool dates
1/2 cup unsalted sunflower seeds
1/2 cup walnuts
3 Tbsp raw cacao powder (or 4 Tbsp cocoa powder)
1/2 tbsp pure vanilla extract

Blend the sunflower seeds and walnuts in a food processor or high powered blender until finely ground but not a nut butter consistency. Add the cacao powder and vanilla extract and blend again until mixed evenly. Remove pits from dates. Add the the dates and process until a dough like mixture is formed. You should be able to sculpt the dough without crumbling. Using a 1 Tbsp measuring spoon, scoop the dough and roll into 12 balls. Keep in the refrigerator for 1 week or freezer for up to 1 month. Enjoy!

If you’re looking for a post workout snack or a healthy dessert, turn your Raw Brownie Bites into a Brownie Batter Milkshake with this super simple recipe: 

Brownie Batter Milkshake


2 Raw Brownie Bites
1 frozen banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice)

Combine almond milk, banana, and 2 Raw Brownie Bites in a blender and blend until smooth.

In collaboration with Bard Valley Natural Delights Medjool Dates, I am hosting a giveaway! One lucky RFFMBT winner will receive: 3 packages of Fresh Medjool Dates, 3 packages of Almond Date Rolls, 3 packages of Pistachio Date Rolls, and 3 packages of Coconut Date Rolls!

For your chance to win:
  • Leave a comment on this post “Raw Brownie Bites + Natural Delights Medjool Dates Giveaway” saying what you would do with your Medjool dates!
  • All entries must use a valid email address.
  • Open to U.S. residents only.
  • All comments must be posted by Thursday, July 19th at 11:59pm (PST).
  • 1 winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday, July 20th.

I have complied a list of some RFFMBT recipes that also include Medjool Dates:

Raw Bites
Chocolate Chip Chickpea Cookies
Chickpea Cookie Dough Dip
Healthy Vegan Banana Bread
Black Bean and Spinach Brownies

Hail To the Kale Salad Dressing

For more information about Bard Valley Natural Delights™ Medjool Dates visit their website and Facebook!

* The giveaway has ended, and the winner will be announced on Friday, July 20.
** Congratulations to the winner: Kristi E. from CO.

Cashew Ginger Rice Bowl

First things first: This is my 100th post on Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth! I cannot even believe it! Seriously? I have 100 recipes & healthy tips on my very own blog?! WOW! I really cannot believe how much my blog has grown and what it is turning into. I cannot thank my readers enough for visiting my blog every day. I love you little bunnies and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for the future of RFFMBT!

Second: Congratulations to my Physique 57 Giveaway winner Sam B! I cannot wait to hear how your complimentary class goes!

Third: Do you ever crave a certain type of food? America, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, etc.?
One of my favorite types of cuisine is Chinese, but sometimes it’s hard to find something tasty without all of the added oil and super salty elements. Ordering steamed veggies isn’t always the most exciting dish…

Today I have a healthy Vegan Chinese inspired lunch/dinner recipe for you! This brilliant bowl is filled with colorful veggies and plant protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours.

 Cashew Ginger Rice Bowl
 Serves 1

1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup shelled edamame
1/2 cup bell pepper
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup celery
1/2 cup spinach
1/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth (I use Pacific)
2 Tbsp chopped cashews
1 tsp low sodium soy sauce or tamari
1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger

Cook brown rice to package instructions. In a separate bowl, whisk the vegetable broth, soy sauce, and ginger together and place in a pan over medium heat. Chop the bell pepper, onion, celery, and add into the pan along with the spinach. Cook the vegetables until they absorb most of the cooking liquid and become tender. Add in the unshelled edamame and stir until cooked. Add the cooked brown rice and gently mix into the vegetables. Top with chopped cashews. Serve hot.
Note: You could serve the veggies and cashews on top of the bed of rice or mixed in, whatever you prefer.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: bell pepper, onion, celery, spinach
Whole Grain: brown rice
Protein: edamame
Plant Based Fat: cashews

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