Ryan + United Luv

Today is a very special day. Ryan’s birthday!

My first day of Design class at FIDM, I walked into the computer lab to see this tall dark and handsome angel that I would soon call my best friend. Every day I looked forward to my 8am class because I got to sit next to Ryan, my favorite goofball. Since day one, I was dubbed “Catherine Cardelooooochi-gucci-hoochi” and the name never went away! Ryan lived down the street from me in downtown LA so we spent pretty much every day together during and after class. A likely day for Ryan and Catherine would consist of design, draw, Lakers, Kings, and eat. PIZZA. Tons of pizza! My other best friend in LA, Shelby started FIDM the very next semester and of course was given the beautiful name “SHOOOOBZ” by Ryan. The three of us became inseparable as we decided to plan our schedules together and get all of the same “GD” graphic design classes. My thoughts on school changed from my memories of being made fun of in high school to being upset when classes were cancelled because I wouldn’t get to see Ryan and Shoobz. There is nothing that compared to being in school with my two loves every single day!

Every day with Ryan was like a box office hit comedy. I don’t think there was a time that I didn’t laugh when I was with him. He was a natural comedian that would turn your worst day around into your most memorable. My favorite memories of Ryan were the countless Lakers games we went to together. We both shared a passion (probably better described as; obsession) for the Lakers. We could both list the entire active roster in under 10 seconds, and when we mentioned Kobe, you knew we weren’t talking about beef. We went to SO many games together. It was our happy place!

Ryan and Catherine United Luv
While on a ski trip in Colorado in December of 2011, Ryan told me the news that he was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma. Leave it to Ryan to be in great spirits and joke about the c word. Like I said before, he could take any situation and turn it into something either hilarious or amazing. Ryan is hands down THE MOST positive and optimistic person I have ever met. His spirits were always high as he continued to fight his battle with Synovial Sarcoma for over a year. Having spent a great deal of time in hospitals and cancer treatment centers, Ryan quickly learned that there were limited options to pass the time. Since a laptop was too bulky, his parents Sheldon and Vicki bought him an iPad so he could use Skype and Facebook to stay connected with his friends and family. Ryan wanted to provide other patients going through treatment with iPads to serve as a distraction to what was going on around them, and with the collaboration of Ryan’s graphic design talent and his brother Dallas’ business skills, United Luv was born.

United Luv logo

United LuvDallas (left) and Ryan (right)!

United Luv’s first mission is to provide iPads and tablets to the Oncology floors in the Medical community in his hometown. In order to put the United Luv Project into action, Ryan and Dallas decided to give 10% of the proceeds back to the medical community. Ryan designed the United Luv logo and shirts himself, and the first batch arrived in January. At this time, Ryan who was on oxygen and in a wheelchair got to try on his first United Luv shirt.

The Billings Gazette

Amazing article about United Luv in The Billings Gazette! How adorable is the Eaton family?!

Since February, United Luv has already donated 9 iPads to Billings Clinic and 9 to St. Vincent’s. Both hospitals in Montana (where Ryan is from) were generous enough to match their donation for a total of 36 iPads, which are going into the hands of patients! Such an incredible gift just in time for Ryan’s birthday!

United Luv  St. Vincent Healthcare - Billings, Montana

Dallas presenting 9 iPads from United Luv to  St. Vincent Healthcare – Billings, Montana!

United Luv  St. Vincent Healthcare - Billings, Montana

St. Vincent Healthcare in Billings, MT decided to match United Luv’s donation bring a total of 18 iPads into the hands of patients!


United Luv  St. Vincent Healthcare - Billings, MontanaiPad donated by United Luv displaying Ryan’s design in the background!

In honor of Ryan’s birthday, let’s spread the Luv!
To celebrate his birthday, 100% of proceeds from sales today are going directly to purchase iPads for patients to use.

It would mean the world to me if you would support this cause by ordering a shirt from Ryan and Dallas’ company United Luv.

Even if you don’t have the budget for a shirt today, please please please spread the word about United Luv to your friends and give them a shout out on Facebook or Instagram! The power of social media is unmatched! #1ThousandLikesForRyansBirthday

This is a cause that is truly dear to my heart, so even if you could take a couple of seconds out of your day to like their Facebook page it would be very special and appreciated.

For each RFFMBT reader that purchases a United Luv shirt, I will personally send you a note and special recipe that will not be posted on the blog! After you purchase a shirt, leave a comment on this post using the same email as your purchase (will not be shown to the public) and I will contact you for your address!

Katie United Luv

Ryan’s beautiful fiancé Katie! The kindest most selfless girl I have ever met. She is such a strong incredible woman. Truly empowering and inspiring!

Happy birthday Ryan, your dream is coming true!
I love you forever and always!

Coconut Mug Cake

Ohhh my gosh, I am so excited to share this recipe with you! On Tuesday, I went to a Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Group social and came home with the BEST recipe! My fellow sister, Carter (sorority sister for those of you who may be confused) told me all about her new healthy dessert creation, and I was all over it! Only 6 ingredients and takes 2 minutes to make, what’s not to love?! Carter has a Tumblr with tons of delish healthy recipes so make sure visit choisis la joie!

Choisis la joie

Coconut Mug Cake
When I asked her how she came up with the recipe, she explained, “I am not Paleo, because I love cheese and sourdough bread too much, but Paleo recipes are a great place to start, because they are focused on veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins. This makes it so that overall, the foods I make for myself are healthier and more nutritious. Then I can indulge without guilt when I’m out for happy hour or food-truck day!” I love her philosophy on using Paleo guidelines as a starting point or base for her recipes. It’s a great way to explore different healthy foods and experiment with new recipes!

I like to emphasize that all types of foodies are welcome here whether you are vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, candy lover, paleo, gluten-free or if you follow Weight Watchers, or a low carb diet like Atkins. I want my blog to be a place where anyone can come to find inspiration and motivation to try new healthy recipes. There is no foodie judgement here! Plus most of my recipes can be easily adjusted to fit your dietary needs.

I do however want to talk about the pressure to follow a certain “diet.”
My most requested recipe adjustments are usually to make meals gluten-free, but recently I have been asked about Paleo options. I don’t follow the Paleo diet, but I love the way that Carter explained it! It makes Paleo seem less cult-like and more approachable! If you are an avid healthy living blog reader, you probably know what I mean by “cult-like” haha but if not, let me explain. CrossFit has recently turned into a phenomenon. Not only for fitness, but for it’s own “language” (box, WOD, AMRAP, etc.) and even adopting it’s own diet; Paleo. It seems like any blogger that I follow (or even Facebook friend) that goes to CrossFit, gets sucked into this crazy CrossFit cult! Suddenly they give up their vegetarian lifestyle to become full-blown carnivores and LIVE to plaster their new weight lifting PR all over the internet. It seems more like people are quick to jump into the Paleo world for the trendy CrossFit reasons than for their health. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I’m proud of all of my friends who do CrossFit. I know it’s something that I A) would never enjoy B) would probably suck at, and C) would most likely get hurt doing, so props to the CrossFitters in the world! But why has CrossFit gone from a trendy new exercise to intimidating hardcore lifestyle? Honestly, I would be so scared to set foot into a “box” because I wouldn’t be able to lift more than 10 lbs, would feel guilty that I ate whole-wheat, and think that Fran is my instructor, not my workout! As you can tell, CrossFit is probably not for me, but it’s a great match for so many others! Long story short, I like Carter’s approach for creating healthy recipes by starting with paleo guidelines. To me, that’s how special diets should be used. You shouldn’t feel obligated or pressured into eating a certain way to sit at the cool table haha. Not every diet or lifestyle works for everyone, and most of the time it takes a little while to find out what works for you and makes you feel your best. I don’t want anyone to think that because I eat a certain way, that they have to as well I also want everyone to know that no matter what their diet is, they are very welcome here and I respect their choices. The important thing is to eat clean whole foods as much as possible and have a healthy balance and relationship with food. Healthy eating should be fun, not intimidating!

choisis la joieAlso love that Carter made my DIY Workout Shirt before meeting me or knowing that this was my blog! So awesome!

Coconut Mug CakeI had some very curious kitchen assistants today. Elin (Labrador Retriever) & Teddy (Corgi) had tons of fun as the cleanup crew.

Coconut Mug Cake

Coconut Mug CakeSince this recipe requires a heaping tablespoon, I thought I would show you what that looks like. If you are unsure of anything in my recipes, always feel free to ask! I had no idea what a heaping or scant Tbsp was a while ago haha yay for learning new things!

Coconut Mug CakeThe batter before microwaving.

Coconut Mug CakeCoconut mug cake cooked!

Coconut Mug CakeMy favorite way to eat it, with one tablespoon of all-natural peanut butter!

Coconut Mug Cake
Serves 1

1 heaping Tbsp coconut flour
1 heaping Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp almond milk (or coconut)
1/2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 egg

Combine all all ingredients together in a microwave safe mug and mix well. Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes until cooked.
Carter’s notes: Enjoy with a big dollop of peanut butter if you’re as obsessed with the pb/choc mix as I am! You can also add some dark chocolate chips in the cake for a little extra flavor.

Disney Magic of Healthy Living

I hope everyone is having a magical week!
Congratulations to the winner of my BeckleyByMelissa Scarf Giveaway: Celina!

Yesterdays delayed Monday Motivation: “To change your body, you must change your mind.”

Ahhh Disneyland. The worlds biggest human trap operated by a mouse!
A magical land of discovery, dreams, and really unhealthy food!
I’m quite spoiled, living only a short drive from the Disneyland resort in California. My best friends and I all have annual passes and love going as much as we can, even if it’s just for one ride a fireworks. See, I told you. Very spoiled living so close… I LOVE Disneyland. I’m a total kid at heart and am in awe of it’s magic every time I go. One small problem I’ve always had with Disneyland is that it’s not so easy to eat healthy there.

A quick flashback story: When I was trying to lose weight, I never wanted to go to disneyland with my friends. I basically cut one of my favorite things to do out of my life because I had a fear of the sugary fatty temptations that were at the park. I thought that if I went to Disneyland, I wouldn’t be strong enough to avoid the temptation and go on a crazy sugar binge of churros and Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Sandwiches and gain 20 lbs overnight. We all know that isn’t true… but at the time, my disordered mind told me that it would happen. So ya, you read that right. I was basically scared of Disneyland! Who is scared of Disneyland? Speaking of wanting to stay “healthy” and only eat “healthy foods” I should’ve known how unhealthy I actually was at that point. After I was able to get back on my feet and recover from my eating disorder, I started going to Disneyland with friends again. I was in a much better place where I didn’t fear food or the house of mouse, and allowed myself to have fun and enjoy a churro. It’s all about balance!

RFFMBT DisneylandToning my arms on the Teacups! haha just kidding!


For a company who promotes the “Disney Magic of Healthy living,” there are not many healthy options for us at Disneyland. Or at least not advertised around the park! I did some super detective work to find the best options to stay healthy while having fun at Disneyland. Call me Catherine: Mouse Detective! During my exploration at Disneyland for healthier foods, I discovered some excellent options!

Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.” – Walt Disney
Enter Tomorrowland: bringing inspiration, ingenuity, and ideas of building a better tomorrow.

Did you know that Tomorrowland is home of the only all-healthy-food cart at Disneyland, CA?
The Tomorrowland Fruit Cart is the only cart that strictly sells healthy foods. You won’t find any tempting chips or sodas at this cart! Just 100% healthy, wholesome foods to nourish your body during a long day at the happiest place on earth. Here’s what the Tomorrowland Fruit Cart has to offer!

Red and green apples, bananas, oranges, sliced pineapple, sliced mango, grapes, apple slices, strawberries & blueberries, pickles, veggie sticks with ranch dip, Sabra Hummus & Pretzel Pods, Disney Freeze Dried Fuji Apple Crisps, OceanSpray Craisins, and OceanSpray Craisin Trail Mix! They also sell Vitamin Water Zero, Powerade Zero, Honest Tea, Smart Water, and Dasani.

Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Did you know that all of the plants in Tomorrowland are edible?
The visionary landscaping doubles as a potential farm, projecting an ecologically astute future, where humanity makes the most of its resources. It’s a great big beautiful tomorrow, in Tomorrowland! I absolutely love this idea of an agrifuture. I never noticed the gorgeous display of veggies until now.Look how gorg that red kale & rainbow chard is? Umm inspiration for my future house’s landscaping! I would take a kale bouquet over flowers any day!
* I wouldn’t recommend eating the Kale landscaping at Disneyland! haha

Disney Magic of Healthy Living
Disney Magic of Healthy Living
At Frontierland in Disneyland, CA there is a pretty good Mexican restaurant by Thunder Mountain called Rancho de Zocalo. The restaurant has different stations for tacos, burritos, and tostadas. There is a great vegetarian option for tacos called Soft Tacos Monterrey which contains two tacos with sautéed vegetables, rice, and beans in a flour tortilla along with a side of spanish rice and beans, guacamole, salsa and shredded lettuce. This huge plate of deliciousness is $10 (annual pass discounts available here, score!)
*You can make these tacos vegan by requesting no cheese and no sour cream.

My order: Soft Tacos Monterey without cheese or sour cream.
* This meal is big enough to split with someone!

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: sautéed vegetables
Whole Grain: flour tortillas & rice (two servings of grains, but very filling)
Protein: beans
Plant Based Fat: oil that the veggies are sautéed in

Soft Tacos Monterey
I’ve also found a pretty healthy vegetarian option at California Adventure. The Lucky Fortune Cookery in the Pacific Wharf area at Disney’s California Adventure Park has a variety of Asian Rice Bowls with your choice of protein and sauce over sautéed Asian vegetables and steamed rice for about $9 (annual pass discounts available here too, wooo!).
*All of the sauces are vegan except for the Thai Coconut Curry sauce!

My order: Asian Rice Bowl with tofu and sautéed veggies and some teriyaki sauce on the side.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: sautéed vegetables
Whole Grain: rice
Protein: tofu
Plant Based Fat: avocado (guacamole), and oil (that the veggies are sautéed in)

Asian rice bowl
With a little bit of faith trust, and pixie dust, you can stay on track with your healthy eating while visiting Disneyland! Balance is key. Healthy produce for snacks all day, a well balanced meal, and a little something special like a churro to indulge in!

RFFMBT DisneylandWith my main squeezes Boo & Kitty a.k.a. Sully!

Health & Happiness xo

Bunny Babes of the Month: Melissa & Kelsie from Beckley

Happy May everybunny!
I am so honored to be a guest on the Beckley Blog today!
Head on over to BeckleyBlog.com to read my Interview with the Beckley girls!

Today marks my very first Bunny Babe of the Month interview!
Meet Melissa Richardson Akkaway & Kelsie Hayes, the beauties behind BeckleybyMelissa and Beckley Boutique in Los Angeles and Las Vegas!

BeckleyByMelissa has been seen on celebrities such as: Alexis Bledel, Selena Gomez, Jessica Alba, Zoe Saldana, Jenna Dewan, Selma Blair, Busy Phillips, and Emmy Rossum!

These two are always on the go whether it be Fashion Week in NY, managing production in LA, or traveling around the world to find inspiration for their next collection. Find out how these two power women stay healthy and ultra chic with their busy schedules!


Beckley By Melissa

Melissa Richareson-Kelsie Hayes-Beckley-Bunny Babes-Interview

+ Tell us about yourself

MRA: I am a mom, wife and the owner of Beckley Boutiques in LA and LV as well as the owner for BeckleybyMelissa, which is much more than just a private label line for our stores. Its truly a lifestyle contemporary brand specializing in stylish silhouettes, quality fabrics and custom designed prints every girl wants to own to elevate her cool girl persona.
KH: I live and work in NYC as BeckleybyMelissa’s senior designer. Each season Melissa and I conceptualize what story our “girl” is telling and I turn our concepts into a full 50 piece collection that we sell in our stores as well as wholesale out to other boutiques across the country. Aside from BBM, I work with Melissa on the creative side of the Beckley Brand. With Melissa in LA and myself in New York, we both get to travel coast to coast and get the best of both worlds!

+ Style Icon

MRA: Depends on my mood but I typically channel Sarah Jessica Parker, Zooey Deschanel, and Miranda Kerr.
KH: Lately I’ve loved following the model-off-duty looks from Cara Delevingne and Karlie Kloss. They have access to the best fashion that money can’t even buy- and it’s interesting to see the twist they put on it. Olivia Wilde can do no wrong in my book and I’ve loved her style dating all the way back to the OC days.

+ Favorite BeckleybyMelissa Item

MRA: Its hard to choose but am currently obsessing over our caramel color leather leggings and beetle print blouses.
KH: Sleeveless Athletic Anorak is my favorite because it’s the most wearable. You can wear it so many different ways whether its with denim and the matching skirt. I’ve found myself wearing it leaving yoga and with leather leggings at night. It’s so versatile.
Beckley By Melissa Pieces

+ How many times per month are you traveling for BBM?

MRA: 1 time per month sometimes upwards of 3 during busy times.
KH: 1-3 times as well depending on how busy we are. If we have a lot going on I like to spend at least 2 weeks in LA to accomplish everything at once!

+ Favorite place you have visited

MRA: In the US I would say Post Ranch Inn in Carmel, CA. For beaches, it would be Costa Rica and major city would have to be Paris.
KH: I absolutely love London and could see myself living there eventually.

+ Favorite travel snacks

MRA: Pistachios and water. I am currently writing this from the plane and happen to have both next to me.
KH: As much as I travel, I am still an unorganized hot mess. I’m usually throwing a granola bar in my bag, but if I forget I go for the protein box from Starbucks, or a fruit bowl from another cafe in the airport.
travel snacks

+ How do you stay healthy while traveling around the globe?

MRA: I drink lots of water almost double I drink at home. I also try to take a run when I land or the next day. It allows me to kick the jet lag as well as get a quick overview of the city I am visiting.
KH: The key for me is to keep up with my vitamins and stay hydrated. If I’m going to LA I try to get one full night of 12 hours of sleep once I get there because chances are I’m totally sleep deprived.

+ Favorite hotel room/travel/vacation workout

MRA: I love doing yoga in my room. A few down dogs, sun salutations and stretching is an easy quick way to get your body moving especially after a long flight. Plus its great for your mind to relax.
KH: I’ve been doing this squat challenge (day 25!!). It helps for me to do challenges like that because it keeps me motivated no matter where I am.

+ Ideal workout outfit

MRA: I am a big fan of Lululemon. Its on trend in color and fit plus wears well. I have some items that are well over 5 years old and still in great condition.
KH: I was a volleyball player and cheerleader most of my life- so I love spandex and always will.

+ Best stylish gym bag

MRA: I tend to carry a lot of big bags so I would say my large Goyard carry all tote is a great day bag for me to throw in my work out gear and iPod.
KH: My shark bag from Little Tokyo in LA.
Goyard Tote & Shark Bag

+ Motivation to stay in shape
MRA: I have worked out for as long as I can remember.Its just a part of my life like taking a shower or brushing my teeth. I really enjoy working out as it provides me with a way to get out my stress and decompress mentally.
KH: I live in New York, surrounded by models. Enough motivation for me. On a serious note, as hard as it is to fit a workout in- I know it will energize me the rest of the day.

+ Favorite natural beauty remedy

MRA: I occasionally get an in home facial and my facialist mixes me a face mask after each treatment that is thermal so when it is applied to the face it heats up. Its my go to when I need a beauty fix while traveling.
KH: Oribe Hair Treatments once a month are my favorite.

+ Quick easy healthy recipe

MRA: I am a big smoothie person. I like to use non flavored protein powder, flax seed oil, ice, handful of frozen spinach, tablespoon of peanut butter, one banana and water. It is a healthy and tasty on the go snack/drink for me.
KH: Super mom Melissa is putting me to shame here. If I need to make something quick I usually just do a hard boiled egg.

+ Favorite skinny cocktail

MRA: I love a citrus vodka and soda with a lime. Its refreshing but definitely relaxes me.
KH: Vodka soda + 2 limes.

+ How do you maintain balance between your job and healthy lifestyle?

MRA: I make myself take a break from my phone and computer when I get home so I can spend quality time with my husband and son. It allows us to play, talk, make dinner and just be out of touch for a while.
KH: My job is definitely a huge part of my life because I love what I do so much. I am away from my family so I make sure to talk to my mom and sister once a day either in the morning or at night. I am slowly learning to turn my phone on silent while I sleep- but we work with so many people across the world so I have to stay connected! Basically, I am only 23 and I am still working out a healthy balance between work, social life, and rest.

+ Best advice for a busy fashionista

MRA: Fashion and trends are always changing so stay true to yourself and your lifestyle and make choices that work for you!
KH: Try to establish what your “uniform” is- and invest in it. If you like how you feel in a certain look- it makes it easier to get dressed if you stick to it and change it up with accessories!!

+ Embarrassing workout story

MRA: I ran track in college at Georgetown and I was running an extremely tiring cross country race and peed my pants. It was terrible but my team mates were super supportive and we laughed it off later. Sometimes your body just has enough!
KH: I went into a wrong class at yogaworks one day- and ended up being in a super advanced class. I figured this out when I was in a backbend for 5 minutes. I stuck it out but it was definitely not easy to keep up!


Selma Blair, Busy Phillips, Melissa Richardson Akkaway, Jenna Dewan and Emmy Rossum
From left: Selma Blair, Busy Phillips, Melissa Richardson Akkaway, Jenna Dewan and Emmy Rossum

Veronika Borchers, Melissa Akkaway, Alexis Bledel, Kelsie HayesFrom left: Veronika Borchers, Melissa Akkaway, Alexis Bledel, and Kelsie Hayes.

+ Where to find Melissa & Kelsie
Melissa’s Instagram:
Kelsie’s Instagram:
Beckley Blog:

+Beckley By Melissa
Website: BeckleyByMelissa.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/BeckleyByMelissa

+Beckley Boutique
Facebook: Facebook.com/BeckleyBoutique
Twitter: @Beckley Boutique
Instagram: @BeckleyBoutique
Beckley Blog: BeckleyBlog.com

Melissa and Kelsie love you little bunnies so much that they are giving away a BeckleybyMelissa Spring 2013 Signature Beetle Print Scarf from Beckley Boutique so you can go to yoga class in style! Tie it around your chic gym bag or throw it on after leaving a workout class as you head to lunch with this adorable spring bug scarf!
Kelsie designed the print herself!

BeckleybyMelissa Beetle Print Scarf
For your chance to win (you can earn up to 2 entries!!!):

  1. Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite travel snack or travel workout.
  2. Earn another entry by tweeting “ Enter the #giveaway hosted by @EatRabbitFood for a chance to #win a #BeckleybyMelissa #scarf from @BeckleyBoutique! http://bit.ly/101RVNv ”
    – Complete your Twitter entry by leaving a separate comment on this post with a link to your tweet.
  • That means you can earn up to 2 entries: comment on this post, follow on Instagram, follow on Facebook, follow on Twitter, and  tweet!
  • All entries must use a valid email address.
  • Contest open to U.S. residents only (I’m sorry international bunnies!)
  • All entries must be posted by Sunday, May 5 at 11:59pm (PST).
  • winner will be announced on Monday, May 6.

Good Luck! xo

* The giveaway has ended, and the winner will be announced on Monday, May 6.
** Congratulations to the winner: Celina!

Personal Pan Pizza

You read that right. Personal Pan Pizza. P³ for short.
If you want to get really tricky… Perfectly Portioned Personal Pan Pizza! P⁵
Healthy, simple, no baking required, personal sized, delicious.

Mhmmm, no baking and waiting for your pizza!
This baby is made on the stove top in about 5 minutes!

Personal Pan Pizza
Personal Pan Pizza
Personal Pan Pizza

Personal Pan Pizza
Serves 1

¼ cup whole-wheat flour
1 egg white
2 Tbsp almond milk
2 Tbsp tomato sauce
2 Tbsp reduced fat shredded mozzarella cheese
½ tsp oregano
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper

Combine whole-wheat flour, egg white, almond milk, oregano, salt, and pepper and mix well. Spray a small nonstick pan over medium heat. Pour the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Cook over medium heat for about two minutes, or until the bottom is firm and the top has solidified. Spread with tomato sauce and top with cheese. Cover with lid and cook for about 3 more minutes until cheese has melted. Transfer to a plate, slice, and enjoy!

For a vegan option: You can use egg replacer to the equivalent of one egg white and vegan cheese such as Daiya.

The past week has been a whirlwind! I surprised my friend Jocelyn (the bride-to-be) in Iowa for her bridal shower and bachelorette! Updates on all of my travels coming soon!

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