4 Days of Juice Down!
I got my new juicer today and it is AMAZING! I ordered the Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain from Amazon and it came overnight!
It has so much power it can juice whole apples and citrus! I even did a test and ran the pulp through again and no juice came out because the pulp was dry! This is the real deal! I am so glad I invested in a nice juicer, because I am definitely getting my money’s worth, and I will save so much on fruits & veggies now!

Emotions: I was really busy responding to emails and phone calls all day today, and spent a lot of time working on my DIY Fashion Friday project for you guys. I did just fine with all of my juices, and didn’t have time to think about wanting food to chew on. The juices were actually quite convenient for my busy day while I worked. I have to say that juice is getting kind of boring though. I miss cooking my rabbit food! Plus tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo and I’m going to miss out on all of the yummy tacos and guac! Wahhh! To break the cleanse or not to break the cleanse?

Hunger: Kept busy and made it through the day just fine. I started to get intense cravings for something sweet after dinner, so I brewed a hot cup of tea and started reading my new book to distract myself.

Green Machine:
makes 3 servings

3 green apples
15 carrots
15 leafs dinosaur kale
3 cup spinach (packed)
1 cucumber
23 stalk celery
15 sprigs Italian parsley

Lean ‘N’ Green
makes 3 servings

1 head romaine
2 green apples
8 dinosaur kale leaves
6 stalks celery
1 large cucumber
8 carrots
1 lemon

Juice Critique:
Green Machine: This is one of the original juices I made on my first day of juicing and I have come back to it a few times.

Lean ‘N’ Green: I really enjoyed this juice yesterday, but thought it could use some apple to sweeten it up a but, so I added 2 apples today.

11 Comments on Juice Challenge: Day 4

  1. Heather
    May 6, 2012 at 7:04 am (13 years ago)

    How well does it juice greens? I have a Jack Lalanne & I feel like it doesn’t juice greens very well! So, I’ve been thinking of getting a new one.

    • Catherine
      May 6, 2012 at 11:24 am (13 years ago)

      The Breville is awesome! It takes green likes a pro! I usually roll up parsley, spinach, act and put them in-between big pieced of apple to make sure they go through. I was using my friend’s “Bella” juicer for a few days and we had to run the pulp through twice to actually get all of the juice, it was very time consuming. The Breville was the best investment I have made for a while! Amazon has a certified remanufactured Breville from the company for only $99 right now!

  2. barbara
    May 20, 2012 at 4:01 am (13 years ago)

    Juiceman works good for everything I’ve juiced so far. One of the better cheaper juicers. 59.00 at Walmart. I’ve had mine for 3 months. Carrots n apples n spinach r my favorite so far. Like to add fresh pineapple also.

    • Catherine
      May 20, 2012 at 8:52 am (13 years ago)

      That’s an awesome price for a juicer! Thank you for sharing 🙂
      I definitely agree, carrot apple combos are the best!

  3. Xela
    May 30, 2012 at 4:29 am (13 years ago)

    Hey Catherine!
    Just wondering did you make your juice’s the night before? How long did they keep for? You’ve really inspired me btw 🙂

    • Catherine
      May 30, 2012 at 10:26 pm (13 years ago)

      Hi Xela!
      I made all of my juices the night before or morning of so that I was all set for the day. I found it easier to have all of my juices prepares so that I had no excuse to go eat something else for a quick fix. Fresh juices tend to lose their nutrients quickly, so make sure that you are storing them properly to maintain their nutrients!

  4. Chanelle
    June 29, 2012 at 10:41 am (13 years ago)

    your blog is by far the most inspiring and encouraging blog I have stumbled upon! I have been struggling with my weigh for about 5 years, it has caused alot of self image issues.
    Anyways I have been wanting to actually succeed with a juice cleanse. what is the best way to store the juice so to keep the nutrients?
    I have read alot suggesting you only juice right before you drink it, but that is impossible for me since I am gone all day at work. So i don’t juice:(

    • Catherine
      June 29, 2012 at 11:13 am (13 years ago)

      Hi Chanelle! Thank you so much for the kind words, you have no idea how much it means to me 🙂

      “The biggest concern for keeping juices fresh is oxidation. During the juicing process, fruits and vegetables are broken open and their enzymes and other nutrients are released from the fiber. When the juice is exposed to air it gives up an electron to the oxygen in the air, thus oxidizing the juice and making it less nutritionally stable. If you can reduce the amount of time the juice is exposed to the air and seal it up quickly you have a better chance of keeping the nutrients intact.”

      Try storing your juice in a mason jar to the very top – like it is about to pour over (to prevent oxidation of the juice), seal it tight and store in the refrigerator right away!

      I hope this helps!

  5. Chanelle
    June 29, 2012 at 3:41 pm (13 years ago)

    Yes thank you sooo much!!!!

  6. Bridget
    November 16, 2012 at 9:26 am (12 years ago)

    I just wanted to let me know that you inspire me! I am starting a 5 day juicing cleanse and I am using a lot of recipes from your blog. I am wondering about the green machine that you posted here. It seems like everything is in quantities of 3x the amount in your original recipe with the exception of the celery. It jumps from 3 to 23 stocks. Is this a typo? I made the recipe here (with 23 stocks of celery) and it made enough juice for a whole day and it tastes A LOT like celery. Anyway, just wondering.


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