Hi everybunny!
I hope you guys are having a great week so far!
I wanted to start by saying THANK YOU for your support with my last post. There are so many times that I struggle with body image and/or eating and just want to crawl into my bed and lock myself in my room because I’m ashamed, upset, and flat-out sad… but time and time again you guys have shown me that I am most definitely not alone, and have nothing to be embarrassed about. Your comments were so empowering and I appreciate your vulnerability and honesty. You are all so strong and seriously beautiful writers! I love you guys so much. My readers make me so incredibly happy each and every day. Expect a giveaway this week, to show my love and appreciation!
So I just found out this week that my “advertise” contact form has not been working. Ahhhh! This is the WORST! I apologize to anyone who has messaged me in the past few weeks and not gotten a response. I feel so unprofessional and cannot even imagine how rude people must think I am. I am working with my web host to get my contact form working again. In the meantime, if you have a professional inquiry please email me at:
I also wanted to say sorry for being MIA last week! I was in Texas for a wedding and then in Arizona visiting my friends at Natural Delights and judged the recipe contest at the 2nd Annual Yuma Medjool Date Festival! There will definitely be some new Medjool date recipes coming up and possibly a giveaway for you guys!
Finally, here is the recipe I promised!
Sorry for the delay : ( and thank you for your patience!

Don’t you hate seeing food or nutrients go to waste?
Although most of us use juice pulp for compost or unfortunately throw it away… many people don’t realize that they are leaving behind all of the great fiber that the fruits’ and veggies’ skins contain.
Fiber serves a very important role in our diet. When eating whole fruits and vegetables, the natural fiber helps to slow down the process in which the body breaks down and releases sugar, which prevents blood sugar from spiking and crashing. Fiber can also help you feel fuller longer and keeps your digestive system running smoothly and efficiently.
Bottom line, there is value in this often-neglected pulp!
Next time you make a juice, think twice before tossing the pulp!
It’s easy to transfer your fibrous juice pulp into hearty and delicious Juice Pulp Crackers.
I love slathering hummus on my Juice Pulp Crackers!

Juice Pulp Crackers
Makes about 25-30 crackers
2 cups juice pulp
1/2 cup ground flax meal
1 tsp sea salt
2 tsp thyme (I used dried)
1 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup water
*Make sure that all inedible seeds and skin are removed from produce before juicing if you intend to use the pulp for crackers!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Slowly add water until the mixture is well combined but still sticky (The amount of water may vary based on how watery your pulp is). Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the mixture out very thinly (you want this as thin and even as possible). You will want this to be as thin as possible or your crackers may turn out bready versus crunchy. Bake for 30-40 minutes until crispy. Remove from oven and cut into 1.5 inch squares.
Note: Like kale chips, these don’t store very well, so they are best to eat the same day they are made!
Dehydrating: If you have a dehydrator you can spread the mixture evenly onto a teflex or “fruit leather” dehydrator sheet. Set dehydrator to 115 and for 5-6 hours, flip the cracker over, and dehydrate for an additional 4-5 hours until crunchy.
The pulp for these crackers was from my Glowing Green Juice so I thought that thyme, salt, and pepper was a great addition, but feel free to experiment with different spices and seasonings! Cayenne would give a ice kick to your crackers!