Sunny Side Up Avocado Toast

Happy Toast Tuesday!

So I’ve seeing this “sunny side up egg in a bell pepper mold” idea floating around Pinterest for quite some time now, and finally decided to give it a try. THIS IS AWESOME! Whenever I try to make sunny side up eggs, the whites end up spreading all over the pan and burning before the yolk can even begin to heat up! My sunny side up egg problems have now been solved with the addition of a veggie. So simple and amazing!

Sunny Side Up Avocado Toast
Serves 1

1 slice whole-grain bread
1/4 avocado
1 egg
1 slice 1/2in thick bell pepper ring
pepper to taste (optional)

Slice the bell pepper into 1/2 inch rings. Lightly coat a pan in nonstick cooking spray and place over low heat. Place bell pepper ring into he pan. Crack egg in the middle of the bell pepper ring. Cover and cook over low heat until done. If you would like to keep the yolk runny, cook over low heat until only the whites are done. While the egg is cooking, toast the bread, spread with fresh avocado. Once egg is finished cooking, transfer from the pan with a spatula and place it on top of the toast. Add pepper to taste desired.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: bell pepper (but not enough to be one serving)
Whole Grain: toast
Protein: egg
Plant Based Fat: avocado

Cherry Almond Green Tea Smoothie Bowl

Hello lovelies!

If you follow RFFMBT on Twitter or Facebook you know that I always post a “Motivation Monday” quote to get the week started off right! I realized that I have never posted my Motivation Monday quotes on my blog, so today… that will change! I love starting my week feeling strong, positive, and optimistic and sometimes all you need are some motivating words to make it happen.

Motivation Monday: “Transformation is not a future event, it’s a present activity” -Jillian Michaels

Today started off with a scrumptious smoothie bowl and a dysfunctional computer! I took my computer into the Apple Store for a Genius Bar appointment in hopes of solving my wifi issue. My computer has not been able to detect, pickup, or stay connected to wifi for the past couple of weeks and it’s been super annoying. I’ve actually had to plug my computer straight into the ethernet cord! How old school… haha So anyways, my computer ended up having all sorts of problems, so I said bye bye to my computer while it goes to the Apple spa for 3-5 days! AHHHH! Bear with me as I attempt to post from my iPad, and public library computers while my lappy is away on vacation! I will try to continue posting everyday, but if I am slow or go MIA, this is why (hence the late post)! Cross your fingers my computer is only gone 3 days versus 5!

Enough depressing talk about my beloved laptop and back to that scrumptious smoothie bowl! Today’s smoothie was so thick that it turned into an awesome smoothie bowl. I’m one of those people that could not live on juice because I would miss chewing too much. I love a good smoothie, but I can drink those babies in under 30 seconds and then start scavenging the pantry for something to “eat.” If you just read that last sentence and said “me too,” I have a solution for you! Smoothies are an excellent way to combine fresh nutritious foods with little prep time and zero cooking, but they can often disappear just as fast leaving you wanting more. Most smoothies are a meal within themselves, so they should leave you feeling full and satisfied. I have found a simple way to slow down my smoothie drinking pace by eating them out of a bowl with a spoon. I find that I eat slower, I can really enjoy and experience the flavor and texture of the food while allowing my body to feel full. To make sure that I slow down and enjoy my smoothie bowls, sometimes I add some RFFMBT approved healthy topping!

Allgood Provisions sent me some yummy samples of their Sundried Organic Utah Cherries which I generously topped my smoothie bowl with. I’ve been going cherry crazy lately, so this awesome little resealable pack of dried cherries is just the cherry on top. Ha. Thanks Allgood, I am loving my healthy grab and go snackity snacks! I’m not sure if I am the only one that obsesses over certain foods for certain periods of time, but it has been happening a lot lately (remember the carrot cake?)! I bought a huge bag of cherries, so I’ve been on a cherry kick making as many healthy goodies as possible. Don’t worry, if you’re sick of cherries, I’m almost out! I felt like pairing an unusual ingredient/flavor to todays smoothie for some morning energy: Green Tea!

If you’re not a fan of drinking green tea plain, you can sneak it into your smoothie to make a healthy energizing breakfast with countless health benefits:

Weight Loss: The polyphenol found in green tea increase metabolism by intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.
Energizing: Has a stimulating effect from it’s caffeine content.
Anti aging: Can reduce wrinkles and signs of aging due to it’s rich antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Boosts immunity: T
he antioxidant polyphenol compounds called Catechins have been shown to boost your immune system. 
Anti Carcinogenic: 
Catechins present in green tea neutralize free radicals to reduce the chances of cancer.
Reduces Cholesterol: Reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad.

Cherry Almond Green Tea Smoothie Bowl
Serves 1

6oz plain nonfat Greek yogurt
1 cup frozen pitted cherries
2-3 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp almond butter
1 tsp green tea leafs
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

If you do not have loose leaf tea, open up a tea bag and measure out 1 teaspoon of green tea leafs. Combine the Greek yogurt, cherries, almond butter,  vanilla, and green tea in the blender. Add water 1 tablespoon at a time to get the blender moving. Blend until smooth. Transfer smoothie to a bowl, top with 1 tablespoon of almonds or dried cherries and enjoy with a spoon.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: cherries
Whole Grain: none, add 1/4 cup whole rolled oats if desired
Protein: plain nonfat Greek Yogurt
Plant Based Fat: almond butter

Warning: this is probably not the best idea for after dinner/dessert because of the caffeine from green tea… unless it’s finals week or you are working really really late that night!

Six Minute Sweet Potato Chips

Happy Friday and congratulations to my Natural Delights Medjool Dates Giveaway winner: Kristi E. from CO! Enjoy!

Now lets talk about some hot potatoes!

I have never been a huge fan of potatoes. I don’t know what it is, but I have just never really loved them whether they be baked, mashed, or fried… well that was all true until I discovered sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes are an excellent and nutritious source of carbohydrates, making them one hot item!

  • Unlike other types of potatoes, sweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber totaling up to about 7 grams of fiber per serving
  • They contain a large amount of vitamin B6.
  • Rich in Beta-carotene and potassium which both promote muscle recovery.
  • A great source of Manganese, an important component in the metabolism of carbohydrates which helps support healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Also filled with vitamins C and E, which are  potent antioxidant vitamins that play an important role in disease prevention.

Although I don’t eat baked or mashed sweet potatoes very often, I love making sweet potato chips! Last year my mom bought be this awesome little gadget that she saw in an article in the Los Angeles Times called Topchips! She emailed me with a shipment/tracking number and said “I bought this for you, I hope it isn’t a scam!” haha Love my mom so much! Although this does look like an as seen on TV infomercial item that like most is too good to be true, it’s so amazing! Don’t let the infomercial-ness scare you! I was not paid by Topchips to review this product, but I had to tell you guys how ridiculously awesome it is. If you order from the Topchips website, it comes with the silicon microwavable chip making tray and a mandolin slicer (and random goodies) for only $19.99+ shipping & handling. It is sooo easy to use and you can make so many different chips without fattening oil or any other added ingredients or preservatives. I’ve made tons of different chips such as sweet potato, apple, radish, and beet chips! All you have to do is rinse the produce, slice it using the provided slicer, place the slices onto the Topchips tray and microwave for 3 minutes, flip and microwave for 3 more. Tadaaa, healthy oil free chips! Cooking time does vary depending on your microwave and the type of produce you are using (apple chips take longer), but in a matter of minutes, you will have healthy chips at your fingertips! If you are someone who is short on time, or in a college dorm with only a microwave, this little chip maker could be your new best friend. No waiting for the oven to heat up, no long cooking times, it’s quick and easy. I know that some people are not huge fans of microwaves, so I will also experiment with an oven baked sweet potato chip recipe for you guys if you would like!

Sweet potato chips are great for snacking, parties, or even as a crunchy topping on your salad!

I’ve been so obsessed with the slicer that I use it to slice apples and pears for my oatmeal all the time. I actually got a little carried away with it once and ended up slicing off part of my thumb nail… Yaaa that didn’t go very well! I definitely recommend using the safety produce gripper that it comes with haaha Safe slicing, little bunnies!

Six Minute Sweet Potato Chips
1 sweet potato

Rinse and dry sweet potato. Slice carefully with mandolin slicer. Place sweet potato slices on the Topchips microwavable tray. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Flip chips and microwave for an additional 3 minutes or until crisp.

Question: Have you ever read the ingredients and nutritional value for regular potato or veggie chips?! Some of them aren’t even made of the actual “veggies!” Ahhh!

Cherry Chia Parfait

Sooo I’ve been super obsessed with my Cherry Chia Jam over the past few days. So obsessed that I have been eating it plain as a Jell-o-ish snack after my workout, on my toast, and now in a parfait! Since my one serving of fruit (1 cup of cherries), and one serving of plant based fat (1 Tbsp of chia seeds) have been taken care of, all I needed to complete my breakfast was a serving of whole-grain and protein, so I opted for some oats and plain Greek yogurt! I enjoyed the flavor combination of ripe cherries & tart Greek yogurt and the chewy texture of the oats. It was both refreshing and filling and just what I needed on this hot day! I will definitely be making this more often! Maybe with some mango Chia Jam? I’m sure that will be happening sometime soon!

As I was in the checkout line at Sprout’s Farmers Market the other day, a woman behind me was trying to convince her friend to buy chia seeds and I could’t help but eavesdrop and awkwardly join their conversation with some chia recipes haha She told me that she puts chia seeds in her tea as a tapioca/boba substitute! GENIUS! So happy I talk to strangers in grocery store lines! I need to try that!

I just love those little seeds! Aren’t they so much fun?

Cherry Chia Parfait

Serves 1

1 cup Cherry Chia Jam
1/4 cup rolled oats
6oz plain nonfat Greek yogurt

Prepare the Cherry Chia Jam to original instructions and refrigerate for at least one hour before adding to the parfait. In a glass jar or cup, layer half of the yogurt along the bottom, followed by half of the oats, and half of the Cherry Chia Jam. Repeat until all of your ingredients have been layered in the jar. Enjoy cold.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: cherries (from jam)
Whole Grain: rolled oats
Protein: plain nonfat Greek Yogurt
Plant Based Fat: chia seeds (from jam)

Blueberry Cheesecake Oatmeal

Mmmm oatmeal time! Today’s recipe is for a very filling and scrumptious Blueberry Cheesecake Oatmeal! I am highly allergic to blueberries, so I made this flavor for my sister, and raspberry for myself! Since I don’t get to share very many berry (besides raspberry) recipes with you guys, I wanted to showcase this version for you. Of course you could make any berry flavored Cheesecake Oatmeal of your choosing! A different berry Cheesecake Oatmeal flavor for every day of the week? I think yes!

Blueberry Cheesecake Oatmeal
Serves 1

1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup rolled oats + 1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp oat bran
1/4 cup nonfat cream cheese
2 Tbsp chopped walnuts
1 Tbsp maple syrup or honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

In a pot over medium high heat, bring the water oats, and oat bran to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer. Once most of the liquid has been absorbed, stir in the cream cheese, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, and blueberries. Serve hot.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: blueberries
Whole Grain: rolled oats & oat bran
Protein: nonfat cream cheese
Plant Based Fat: walnuts

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