Since I am not very mobile due to my surgery and my first Q&A went so well, I decided it was the perfect time to do another Q&A! I had so many questions that I decided to break the post into a few different parts, so stay tuned for more questions and answers tomorrow in Part 3! Tomorrow’s Q&A has a bunch of foodie related questions that I get quite often!

Since the Rabbit Food Pyramid lists 4 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack) do you eat your Snack meal as one meal with all 4 servings from each food group together? or separate as 4 small snacks throughout the day?

I usually keep my snack as one mini meal because it’s pretty routine to me now, and it keeps me really full! I have learned through research that by pairing a complex carb with protein, it helps to keep blood sugar levels stable to avoid an insulin spike. This is another reason why I like to eat my produce, whole grain, protein, and plant based fat together. Of course I have had days where I felt really snacky, so I spaced out my “snack” meal. Here is an example of one day of regular meals with the “snack meal” broken up into 3 mini snacks (spaced 2-3 hours apart to keep your metabolism going):

8:00am Breakfast
10:00am Midmorning Snack: apple (produce)
12:30m Lunch
3:00pm Afternoon Snack: one piece of Laughing Cow Light Baby Bell Cheese or Chobani Greek yogurt (protein)
6:00pm Dinner
8:30pm Dessert Snack: Tbsp of peanut butter on whole-wheat toast (plant based fat and whole-grain)

There are so many different theories about food pairing, but I just do what works for me. When it comes down to it, as long as you stay within the “snack” guideline and portions, you should be just fine!

What is your weakness or cheat food?
I LOVE gummy candy. I am a gummy candy-aholic! gummy bears, Swedish fish, cinnamon bears, lifesavers gummies, gummy coke bottles. It’s gummy, I’m obsessed haha. When I do buy candy (not too often), I will open the bag, fill one small Dixie cup (which is about a ¼ cup serving), put the bag away before eating, and then sit down and enjoy my little cup of gummies. This way I don’t have the uncontrollable hand that keeps mindlessly reaching into the bag for more.

Can you recommend any motivating books on health?
1. “The End of Overeating” by Dr. David Kessler,

“Dr. Kessler cracks the code of overeating by explaining how our bodies and minds are changed when we consume foods that contain sugar, fat, and salt. Food manufacturers create products by manipulating these ingredients to stimulate our appetites, setting in motion a cycle of desire and consumption that ends with a nation of overeaters.” –Source

There was an interesting part that really stuck with me: “Sugar itself is not the only reason we’re partial to sweet foods. If nothing else mattered, more of us would just open a packet of sugar and eat it.” He describes how the combination of sugar along with fat and salt is what our bodies start to crave. Interesting huh? Like Dr. Kessler said, when I’m “craving sugar,” it’s not just sugar. I crave something with sugar, fat, and salt like a baked good, or a candy bar, not a packet of sugar. Now I am very aware of it!

2. “Intuitive Eating” by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA

For anyone who has ever struggled with disordered eating or yo-yo dieting, this is an excellent book to help free yourself from food prison. It provides a healthy approach towards food and teaches you how to listen to your body to find the weight you’re meant to be.

In “Intuitive Eating” you will learn:
How to reject diet mentality forever
How our three Eating Personalities define our eating difficulties
How to feel your feelings without using food
How to honor hunger and feel fullness
How to follow the ten principles of Intuitive Eating, step-by-step
How to achieve a new and safe relationship with food and, ultimately, your body –Source

Do you read any health related magazines?
I love Shape, Women’s Health, and Fitness. They are filled with great tips and feature healthy athletic women. Strong is the new skinny!

What is your facial cleansing routine? What do you use?
This is a great question. I actually don’t have the best skin in the world. I’ve struggled with acne and breakouts since my teens and have used all different prescription topical gels from Retin-A to Differin. My skin is super sensitive, so I have found that gentle products work best for me. I also have tons of allergies to certain fruits and berries that are often found in skin care products because of their powerful antioxidants, so I have to be extra careful with scented and “antioxidant rich” products.

Cleanser: I wash my face in the morning and before bed with Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser. It’s mild, but gets all of my makeup off and doesn’t irritate my skin.

Day-time Moisturizer: Aveeno Positively Raident Daily Moisturizer SPF 30. It contains a soy complex to naturally even out skin tone, while the SPF protects against sun damage.

Nighttime Moisturizer: Burt’s Bees Sensitive Daily Moisturizing Cream. It’s hypo-allergenic, fragrance-free, and keeps my skin nice and moisturized without any oily residue. If this product had sunscreen in it, I would use it during the day too!

Stay tuned for Part 3 of my Q&A tomorrow!

Chobani Muffin For One + Giveaway

Motivation Monday: “I don’t sweat, I sparkle!”

Sooo my Q&A did not end up happening on Friday, or even Saturday… but it will be here this week! Trust me, I don’t get my stitches out until August 30th, so there is still plenty of time for me to type away on the couch. There are only so many times that I can see Happy Feet, Kung Fu Panda, and Pirates of the Caribbean on TV. This past weekend turned out to be much busier than I planned. Or maybe it just seemed busier because everything I did ended up taking 10 times as long with my gimpy foot and crutches in tow. My birthday celebrations continued with the arrival of one of my very best friends Kelsie flying in from NY and another birthday dinner with my volunteer group. Amongst the birthday festivities, I still had a few minutes for a healthy baking recipe that is “nothing but good.”

Chobani naturally powered 5 US athletes to the Olympic Games in London 2012, bringing 2 gold medals home for Team Chobani!
I don’t know about you, but I was so happy to see Chobani sponsoring Team USA at this years Olympics. It’s such a refreshing change to see something that athletes most likely consume, compared to unhealthy fast food like McDonald’s being promoted. The more Chobani commercials I saw throughout the games, the less Chobani I saw on the shelves at my local grocer. It looks like their advertising worked, go CHO!

Who said muffins can’t be make for a healthy breakfast? Today I have a recipe for a super moist, fluffy single serving muffin made with Chobani’s new Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Greek Yogurt. This little treat is baked without any oil or butter, making for a light protein filled muffin with healthy ingredients. If you’re anything like me, making one dozen muffins is just dangerous. You no longer have to be afraid of eating one too many muffins, because this is a muffin for one. For someone who always wants “just one more” or someone who lives alone, your problem has been problem solved!

Chobani Muffin For One
Serves 1

4 Tbsp Chobani Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Greek Yogurt
3 Tbsp whole wheat flour
1 Tbsp liquid egg whites
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp or 1 packet of stevia
1/4 tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all ingredients and stir until well mixed. Pour the batter into a cupcake liner in a muffin tin. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes. Enjoy warm out of the oven.
Note: This recipe would also work great with other Chobani flavors such s cherry or blueberry where there are chunks of real fruit!

In collaboration with Chobani, I am hosting a giveaway! One lucky RFFMBT reader will win 6 blended 16oz containers of Chobani Greek yogurt!

For your chance to win:

  • Leave a comment on this post “Chobani Muffin For One + Giveaway” telling me your favorite way to eat Greek yogurt!
  • You can earn another entry by tweeting: “Enter to win 6 @Chobani 16oz Blenders! Hosted by @EatRabbitFood http://bit.ly/SftpUz .”
  • Complete your Twitter entry by leaving a separate comment on this post with a copy of your tweet.
  • You can earn an additional entry by taking a photo of your favorite breakfast on Instagram along with the tag @RabbitFoodForMyBunnyTeeth and hashtag #RFFMBTchobani
  • Complete your Instagram entry by leaving another comment on this post with a link to your Instagram image.
  • That means you can earn up to 3 entries: comment on this post, tweet, and/or Instagram!
  • All entries must use a valid email address.
  • Contest open to U.S. residents only.
  • All entries must be posted by Thursday, August 23 at 11:59pm (PST).
  • The winner will be announced on Friday, August 24.

Here is a list of other RFFMBT recipes that contain Greek yogurt:
Carrot Cake Smoothie
Cinnamon Apple Pie Quinoa Parfait
Honey Wheat Protein Pancakes
Cherry Almond Green Tea Smoothie Bowl
Healthy Beet Cookies
Cherry Chia Parfait
Honey Yogurt Covered Grapes
Protein Popsicles
Individual Protein Cheesecake
Quinoa Grape and Sunflower Seed Parfait

Don’t forget to Follow Chobani on Facebook and Twitter for more Greek yogurt goodness!
Good luck little CHObunnies!

* The giveaway has ended, and the winner will be announced on Friday, August 24.
** Congratulations to the winner: Nicole B.

Birthday Bunny Cupcakes by Sugarlips Cakes

My friend Tammy brought me these beyond adorable homemade bunny and carrot cupcakes for my birthday!

Tammy is the owner of a boutique cake design studio called Sugarlips Cakes which specializes in custom cakes, cupcakes, and small desserts. She makes the most gorgeous edible decorations and flowers that look so realistic! Hop on over to Sugarlips Cakes to see some of Tammy’s creations! Warning: serious cake envy  and drooling may occur. If you know anyone who is in search of the perfect cake or fondant flowers for their wedding cake, she’s your girl!

For more mouth watering cake designs follow Sugarlips Cakes on Facebook & Twitter, and checkout her Etsy shop to buy some sweet decorations!

Thank you for my RFFMBT inspired birthday cupcakes Tammy, you’re the best!!! xo
If you show Tammy some love, maybe she will do a healthy cupcake recipe for us?!

Post Surgery Ouchies

Hello Hello!

The announcement email has officially been sent, congratulations to the winner of my 23rd Birthday Giveaway: Megan J from Oklahoma!
Congratulations Megan, I hope that you enjoy all of your goodies! xo

I cannot believe that there were over 775 entries for my birthday giveaway! You guys are truly amazing and your support is so incredible. Thank you so much for making my birthday so special. I am sitting on the couch with my foot propped up watching Shrek 2 on HBO because there is absolutely nothing on TV! Thank you so much for all of the get well soon comments and tweets! I had my surgery yesterday at 2:30, and the procedure lasted a little over 40 minutes. I came home with 4 stitches and two shiny crutches. I’m stylin’! My foot was numb for most of the day yesterday so I didn’t have any pain, but lots of awkward throbbing (omg I hate that feeling). I woke up this morning with an intense stinging pain.Yikes, I guess I won’t be doing much today… Talking about not doing much, my doctor told me that I could not be on my foot for 2 weeks until I get my stitches out. I was worried about being stationary and not exercising for a couple of weeks, but I have already been proved wrong. Crutches are the new cardio! Oh my, I forgot how exhausting it is to be on crutches. I take so many little things that my legs can do for granted. Getting up to even grab the remote turns into a 3 minute+ workout of hopping, one legged squatting, and balancing. P.S. has anyone attempted stairs with a foot injury? When I got home from the doctor I conquered the stairs on my hands and knees like a total noob. I have 2 weeks to master those bad boys!

Hello from the couch!

I just thought that I would keep you guys posted and let you know that I am working on my Q&A right now and am planning to get it posted later today or tomorrow morning. You guys submitted so many great questions!

My snack of choice at the moment is this awesome NUT-trition Cinnamon Raisin Granola Peanut Butter that Planter’s sent me yesterday. It has an actual crunch to it. Not your basic “crunchy peanut butter” crunch, but a granola crunch. I love it! The idea of cinnamon raisin peanut butter is brilliant, but a little ingredient listed as “hydrogenated vegetable oil” kind of bums me out. I wish that Planter’s would make a more natural salt-free, sugar-free, peanut butter without hydrogenated oil. This is totally inspiring me to make my own cinnamon raisin pb, or even almond butter!

Thanks again for your support! xo

Harvest Grains with Tofu and Veggies

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes everyone!

I has a fabulous day filled with family, friends, and delicious food haha. Great mind think alike, and the theme of my birthday gifts ended up being Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth, and I was adorned with some fancy shmancy new goodies for the blog! My sister got me a photography & lighting kit so I can perfect my foodie photos! I take all of my photos in natural light, which means I have to cook and photograph all of my dishes in daylight to get the right lighting. Now that I have a handy dandy lighting kit, I will be able to take photos even after the sun goes down! I was also given some new blog props from my best friend Lauren. She found the cutest fruit decorated knives and veggie shaped cutting boards for me! With the blog themed gifts still going strong, my parents gave me a set of gorgeous Italian hand painted bunny dishes. I can’t wait to show them off in some future recipe posts! Although Sam is out of town, he managed to surprise me (with the help of Lauren) with an insanely amazing dehydrator and I cannot wait to bust that box open and make some kale chips and healthy treats! Thank you so much to everyone who made my birthday so special!

Since I am having my mini surgery today, I thought I would post a recipe while I am up on my feet moving around. My latest grain addiction (don’t fret, quinoa is still in the mix) is a fabulous Harvest Grain Blend from Trader Joe’s: A savory blend of Israeli style couscous, orzo, baby garbanzo beans and red quinoa.

It’s slightly chewy and rather hearty. Most mixed grain blends look fabulous in the bag, but end up turning into an uncooked and overcooked mess due to a need of completely different cooking times to get the correct texture. This blend is perfectly selected so that each grain cooks within the same amount of time. It’s like magic!

Unfortunately Trader Joe’s in not accessible everywhere, so if you don’t have a chance to try this blend, one half cup of whole wheat couscous, brown rice, or quinoa would still make for a delicious dish! Or you could blend all three of those grains evenly and use a one half cup serving for your own whole grain blend! On second thought, I want to try that! I love the textures of all three of those grains!

Harvest Grains with Tofu and Veggies
Serves 1

1/2 cup cooked Harvest Grains (from Trader Joe’s)
1/2 cup broccoli
1/2 cup cauliflower
1/2 cup green beans
1/2 cup peas
1/5 package of tofu
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2 clove garlic – minced

Cook harvest blend to package instructions (omit butter and extras, only using water). Combine olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic in a pan over medium heat. Add the vegetables and tofu. Cook tofu for about 3 minutes on each side and until vegetables have reached desired tenderness. Serve veggies and tofu side by side with the grains.

The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, peas
Whole Grain: harvest grains blend
Protein: tofu
Plant Based Fat: olive oil

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