It’s time for some new motivational wallpaper!!!
Sorry I totally slacked on last month’s free wallpaper, but this one is worth the wait!

This month’s free downloadable wallpaper: If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you


It’s simple. If something doesn’t challenge you, it will not change you. No matter what you apply this principle to; exercise, weight loss, professional development, conquering of fears, or recovery: it stands the same.

To accomplish a goal, and to experience and feel change within us (be it physically or mentally), the goal must in some way challenge us. We need to step outside our comfort zones to experience magic.

But being uncomfortable is not something we enjoy as humans; hence the phrase “comfort zone.” We rate pleasure much higher than we rate pain. We crave routine. We love things to be somewhat predictable. And we live our days doing most activities by second nature. We do our utmost to avoid discomfort, pain, and challenging situations. What we must remember though, is that what does not kill us will only make us stronger. Challenges, then, should be viewed in a somewhat positive light.

Every single time you open your computer or phone, let this be a reminder that the change you want comes from challenging yourself each and every day!

DL-Wallpaper-if-it-doesnt-challenge-you-it-doesnt-change-you-brushstrokes-blue// click to download // BLUE // IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU (1856 X 1161) // DESKTOP

DL-Wallpaper-if-it-doesnt-challenge-you-it-doesnt-change-you-brushstrokes-pink// click to download // PINK // IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU (1856 X 1161) // DESKTOP

Iphone-Sample-if-it-doesnt-challenge-you-it-doesnt-change-you-brushstrokes// PINK // IPHONE WALLPAPER (1936 X 3000) // IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU



I hope you love the new wallpapers!
Health & Happiness
xo Catherine

Looking for previous Motivational Wallpapers?
Motivational Wallpapers // 01
Motivational Wallpapers // 02