green beans

Back From Hibernation!

Guess who’s back, back again.
Catherine’s back, tell a friend.


I have always told myself that I would be completely honest on my blog, so here it goes… Shortly after my surgeries I got completely overwhelmed with a series of events in my personal life, gained 20 pounds, and as a result I ended up completely relapsing into my eating disorder. But you know what, I’m human, I’m not perfect, and that’s life. We always get through it! During this time dark I felt that it was necessary to remove myself from social media and take some time for myself to get better. It took months of therapy, and it wasn’t easy, but I feel that I am in a much better place now. I’ve always stayed true to my word about practicing what I peach, so there is absolutely no way I could’ve been blogging and giving advice during that time, I wouldn’t have been right. I’m so happy to be more relaxed, healthy, and back blogging! I really appreciate your kind words and positive thoughts throughout my hibernation! You guys are the reason that I have been able to turn my blog into a professional career, and you have no idea how grateful I am for each and every one of you who reads RFFMBT. I’m sorry I didn’t give an update on what was going on sooner, but I didn’t have the strength at that time. The most important things… I’m healthy & RFFMBT is back!

You guys totally made me blush on Saturday when I announced that I was coming out of hibernation! Thank you so much for your hilarious comments, tweets, and hundreds of likes! I was worried I would’ve lost all of my readers after being gone for so long!


Now for the good stuff
Here are some updates from while I was away:

I was finally able to get my thyroid levels regulated with Synthroid.
The tootsies are all healed.
I’m going to a specialist to do further testing for PCOS… rrr
I caught the bouquet at my friend’s wedding in Texas.
My dog turned 11.
I found the best sushi restaurant in CA.
I reunited with old friends.
I ate my weight in Christmas cookies.
I went lawn bowling.
I watched “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead.” Again.
I made two amazing new friends Jacquie and Robyn.
I moved.
I was initiated as a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Beta Xi (UCLA).
I started to like cats.
I realized I’m allergic to everything.
I missed my little bunnies a ton.
I wished upon a shooting star.
I did a lot of cleaning and organizing.
I got unmotivated… and then motivated again!
I watched every episode of Downton Abbey seasons 1 & 2 (no spoilers please!).
I worked on some graphic design jobs.
I laughed a lot, I cried a lot.
I wrote down tons of new recipes to share with you guys.
I was recognized by a reader in public!
I will be making more shirts in the near future.
I found out that you can actually call Hogwarts (781) 452-4077.

And the best news yet: I was asked to speak on a panel at the Produce for Better Health – Consumer Connection Conference in San Francisco! AHHH! SO EXCITED!!!

Don’t even think I forgot what day it is!

“Eat clean
Train Mean
Get Lean
In 2013”

I know how addicting the couch potato lifestyle is (trust me, it happened recently), but a healthy lifestyle can be just as addicting! It’s a new year and it’s time to get healthy together!

Get pumped for new healthy recipes, motivation, support, long rants, giveaways, and fun DIY projects!
Health & Happiness xo

Now it’s time for some rabbit food. Raw green beans and sugar snap peas.
Two of my favorites & the reason my nickname is green bean!
Fresh, crunchy, sweet, and oh so healthy!

Green Beans and Sugar Snap Peas

Green Goddess

My friend Jillian and I used to get lunch after class every week at a cute little café in Pasadena called Little Flower Candy Co. We oohed and aahed for their huge bowl of fresh butter lettuce and crisp veggies. It was always the most absolutely satisfying combination of greenery. Their salad usually came with a creamy dressing, but Jillian would usually substitute it for sherry vinegar, which I quickly became obsessed with. I am a vinegar junkie, I love all flavors! Since I am not in the Pasadena area as often, I decided to try the  Green Goddess on my own.

Green Goddess
Serves 1

½ head butter lettuce
10 green beans
10 sugar snap peas
¼ cup sliced cucumber
1/8 nonfat cup feta cheese
½ hard boiled egg
1 Tbsp sherry/red wine vinegar

Combine the lettuce, green beans, snap peas, and cucumber. Toss sherry vinegar. Top with feta and hard boiled egg.