Chobani LA Dinner

Yesterday I had the honor of attending a Chobani dinner with Amy Keefe (Chobani) and some über awesome LA bloggers! Dinner was held at Hatfield’s in West Hollywood for an evening of nothing but good food and drinks, complete with Chobani-inspired dishes specially prepared by acclaimed chef Quinn Hatfield. I entered the restaurant to see a group of lively bloggers and Amy, the girl behind the Chobani emails! It’s so exciting when you finally get to put a face to the name of someone you have been talking to via email. Amy is hilarious and so much fun to chat with! After dinner, we decided we were long lost soul sisters. I definitely need to make a trip to the Chobani SoHo Yogurt Bar in the big apple and say hi to all of my other email pen pals at Chobani! CHO has the funniest bunch of employees I have ever worked with.

I was so excited to meet some blogger pen pals and new bloggy friends like the adorable Jessica from What Would Jessica Eat?,  Kelly from Foodie Fiasco (um ya, this little powerhouse is a freshman in high school. She is so inspiring and wise beyond her years! Needless to say I am obsessed with her), and Adrianna of A Cozy Kitchen. Adrianna and I found out that we both have tri-colored Corgis and after that… there was tons of squealing, picture showing, and “awwwws” going on until wee hours into the night. Proud corgi mommas. Oh, and I decided that my Corgi Teddy and her Corgi Amelia are dating. It’s love.

Why do I love Chobani so much?
Besides their awesome employees, I love that their yogurt is natural and Greek strained. It’s made with only milk and cultures with the addition of real fruit and cane sugar in flavored options. Some brands market their product as Greek yogurt, but in fact it isn’t true Greek strained yogurt. Be aware that “Greek-Style” yogurt is not the same. Greek-style yogurts contain additives, milk concentrate, and added whey protein to make the yogurt taste and mimic the texture of authentic Greek yogurt.

So what is Greek Yogurt?
The word Greek refers to the straining process which gives the yogurt it’s thick texture and high protein content. True Greek yogurt only contains milk and live & active cultures.

Did you know that Chobani uses 3 pounds of milk for every 1 pound of Chobani Greek Yogurt? Thats where that high protein rich creaminess comes from!

Chobani LA Dinner
#1 Chobani community coordinator Amy Keefe and I! If you love cats & Chobani, you will def love Amy!

Chobani LA Dinner
Finally met one of my favorite healthy living pen pals: personal trainer Bree Bond!
Bree and I have been exchanging tweets for almost a year! You have to checkout her Instagram. She is so inspiring, and girl has a sweet six pack!
I told Bree she needs to start training me haha
Bree’s Instagram & Twitter.

Chobani LA DinnerChobani LA bloggers!

Chobani LA Dinner“It’s time to treat CHOself!”

Chobani LA DinnerFIVE courses of Chobani inspired nom noms! Ohhhh my gosh, checkout that menu!

Chobani LA DinnerAnd of course, the wine pairing. Because Chobani goes all out!

Chobani LA DinnerThe night started with a small crab salad.

Chobani LA DinnerFirst Course: Raw Marinated Kanpachi
Marinated baby radish, herbed Chobani Yogurt, fresh horseradish.

Chobani LA DinnerSecond Course: Butternut Squash Soup
Roasted apple, pancetta, hon shimeji mushrooms, Chobani yogurt crema.
 – took a photo of Amy’s soup to show you guys since I’m allergic and couldn’t have it! –

Chobani LA DinnerModified Second Course: Arugula Salad
Marisa Sheep Cheese and Pecans.
Since I found out the hard way that I am in fact 200% allergic to squash a couple of weeks ago… the sous chef made me a fresh salad! Simple and delicious.

Chobani LA DinnerThird Course: Sous Vide Chicken in Greek Yogurt
Roasted Fennel, Chobani creamy barley, apple salad, whiskey prune smear.
I’m pretty much vegetarian, but I really wanted to give all of the menu items a try. The Creamy Chobani Barley was insanely amazing. I NEED to learn how to make this! Totally inspiring me to make a Chobani Risotto. Or shall I say RiCHOtto!

Chobani LA DinnerFourth Course: Thirty-Six Hour Braised Beef Rib
Smoked Chobani yogurt potatoes.
Once again, I’m not really a meat eater at all, especially red meat, but I’ll try anything once. I like to live life on the edge! haha. The potatoes and roasted broccolini were out of this world. Oh. my. gosh. Absolutely mouthwatering!

Chobani LA DinnerFifth Course: Meyer Lemon and Chobani Yogurt Meringue Tart
Grapefruit confit, mint, huckleberry.
Minus the huckleberry because of my allergy!

Chobani LA DinnerAfter dinner coffee, a must!

Chobani LA DinnerChobani swag bag: Love this bag, upcycled from a burlap coffee bag! Inside the bag was a sweet reusable Chobani water bottle, wooden spoon to get my cookin’ on, Chobani Nike Dry-Fit shirt, and a magnet with conversions for cooking with CHO
Chobani LA DinnerConversions for cooking with Chobani!
Simple swaps to make any meal even healthier! #justaddgood

Aren’t you totally inspired to cook something with Chobani now?
Checkout their awesome recipes and get inspired

Huge thank you to Chobani and Hatfield’s for the amazing dinner!

Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup

Motivation Monday: “Progress not perfection.”

I absolutely love this quote, and it was told to me at the perfect moment. Although visiting Denver was amazing, I did have a small setback with my eating disorder. I’ve learned that sharing these things with others helps me get through it. My eating has been really great recently and I haven’t had the same guilt that usually haunts me, but I did fall back into ED behaviors at one point on my trip. I ended up texting a friend for support and told her what had happened. Her response, “progress not perfection. Just keep moving forward.” From that short text, I felt so content, happy, and proud of myself for recognizing what emotion and feeling caused that small relapse. From that moment forward, I was able to move on and start fresh instead of dwelling on my “slip-up.” I don’t know what I would do without my friends!

Denver was so much fun. I loved seeing my friends and laughing until we cried, and enjoyed the snow and cold weather. Since Southern California basically doesn’t have real seasons, I am rarely in the mood for hot soups in the “winter.” I had to put quotes because winter here isn’t really winter. It was 80 degrees last week. Anyways, I get tons of requests for homemade soup recipes and although winter is coming to an end, I have a recipe for you! The day I arrived in Denver it started snowing and all I wanted for days was fresh tomato soup, so I made my friend Jason (he’s a Chef!) cook up a fresh tomato soup for Erica and I. Jason is a magical wizard in the kitchen. Seriously, no words here. He made soup from scratch in a matter of minutes and it was pure bliss. so. good. so. good. When I got home I was still craving Jason’s Tomato soup, so I thought I would branch out and try making a fresh vegan tomato soup!

The recipe is simple, and the prep time is under 10 minutes! Plus it has all of the creaminess you love without the added heavy whipping cream and sodium.
Have you ever looked at the nutrition label on Campbell’s Tomato Soup? 480 mg of sodium. PER SERVING! Have you noticed that there are 2.5 servings of soup per can? That’s 1,200 mg of sodium in one can, which is near the daily recommended limit of the American Heart Association! Yikes! High intakes of sodium increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, so it’s time to toss the can of condensed soup. Another interesting fact is that food labels can claim a product to be “low sodium” as long as it doesn’t exceed 480 mg of sodium per reference amount. Don’t let the term “low-sodium” fool you! Always read nutrition labels!

So how do we give this soup that flavor that we all love?
Sun-dried tomatoes!

And how do we make this soup thick and creamy?
Hemp seeds!

  • Hemp is a high protein seed.
  • Containing all nine of the essential amino acids.
  • Filled with high amounts of fatty acids and fiber.
  • Contains vitamin E and trace minerals.

Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup
Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup
Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup 
(Serves 4) – by Chef AJ

1 lb Roma tomatoes
2 red bell peppers – seeded
1 garlic clove
6 to 8 fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup whole shelled hemp seeds
2 Tbsp ground sun-dried tomato powder (see note)
1/4 tsp chipotle powder
juice of 1 lemon

Wash and cut tomatoes into halves. Wash and seed the bell peppers and cut into smaller pieces. In a high-powered blender, puree the tomatoes followed by the bell peppers. Next add the garlic, basil, sun-dried tomato powder, lemon juice, and chipotle and blend until smooth. Add the hemp seeds and blend again on full power until creamy. Serve hot.

Note: If you cannot find sun-dried tomato powder, you can easily make your own. Just grind sun-dried tomatoes (not in oil) in a magic bullet or coffee grinder!
Second note: If you have a high-powered blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, the friction of the blades in the blender will heat the soup. Simple turn the blender to it’s highest setting and let it heat for 4-6 minutes. The soup will be steaming when the lid is removed!
Last note: If you do not have a high-powered blender, transfer the finished soup to the stove and heat for a few minutes over medium high heat.

Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup
Fresh Vegan Tomato Soup
Complete your soup with a serving of whole grain crackers! I loveeee dipping crackers in my soup, so I opted for Mary’s Gone Crackers – Herb Crackers.
Why I love Mary’s Gone Crackers: Organic, non-GMO, vegan, d>airy free, wheat free, gluten free, whole grain, kosher, no hydrogenated oils, no trans-fats, and contains 450 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per 1oz serving.

Want to make your own crackers?
Checkout my Quinoa Flax Crackers recipe!

I can’t wait for a little rain in LA this week! I’m fully prepared with fresh tomato soup!

Quick Kale Salad

I just found the best dressing at Wold Foods! You guys know that I am obsessed with Chef AJ’s Hail to the Kale Salad. Well, I found a quick fix for the dressing if you don’t have the ingredients on hand or are short on time. Whole Foods is now making a Health Starts Here: Sesame Ginger Dressing with no oil added. I swear this dressing was created by Chef AJ herself. It is almost spot on to her original recipe and I am soooo excited!

Quick Kale Salad
The Sesame Ginger Dressing is gluten-free and has excellent nutrition stats coming in at only 70 calories, 5g fat, 4g carbs, 2g sugar, and 2g protein per serving (2 tablespoons).
Plus the ingredient list isn’t too bad either:  sesame tahini , pear juice , almonds, tamari, orange juice, rice wine vinegar, ginger puree, chives, and xanthan gum.

To cut down prep time even more, grab a bag of Harvest Sensations pre-washed Organic Kale! There is no excuse for not eating a healthy lunch because this is the absolute easiest thing to prepare. Massage the kale with Sesame Ginger Dressing and store in an airtight container. I love kale salads after they have marinated overnight in the fridge. It really let’s the flavor absorb and makes the kale less tough.

Eating this as I type!
Quick Kale Salad

Quick Kale Salad

Quinoa Granola

Ok granola lovers, today is your day! HEALTHY GRANOLA!
Can I get a woohoo?!

Most store bought granolas are loaded with unnecessary amounts of refined sugar and contain nearly no protein. I’m a granola lover, but it’s hard for me to find a good healthy granola, so today, I made my own! Not going to lie, I burned the first batch because I forgot about the altitude here in Denver! It was totally worth it though, this granola is so delish! It has the perfect amount of crunch and sweetness with the addition of protein from quinoa. Oh ya, it’s also vegan and gluten free! I might add some raisins next time!

Quinoa Granola

Let’s talk about why this granola is so excellent!

Quinoa (keen-wah)
Quinoa is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids.
Twice the fiber over most other grains.
High in iron.
Gluten free.

Fich in monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid.
Excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Contains B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin,thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates.

Great source of manganese.
Improves digestion with dietary fiber.
Contains plant-based healthy saturated fat, monosaturated fat, and Omega-6 fatty acids that promote weight loss and increase HDL or “good” cholesterol levels in the body.

Natural sweetener.
Lower glycemic value than regular refined sugars.

Quinoa GranolaQuinoa Granola
Makes 2 servings

1/4 cup uncooked quinoa
1 Tbsp whole flaxseed or chia seeds
1 Tbsp shredded unsweetened coconut
1 Tbsp agave
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 375 F. Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well. Spray baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Spread the mixture thinly on a baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Once the granola has started to turn a golden brown, remove from oven and let cool (this will let the granola set so you will have different sized pieces). After the granola has cooled for about 5 minutes remove from baking sheet with spatula.

You can portion this granola into halves and eat it as a little mid afternoon pick me up snack, or make it into a filling, protein packed breakfast by combining it with the following:

6oz of plain nonfat Greek yogurt
1/2 banana
1 serving of quinoa granolaQuinoa Granola
Quinoa Granola
Quinoa GranolaThe Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: banana
Whole Grain: quinoa
Protein: greek yogurt
Plant Based Fat: flaxseed and shredded coconut

Girl Scout Cookie Smoothie

Motivation Monday: “Suck it up now and make healthy choices so you don’t have to suck it in later.”

The other day, I was organizing files on my computer and came across this photo. I was speechless to say the least. Although I strongly dislike seeing photos of myself at my heaviest, I cannot hide what I looked like for many years of my life. This is what shaped me and my character, and gave me a completely different outlook and goal in life. I thought I would share this photo as a reminder of all of my accomplishments. Even if I fell off that wagon a few times, I have come such a far way and love my new lifestyle! Take a moment to acknowledge all of your healthy accomplishments, whether it’s taking the stairs instead of elevators, switching from refined grains to whole grains, or hitting a milestone on your weight loss journey. You should be so very proud of yourself. As I always say, all of the little things help you reach your goal!
Before & After

With that being said, it’s time for a healthy version of a not-so healthy favorite! Ahhhh yes. ‘Tis the season of Girl Scout Cookies. It seems as though this year those adorable little ladies have made it even easier to find those scrumptious cookies with their cookie finder iPhone app and “find cookies” locator on their official website. Refrain!
Coookies. why. must. you. be. so. addicting?

I thought I would bring back one of my favorite smoothie recipes to help you guys get through this cookie season sans weight gain! As usual, this one has an extra special ingredient: spinach! A tasty take on the green monster!

Thin Mint Protein Smoothie
Girl Scout Cookie Smoothie: Thin Mint
Serves 1

1 cup frozen spinach (or 2 cups fresh)
1 cup almond milk
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/8 tsp peppermint extract

1 Tbsp walnuts
1 Tbsp 70% dark chocolate chips

Combine the almond milk, spinach, protein powder, rolled oats, and peppermint extract in a high powered blender and blend until smooth. Transfer to a glass and top with walnuts and chocolate chips and enjoy with a spoon!
Note: If your blender has a hard time blending certain things, start by blending the milk and frozen spinach first and then add in the oats, followed by protein powder and peppermint extract.

Thin Mint Protein Smoothie
The Rabbit Food Pyramid Breakdown
Produce: spinach
Whole Grain: rolled oats
Protein: protein powder
Plant Based Fat: walnuts and dark chocolate chips

What healthy accomplishments have you made? Let me know in the comments! xo
Thank you so much for all of your awesome veggie restaurant suggestions for me while I’m here in Denver! I am so excited to try them!

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