Catherine, are you still blogging anymore?
A question I hear frequently, and am FINALLY getting around to answering!

It’s been quite obvious that I haven’t posted on my blog for the past few months, but I’ve definitely kept up with my social social media platforms. When I started my blog, it started out as a passion project. I loved creating healthy recipes and sharing them with the world. I didn’t expect my blog to become a full blown career, but it did and I absolutely loved it… for the most part.


My blog became more about just the recipes, it was then the ups and downs of my weight loss, weight gain, and even struggles with depression and body image issues. I’ve never held anything back and always tried to be transparent and real because I felt as if the blogosphere needed someone who didn’t just share all of the rainbows and gumdrops. Sometimes life isn’t perfect and we go through really crappy times and I wanted my blog to be an outlet for anyone going through something similar to be like “yassss, me tooooo! I’m not alone!”

I loved being able to write a post and say “yesterday, I went bridesmaid dress shopping and I had a complete meltdown. Why are the sizes so off? Are they trying to make us feel extra s#%*!y?” and just have someone else relate and understand. But fast forward 4 years and it’s not really like that anymore. There’s actual commenters who come here to write negative things about how I look, tell me that I’m fat, tell me that I’m ugly, tell me that I’m always looking for sympathy, and that no one should trust my recipes because I’m not a representation of what healthy is. It’s a bummer. I get so many amazing comments from readers who have been here since the very beginning who are so positive and uplifting, but wow… It’s amazing how negative comments outweigh the nice ones. Honestly, I got tired of waking up every morning to check comments only to read paragraphs about how I’ve gained weight and how awful I look. As if I didn’t already know I’ve gained weight or talk about it on my blog? I’ve talked about this very candidly. Some of my readers have also wondered why I have stopped posting on YouTube. Well, YouTube is a whole different animal. Every time I get an email from YouTube that I have a new comment on one of my videos, my heart races and Iactually start to panic and wonder what type of mean comment is going to be posted this time. It’s kind of disgusting the things that people say about my appearance. I’ve never been someone who deletes comments. If you’ve ever commented on my blog and said that you hated my recipe, I definitely approved your comment and responded asking what I could do to change it and make it better, but I’m at the point where I cannot handle the comments about me and my physical appearance. I’m a person on the other end of this computer screen. I’m not a team with a Manager, PR person, Community Manager, etc. It’s just me over here making recipes being a human being! Hi!

I’m not talking writing about this asking for anyone’s sympathy. I’m simply telling you why I have been absent on my blog. I just needed some time away from my blog to realize that I really do love blogging. I miss you guys so much! I miss my readers and your comments, I miss hearing about your progress on your own particular journeys, and I’m so excited to be back! Thank you for all of your patience, support, and kind words while I have been patiently away for a little bit! I just can’t get enough of you guys!


So a little update from while I was away:

  • Unfortunately my beloved Corgi, Teddy passed away two weeks ago on November 7th. He was 14 years old and had terrible arthritis in back and hips. His back legs were completely paralyzed, so he dragged his back legs around to walk. We tried getting him wheels (literally the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) but he didn’t fully understand how to use them. After being on arthritis and pain medicine for over a year, we had to put my beautiful boy down. It was the absolute worst day, and so much harder than I had ever imagined.
  • I did however get a new fur baby in August! An English Bulldog named, Potato. I knew that Teddy wasn’t doing well, so I thought it would be the right time to introduce a new fur family member to the household. He LOVED playing with Teddy, stealing all of his toys, and his fluffy bed! What a little pipsqueak! Having Potato has helped with the healing process of losing Teddy, and I feel very lucky to have him. Matt and I got Potato together, so he spends time at both houses depending on our schedule and if Matt is on tour or if I am at work.
  • Matt and I celebrated our 1 year together.
  • I turned 26 in August.
  • I became the editor of Vans Girls. Instagram // Twitter // Blog
  • I visited Tecate, Mexico, Chicago, IL, Jackson Hole, WY, Yuma, AZ, and Charlotte, NC.
  • Matt and I won two costume contests on Halloween.
  • I visited Matt on Warped Tour.

Matt-and-Potato-Running Matt-and-Potato

So nowwww I feel like it’s time to poll my readers. I’m literally back where I started on the weight loss journey. Sad to say, back at my heaviest weight. Although I don’t feel that I look it… I’m there. I’m thinking of getting back on the wagon 100% and going full force with this whole weight loss thing once again. But in a new way that I haven’t yet done on the blog. See, when I started my blog, I had already lost 80 pounds, and I basically used my blog to show everyone how I did it. I was posting meals that I would eat when I lost weight, and healthy meals that I was currently eating for maintenance as well. But now, I feel like I actually need the support of my bunnies to do this again! So what do you guys think? Do I take a starting point photo, post it, and then post my full day of Rabbit Food meals every day? It sounds scary, but maybe this is what I need to hold myself accountable, and maybe this is what some of you guys need to get back on track too? So many QUESTION MARKS!!!??? In the back of my mind I just know that this will open my blog up to even more criticism from mean people, but at the same time I just need to get over it because this is the internet and there’s just no way around it. And honestly, I really want to get back on track and feel better. And that’s what really matters!

Love you little bunnies and miss you so much!

402 Comments on Cat’s Back!

  1. Joanna O'Neill
    December 2, 2015 at 9:41 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back!! Missed you ❤️

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 9:44 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much Joanna! I missed my readers so much! ❤️

      • Hmmomma11
        December 6, 2015 at 2:35 pm (9 years ago)

        Yes!!!! Please blog your daily meals on your journey!! Can’t wait to follow you and join you in my own journey!!

        • Kimberly Roesler
          December 27, 2015 at 4:27 pm (9 years ago)

          100% agree! I adore you and your blog. I really hope you start it up again and I would love to join you on your journey!

    • Dee
      December 21, 2015 at 2:07 pm (9 years ago)

      Hello Catherine, my name is Dee, and I want to thank you for your website and blogs, because they have truly inspired me, you inspire me. I think that you are very beautiful inside and out from what I tell from your writings, and how you want to educate people on fitness and nutrition, and being up close and personal, and from your pictures, and your videos, I think you look adorable:) I’m sorry for the negative comments you described you received, they are not warranted or deserved. You are only human, and I’m sure I would feel the same if it were me. I check for your updates from time to time, and I’m glad to finally know how you are. My life is similar when it comes to weight loss, I’m on another weight loss journey and I want to win this time, and so far I’m doing ok. I’m making working out a priority, and feeding my body with the right amount of nutrients, and allowing myself to do a cheat day. So your not alone, and I know you will get back to your ideal weight again, don’t give up. I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday, and I hope to read more from you when your able to post more in the future. Thank you for teaching me how to better help myself and to try new things, foods and workouts. God Bless. ps. sorry about your dog, I hope your new one continues to bring you great joy:) and happy 1 year anniversary & happy belated Birthday:)
      very best,

  2. Cassie
    December 2, 2015 at 9:42 pm (9 years ago)

    So happy that you are back and I look forward to seeing your updates. Hang in there! You are an inspiration to many!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 9:45 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much Cassie, that’s so sweet! SO happy to have you as a reader!

  3. Teagan
    December 2, 2015 at 9:48 pm (9 years ago)

    Glad you are back! I’m trying to get back on track myself!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 9:50 pm (9 years ago)

      I know the feeling all too well. We can do this together!

  4. Sara Hardin
    December 2, 2015 at 9:52 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you for your honesty❤️
    I have missed your posts and your inspiring words. I am 15 years older than you, but your journey has inspired me from the first time I read your blog a few years ago. Please keep sharing with us! Much love….

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:00 pm (9 years ago)

      You YOU for your support, Sara. Thank you for inspiring and motivating me to keep blogging! Sometimes I need to here this, because readers like you are the reason why I started this blog and continued on this crazy journey! ❤️

  5. Kelly
    December 2, 2015 at 9:53 pm (9 years ago)

    You are so awesome & brave! I love your blog. The haters are just jealous, ignore them, they suck. You are a real person & they are fake cowards. I miss the delicious recipes & ideas. I’m so excited you are back!!!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:01 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Kelly! I missed my readers so much! It’s so great to hear from you! I’m really excited to share some new recipes!

  6. us
    December 2, 2015 at 9:55 pm (9 years ago)

    Bless u little bunny for hopping on even when things seem dark :-)….your blog has been amazing and I love it ALL!!!! Welcome back!!!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:04 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much. I’m trying to keep on keeping on even when things seem dark, and share that it gets better! Thank you so much for your support, I’m so happy you are here!

  7. Jess
    December 2, 2015 at 9:56 pm (9 years ago)

    I feel your pain! I recently gained a lot of weight and now I’m trying to lose it. Your beautiful inside and out. Don’t let a few trolls take your happiness away.

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:05 pm (9 years ago)

      Me too girl, meet to! We are in the same boat, but we’ve got this! Rabbit Food Pyramid here we come! Thank you so much for your support!

  8. Chanel Diaz
    December 2, 2015 at 10:02 pm (9 years ago)

    Hey chica! You have always been a huge inspiration to me and I have started my journey with my friend Lauren about 6 weeks ago. I know how much of a vicious cycle weightloss, emotional eating, etc can be but I’m here to tell you… YOU CAN DO IT! You’ve done it once, you can do it again 🙂

    Do it for you because in the end you are the only one who matters… you only get one body, one mind, one soul so nourish them in the best way possible!

    Xo, Chanel

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:15 pm (9 years ago)

      I LOVE what you just said, and I totally want to print it out and hang it up somewhere in my house! Thank YOU for inspiring me just now! I’m so proud of you and your friend Lauren for starting your journey! That’s so incredible to hear and what my blog is all about 🙂

  9. Katie
    December 2, 2015 at 10:04 pm (9 years ago)

    So glad you are back!! I missed your blog so much!! You are such an inspiration. Don’t let the jerks get you down. You are awesome!!

    • Katie
      December 2, 2015 at 10:05 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh and so sorry about your dog 🙁 I know how hard that is.

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:14 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks so much, Katie! I really appreciate it! and thank you for the sweet words about Teddy.

  10. Kathryn
    December 2, 2015 at 10:04 pm (9 years ago)

    I love your blog! I have cried at some of your struggles and then have been so proud of you for continually trying to be healthy. I think there needs to be a time in our lives when we really need to love ourselves, heavy or not. Thin people are not always healthy, or pretty people, not always beautiful! People who feel the need to be so negative to others are only trying to make themselves feel better and should totally be ignored. People who have a beautiful spirit about them are truly healthy inside and out, as I feel you are. So concentrate on the goodness in life and leave the ugly behind. You are an inspiration to so many!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:11 pm (9 years ago)

      You’re making me tear up right now, Kathryn (name twin!!)! Body image has been the biggest struggle and source of depression for me ever since I first lost a large amount of weight. I never saw myself the same ever again, and it’s been something that I try to fight so hard in my head — because I know it’s just that… in my head. Thank you for reiterating that we really do need to love ourselves. And thank you so much for your support! I’m so lucky to have you here as a reader!

  11. Tina
    December 2, 2015 at 10:05 pm (9 years ago)

    Yes post your start and blog daily for accountability. We’ll all be in it together!!!!!! You can do it

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:13 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you for the motivation Tina! I think the accountability of posting a starting photo and daily log is what I need! Nerve wracking and scary, but needed!

  12. Sarah
    December 2, 2015 at 10:06 pm (9 years ago)

    It’s so disappointing that people behind the protection of their computers or phones can say such hurtful things. It really is a reflection of them and not you! You are an inspiration to so many and I’m happy you are back!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:26 pm (9 years ago)

      It’s very disappointing, and they sadly get to me every time. Grrrrr. 🙁 Thank you so much for your support and kind words! It means so much to me, Sarah!

  13. typeuno
    December 2, 2015 at 10:07 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine, I stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for inspiration to start my own. I enjoyed reading through your posts and playing catch up, which worked out oh so conveniently well, while you were away. I just want to praise you on your bravery, courage, and determination. There are people all over the states and world who look up to you (myself included). It’s not easy admitting the truths we all want to pretend don’t get to us, I’m having a hard time myself sharing the fact that I’ve began a new fitness/weight-loss journey. Vulnerability is hard in the real world, but the internet?!… That’s a whole different story. People are quick to judge and berate with hate. Just remember that they are only doing this in spite of their own insecurities and unhappiness in their own life. You deserve love and praise for sharing the intimate truth of your absence, as well as your life over the lifespan of this blog. Thank you so very much and I look forward to reading more!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:25 pm (9 years ago)

      You are such an incredible human being. Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I’m so happy that you stumbled upon my blog and that I was able to e-meet you here in the comments! I am petty much speechless and feel so overwhelmed by your support and praise! Thank you so much!

  14. evolvewithmary
    December 2, 2015 at 10:11 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy you’re back and like always I’m so inspired by your bravery and your willingness to share your journey with us, the good the bad and the ugly. ??I’ve been blogging for the last 4 years and I’ve had my own experiences with horrible comments, ?some say I look like man, ?some tell me I’m still fat and to keep going guess I’m not skinny enough yet… Oh isn’t that fun.? It hurts my heart ?to hear anyone being put down especially such an amazingly awesome woman like you. ? I gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, lost weight and now I’m fighting everyday to stay where I am and constantly trying to accept my body and be happy in my skin.?? Weight loss is soooooo hard, its something I know I will battle for the rest of my life.? My only advice to you is to follow your heart, if posting pictures will keep you accountable do it, do whatever you think will keep you honest and on track. So happy you’re back love. I missed you. ? #bewhoyouare

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:38 pm (9 years ago)

      MARY!!!!!! I’ve missed your weekly comments!!! Reading the mean things that nasty trolls have said to you felt as if a knife was stabbed straight into my heart and twisted 180 degrees. OMG that makes me SICK. The nasty things that people say behind their computer screens are a reflection on themselves, not you! But boy does it hurt. When you said “Weight loss is soooooo hard, its something I know I will battle for the rest of my life.” I couldn’t agree more. It hit me a while back that my weight will always be something that I have to work for. But luckily I have amazing readers (like you) who have been there and who are super supportive. I can’t thank you enough for your kind words and for always being so sweet and uplifting!

  15. Catherine
    December 2, 2015 at 10:18 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy you’re back!! I personally would really enjoy seeing how you are working through the weight loss day to day, seeing what you do motivates me. Also, I just really enjoy reading what you have to say because its real. I’m currently going through my own weight loss journey and I trust what you have to say more than anyone who has tried to help me. You know the struggle and don’t make me feel like I should just know what to do, you help me. You help me want to be my best self. Thank you for being you!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:45 pm (9 years ago)

      AWWWWW!!!! Oh my gosh, Catherine (name twin)!!! This is the sweetest comment! I literally said “aww” out loud haha. Thank you so much! Thank you for saying that you trust what I have to say, you have no idea what that means to me. I’m not a doctor, a weight loss professional, a therapist, or anything special. Im just a girl who lost a lot of weight, got obsessed with losing weight, ended up with an eating disorder, got through it, got healthy, maintained weight, gained weight, lost weight, and ahhh gained it all back haha. But I’ve been there. I understand how hard the first couple of days are when you get back on track and start eating healthy, and how strong the cravings are for unhealthy food. I understand the guilt that you feel when you “fall off the wagon” and slip up. I understand what it’s like to be the heaviest person in the spin class, and then… months later help people set up their spin bike and give them tips. I’ve been there and experienced it all. Thank you for trusting me, and for being one of my readers! YOU motivate and inspire ME! I can’t wait to start this new journey!

  16. Chauntelle
    December 2, 2015 at 10:20 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! This post makes me soooo happy. This weekend I realized I was the heaviest I’ve ever been. There were some tears and then a plan to get back on track. I was enjoying life and my Zella sweatpants that I didn’t realize I was getting big. I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and just need to make more mindful choices! I look forward to your updates!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:50 pm (9 years ago)

      Chauntelle, are we secretly twins? Because I wore my Zellas back to my heaviest weight… and I most definitely cried… a lot… and then wrote this post! Those darn pants are so comfy! And I literally thought… oh I’m fine, I still fit my medium Zella pants! Ya right, those things were growing with me! I love hearing that you’re the happiest you’ve ever been. That’s so amazing and makes me so happy! When I started on my weight loss journey, I was in such a happy place, which I think helped a lot, because I actually got excited to lose weight and start making new fancy shmancy meals. You’re going to do great, and we are going to do this together! I need you!

  17. Of Wildest Heart (Denise)
    December 2, 2015 at 10:25 pm (9 years ago)

    Here to support you, girl! With whatever route you choose to get back on track.
    I’ve fallen off track myself and am just getting back to my healthy routines + gym, etc, so know that a lot of us will be right there with ya <3

    ….And so happy to have you back in the blogsphere! 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:51 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much, Denise! It means so much to have your support! SO happy to have you here with me!

  18. Pam
    December 2, 2015 at 10:25 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you for bringing back your blog, recipes and sharing your life’s adventures. We all have ups and downs in our lives, but it takes someone special to post and share with their readers. Thanks for being YOU. Looking forward to seeing your blog again.

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:52 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Pam! It means a lot. I’m so lucky to have a reader like you!

  19. Michelle Mariscal
    December 2, 2015 at 10:30 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back, I’ve missed you! I’m so sorry that there are so many mean peek in the world that only criticize others because they are unhappy with themselves. You are an inspiration and I look forward to reading your posts again!

    • Michelle Mariscal
      December 2, 2015 at 10:31 pm (9 years ago)

      Oops, *mean people 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:53 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much Michelle! Your support means the world! I’m so happy to be back, and so happy to have you here!

  20. Jamie
    December 2, 2015 at 10:39 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine,
    Thank you so much for this honest blog. Isn’t it an idea to let a family member or friend moderate the comments? Just to delete the really trollish and mean comments. Of course someone can hate something or don’t like a recipe, but no one gets better by reading unneccessary mean stuff about you or your blog. Not you and not the serious readers. Maybe it will help?
    Anyway, you are such an inspiration. I wanted to start my diet in January. Why wait? I think Christmas time is a hard time to start :/.
    I would absolutely LOVE it, if you would keep track on your weightloss journey, with pics, stories and recipies. It would be a big help to me and many other readers who wanna start their weighloss journey I think.
    Thanks again and I’m glad you are back and looking forward to reading more! (Beautiful pictures on the post btw!)

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 10:59 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so so much for your support, Jamie! You know what, that’s a great idea to have someone one else pre moderate my comments to remove any trollish mean comments. I actually have a friend whose mom manages her comments (just to help with her schedule) and I didn’t even realize how helpful that component would be for the troll issue! Great idea! And now you totally have me thinking about waiting until January for the big weight loss journey redo. Everyone has holiday parties to attend and cookies to bake, so I think that’s a great idea. It would give me more time to get organized with daily meal plans too. Thank you so much for your great ideas (you’re a genius), kind words, and support! I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate it!

  21. Nicole
    December 2, 2015 at 10:43 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine, I randomly came across your blog one day on Pinterest. Which was a fantastic find because I know your sister and mom through Theta! It really is a small world.

    I have to say that you give all of us readers so much inspiration. I too struggle with weight loss, but reading your blog one day, inspired me to start barre classes and I have been doing it for almost 2 years now and I feel great!

    For one to openly discuss their personal ups and downs is extremely brave. I’m so glad that you are back and I can’t wait to see what’s to come. Don’t listen to the haters, flaunt what you got girl! I’m excited to see your journey, and know that you can do it!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 11:06 pm (9 years ago)

      Nicole!!! Oh my gosh, what a small world! I’m so happy that you found my blog through Pinterest! My weight and body image has been a huge struggle and often a huge source of depression, but I’ve met so many readers who relate (which isn’t the case where I live) that it’s pretty therapeutic to write/talk about on my blog. I love that you started barre classes!!! I was OBSESSED with The Bar Method until I discovered spinning! I haven’t been exercising at all, so I need to get back into one or the other! I do miss barre a lot though 🙂 Thank you so much for all of your support! I’m so happy that you commented! TLAM

  22. Hannah
    December 2, 2015 at 10:46 pm (9 years ago)

    Girl, if you have a positive influence on just one person, you’re doing it right. Those people making those comments have had their own issues they’re not willing to be open about, that’s why they’re so hurtful and mean. Always find the positives. If you always are going up you’re down to go down sometimes and then you’ll just go up again. You have an amazing support system with your fans, you will succeed in your goals 🙂


    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 11:07 pm (9 years ago)

      I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you so much for the support and kind words Hannah! It means so much to me!

  23. Nancy
    December 2, 2015 at 10:58 pm (9 years ago)

    Si Se Puede Cat! I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago so I’m super excited your back. You’ve inspired me to start taking care of myself, so time you start back on your path. Screw those mean people….imagine all the crap they’re eating thats making them that way!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 11:08 pm (9 years ago)

      Haha! Thank you so much for your support, Nancy! I’m so happy you found my blog!

  24. Cindy
    December 2, 2015 at 11:20 pm (9 years ago)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!! *-* I’m so happy you’re back. I missed your posts!
    I’m so sorry for your loss! I lost my fur friend two weeks ago ..I know how hard it can be but you’ll make it. You’re so strong..maybe the strongest person I’ve ever seen!
    Therefore I’m a 100% sure you’ll reach your goal !!
    The haters are just jealous and wouldn’t even have the guts to tell you all the shit they are writing in person. Criticism is good and helpful, hating and insulting isn’t! Don’t let them destroy you..they aren’t worth it!
    Much love from Germany !♡
    Chin up!

    • Catherine
      December 2, 2015 at 11:41 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support Cindy!!! It’s so good to hear from you! I’m so sorry about your furry friend 🙁 It’s the hardest. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support and how happy I am to hear from you!

  25. Sam
    December 3, 2015 at 12:35 am (9 years ago)

    Glad your back!
    Can’t wait to see what the future brings.

  26. Cicely
    December 3, 2015 at 1:31 am (9 years ago)

    Great post, so honest!! Welcome back!

  27. Lyndsay
    December 3, 2015 at 2:12 am (9 years ago)

    Yeah, I’m so glad your back. Oh please documents every part of your journey, I too am on the mission to lose weight ( once the holidays are over) and I would love to see what you do to get back to where you want to be. Thank you for putting yourself out there, I can only imagine how hard it is to document something like loosing weight and having people be negative about it. You have your supporters who truly want to see you succeed and are happy you are back and blogging.

  28. Jen
    December 3, 2015 at 2:20 am (9 years ago)

    Go for it!!!!

  29. Paula L
    December 3, 2015 at 2:31 am (9 years ago)

    So happy to hear from you gain! Like you, I am starting over.I hope you post recipes again and share ideas of what to try. As far as the negative comments……..I have 2 thoughts. The negative comments say a lot about the commenterr, not you! They are just unhappy people! My father used to say,” If they are talking about me, they are leaving someone else alone!” Stay positive and keep up the good work! We love you!!

  30. Lexie
    December 3, 2015 at 2:38 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! I am so glad your back. Your honesty and integrity ring true as your a compassionate strong person. I share your struggle and you always give me hope. So please know that your always appreciated! Keep doing what you do. Great blog !

    Ignore the trolls. They are jealous and evil. I know one blogger posted all their comments in a post about bullying and that slowed the tide of hate. I would just erase their post and ignore them.

    I am so sorry about your beloved Corgi.

  31. tsurutadesigns
    December 3, 2015 at 2:54 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome Back! I’ve missed your postings! I’d love to follow in your journey as I struggle with eating healthier.

    Boo to mean people! Don’t let them get you down♡

  32. Jenn
    December 3, 2015 at 3:02 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! You’re one of the 1st blogs that I started following. I can across the blog in a search of melanoma of the foot. While I have yet to be diagnosed with Melanoma, I have dysplastic nevus syndrome and get skin biopsies 3x a year. My results are always pre-cancerous including the mole on the bottom of my foot. Sorry for the awful way people treated you. Glad to see that you are back.

  33. Rachel
    December 3, 2015 at 3:11 am (9 years ago)

    I’ve been a reader since 2012 and what drew me in was your honesty. It’s real, and relatable and I loved it!
    I actually checked on your insta a couple of weeks ago to make sure you were posting because I missed you so much! I go through the ups and downs as well, I even stopped reading your posts when I was during my down phase bc sometimes someone’s healthy lifestyle is hard to watch when you, yourself, just can’t seem to get back on track. So I totally feel you.

    I think documenting this next journey will be so helpful to so many people, myself included. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself cause we love you and don’t want you to hide again!! So glad you’re back, so excited to watch your progress (cause I know you’ll kick butt!)


  34. Jeany
    December 3, 2015 at 4:01 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! I have missed your recipes. Looking forward to some, for the holidays perhaps?!

  35. Ka'ili
    December 3, 2015 at 4:05 am (9 years ago)

    Yay it’s great to read that you are back!! My sincere condolences about your cute puppy that passed away. I certainly empathize the difficulty of losing a fur family member! I’m excited for all the trips you went on while you were gone! How fun!! And lastly, but certainly not least, I’m really happy you’re back to share in your journey of yummy recipes and the process in which you go through to lose or maintain your weight. I’d love to read posts about how you get back to the weight that you feel most comfortable with with recipes and everything!! You’ve got a lot of readers that have missed you and we will be the ones to support you through those negative comments!! I wear my long sleeve eat more rabbit food often and hope to get some for Christmas presents and another for myself soon. It’s a great message and this blog is a wonderful and safe place for people to read when they are trying to add more healthy in their life and gain motivation! Welcome back and I look forward to reading more posts!

  36. Alanna
    December 3, 2015 at 4:18 am (9 years ago)

    Hi lovely Catherine,

    I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been a victim of these trolls. It takes such a lot of courage to post honestly (and that’s exactly what makes you so inspiring) and only a few sad malicious people to take advantage of that from the safety and anonymity of the internet. You are so much stronger than they are! Women need to know they are all in this together with so much negative media input about body image. I found your blog about 3 years ago and have always loved your creativity in recipes, artistry in photography and your enthusiasm for life 🙂

    Don’t give up! I can’t count the number of times I’ve lost a little weight only to pile it back on again when I lose my focus; you’re helping all of us who’ve been there have hope that we can pick ourselves back up again and start again.

    I agree with Jamie about someone else moderating too; even someone you don’t know that well so they don’t get hurt either (my mum would get so angry!); perhaps you could do it for another blogger and they for you?

    God made you just as he wanted you: creative, inventive, artistic, genuine, beautiful…and I haven’t even met you to know all the rest! Don’t think this is disingenuous; I’m British, we don’t really do that 😉

    So…what’s our next recipe? 🙂 x

  37. Kerith Pretorius
    December 3, 2015 at 4:22 am (9 years ago)

    YASS! I often make your carrot cake oatmeal for breakfast and think of your inspirational posts – I’ve missed them. Welcome back lovely Catherine 🙂 x

  38. Gina
    December 3, 2015 at 4:31 am (9 years ago)

    I was thrilled to see your post this morning! What I find amazing is that you and I have never met, you don’t know me, and perhaps we would never have an opportunity to connect otherwise. However, I stumbled across this blog one day and it has provided an incredible source of support and encouragement. From the comments above, it is clear that you have a very strong following of people who are here for you…who want you to reach your goals, whatever those goals may be. Thank you!

  39. Hannah Pasha
    December 3, 2015 at 4:38 am (9 years ago)

    We all go through our ups and downs but I really do find it is easier to go through those times with people who can be a support and people who are in the same boat. I understand it is scary and not the best feeling having those negative people but instead of letting the negativity get you down you let that fuel the journey you have ahead! Take the negativity and just say you didn’t think I could but I did and I am and no matter what you think I don’t care because this journey is about my health and m happiness not about the petty comments you have to make. By the way I am so happy you are back we are all in it together, no one can do it alone.

  40. ann
    December 3, 2015 at 4:49 am (9 years ago)

    So glad you are back! I ran across your blog searching for fitness inspiration, recipes and just motivation in general for myself. I read every post! My daughter is now in search of the same. She is your age and desperately wants/needs to start the weight loss journey. Her body image is a great part of her depression as well. It is so hard to find ‘real life’ blogs. It would be great to know that someone is posting a ‘real-life’ weight-loss journey. Having a ‘friend’ to follow along with and reading honest posts with pics, stories and recipes would be great. No matter what, there will always be people who want to bring you down BUT from what I have just read through these comments, the good far out weighs the bad! Best of luck to you, I am looking forward to reading ALL of your posts!!

  41. Beth
    December 3, 2015 at 4:49 am (9 years ago)

    I am so glad to see you are back! I am so sorry for the negativity. People suck. I find it encouraging (sorry) that you are starting again, because I need to as well… now I can do it, too! I think pictures and menus are great…..maybe have a weigh in monthly chart where everyone posts? Or….if people don’t focus on weight, maybe an “I did it…” section where we all put recipes, how we grew (lbs lost, water drank, etc..)? Just trying to think of ways you don’t have to feel alone while you do this! Hooray for blogging again! 🙂

  42. Carmen
    December 3, 2015 at 4:50 am (9 years ago)

    Hola Catherine. Estoy emocionada de que estés de vuelta en el blog!!!! Me encantan tus recetas y tus experiencias. Son REALES. No dejes que personas ignorantes invadan tus pensamientos. Es fácil estar detrás de la computadora y escribir lo que sea sin dar la cara. Me encantan tus videos de Youtube y quisiera que continuaras con ellos.
    Saludos desde Puerto Rico!!!

    PD: My English is not so good. That’s why I wrote it in Spanish.

  43. Jessica
    December 3, 2015 at 4:52 am (9 years ago)

    Cat I have always enjoyed your blog and I want to say thank you for being human and sharing that with us. Writings like this are the reason I recommend your blog. It’s about life true living
    I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. I lost both of mine this year too and the heartache is unreal. Be patient with yourself and I can’t wait to read more from you!

  44. Stacy
    December 3, 2015 at 4:55 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine. Glad to see you are back.

    Health and fitness blogging isn’t just for the size twos of the world. Some of us will struggle our entire lives with our weight, and there need to be role models out there to encourage us and remind us that healthy living is worth it. I don’t want to read about some tiny yogi that splurges on a cookie once a month. That’s not a viewpoint I can relate to, and I want to hear other voices on healthy living. You are a role model, and internet trolls cannot take that away from you.

    I’m a bit like you (but not as cute as you). I love healthy foods, I love exercise, but I do struggle with emotional eating and sometimes when the weight creeps on, it feels like I am in quicksand. I can gain it far more quickly than I can lose it, and sometimes that sends me into a panic. I think, “Is this my life? Am I going to spend the rest of my life in a losing battle? Is it worth it? Should I just make peace with my size and stop stressing?”

    Even though I know I will never fully master my weight, I do learn new battle strategies and I learn about my weaknesses and triggers, and that knowledge helps me make smarter choices. I can’t control yesterday; I can’t control tomorrow; but today, I can choose to be healthy and happy.

    The trolls don’t define you. You are smart, beautiful, and successful. And really, the stigma of extra weight can be more dangerous to health than the weight itself (here’s a study on that: so don’t listen to the trolls. You are healthy, with your commitment to plant-based foods, and one day, your weight will go back down to a number you feel more comfortable with.

    I’m sorry about your sweet dog. It is so hard to lose a furry family member.

  45. Chanelle
    December 3, 2015 at 4:56 am (9 years ago)

    Glad to see you back! I know how it is to gain it all back and have to start over. I’m at my heaviest too and decided yesterday to do food prep bc I’m sick of eating out at my new job. I never had to shop in the plus section until yesterday ?? and I thought this was unacceptable and I need to do something about it so last night I made overnight oats for bfast and prepped a salad for lunch. I’m tracking macros which is huge for weight loss so I know that it’ll be a slow start but i will get there, just like you will.
    I say absolutely post a start pic, progress pics and your recipes bc someone will be following them knowing they are not alone in this journey. You are more inspiring than you think and are a staple in our journeys as well. Don’t even worry about the negativity. Mind over matter. You don’t mind bc they don’t matter. ??

    • Chanelle
      December 3, 2015 at 4:59 am (9 years ago)

      Everyone deals with inner struggles whether they admit it or not.

  46. Josee
    December 3, 2015 at 5:05 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back!
    I’m on my 4th tour of weight watchers so I hear ya! Never give up! Lets do this getting healthy thing together xx

  47. Jackie
    December 3, 2015 at 5:05 am (9 years ago)

    So nice to have you back 🙂 I too have come full circle, I now weigh what I did when I first started reading your blog. I’m determined to get back to where I was. We can do it together!
    Don’t let the turkeys get ya down!

  48. Lisa
    December 3, 2015 at 5:06 am (9 years ago)

    I too found you a while back on pintrest. Being a vegan I saved a food pyramid you posted. The haters are enough to spin anyone into a deep depression, but they are also the same people who hate themselves. Look at it like this, they obviously like you enough to seek you out and read what your doing! If they truely hated you they would hit delet, stop reading, or block you, but they can’t because their hands are to sticky from the food they are stuffing in their body. Your a better person to ignor the trolls, which will only make them stop because no attention is being given to them. My heart aches for you with the passing of your pet. I am a dog behaviorist as well an artist. English Bulldogs are my absolute favorite breed. I have done many sculptures and painting of them. Please keep a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle and if you fall off the right track ….. Hey your human …. Start again. If anyone ever said that they never fail, then they are liars and TROLLS. Stay strong, positive and kiss your smooshy, wrinkly lovable Potatoe face for puppy for me.

  49. Missy
    December 3, 2015 at 5:08 am (9 years ago)

    I don’t usually comment. Sorry to hear about doggy. Sad.
    I must say that anyone who is positive will have haters. I think you are amazing and super positive. Everyone needs positive messages. You definitely need to ignore the people who hate. You can NEVER make everyone like you. Some people just hate themselves and can only hate others. People who are being negative only wish that the COURAGE to be as real as you on your blog and share candidly what’s really going on in their life. people who are being negative only wish that they had the COURAGE to be as real as you on your blog and share candidly what’s really going on in their life. I know many people appreciate you being real and sharing all your positive thoughts and it looks to me like you have an incredible life. Most people cannot move out where you live. That’s not their journey.
    You seem so blessed with the opportunities you have! you got it going on! and you help so many others, just KEEP doing that:)
    I love your blog. Everyone has critics just DON’t give them any power!! keep on doing what you do, the things you love:)

  50. Jenn
    December 3, 2015 at 5:08 am (9 years ago)

    Good for you!! We are all in this together, stay positive….it’s a daily struggle for me ?

  51. Amanda
    December 3, 2015 at 5:19 am (9 years ago)

    First of all, that makes me sad to think how nasty people can be towards others. I think you’re beautiful inside and out! You’ve been a huge inspiration to me from the moment I started following your blog/Instagram/Pinterest. I know how hard it is to not let people’s negativity get in the way of how we feel. I personally lost over 40 lbs and had maintained the weight loss for 3 years and now am currently not doing as well as I was. I don’t even know how much I’ve gained back because I’ve been too fearful to hop on the dreaded scale. It sounds silly but I can’t seem to get myself to do it…I haven’t weighed myself since my birthday in March. I hate feeling this way and have been wanting to get back into my routine of eating healthy and feeling better! I would love to follow along in your journey toward feeling positive and living a healthy lifestyle! I’m so happy you’re back!!!!
    -Amanda 🙂

  52. Jane C.
    December 3, 2015 at 5:19 am (9 years ago)

    Dear Catherine, you are the most adorable young woman! I have so missed you. Don’t let the meanies get you down. Where I work I deal with mean, entitled people all day. In the end, well you know what they say about karma. We all fall on our journey, but let’s do this together! So sorry for your loss with your fur baby. Just know he is running free over the rainbow bridge. Can’t wait to hear more from you. Chin up beautiful!!!!!

  53. Caroline
    December 3, 2015 at 5:24 am (9 years ago)

    I think that there are so many of us who have missed your posts. You’re an excellent writer and your blog and recipes are inspiring.

    Regarding weight gain, that only means that you’re real and have relatable struggles that drew so many of us to your blog. Personally, I’ve struggled almost my whole life. I celebrated my 30th birthday just a couple of days ago and even at 30, still have to daily remind myself that no matter what I weigh, my size and weight does not define who I am or what kind of person I am.

    There are so many of us who would be here to support you and if you ever decided to allow some of the nasty, less flattering comments into your blog, I fully believe that the real lovers of your blog and your writing would rip into the judgemental commenters that feel the need to make another person feel badly about themselves only to elevate their own self esteems for just a few seconds.

    You’re accountable to no one and should never have to justify or answer to anyone but yourself. I hope that you don’t let the negativity stop you from doing something that you love and I and many others are really looking forward to future posts, no matter what size you are.

  54. Rebecca Wright
    December 3, 2015 at 5:29 am (9 years ago)

    I’d love to keep up with you! It’s not an easy journey but it’s worth it. You can do it! You already know you’ve done it before 🙂 I’ve had to lose weight and gain it so I understand, while not on the internet or tv I’ve gotten some pretty mean comments and criticisms before and they do hurt. Glad you’re back! Praying for you girl.

  55. Brittany
    December 3, 2015 at 5:30 am (9 years ago)

    I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your fur baby! I know how hard that is! Also, I am thankful to hear from you as I have missed your updates and blogs. I checked your instagram frequently to make sure I wasn’t missing something. I have followed you for quite sometime and love you for your transparency. I eat lots of vegan recipes as I cannot have dairy and always loved trying out the ones you would post. I wear my Rabbit Food shirts often! I am so excited that you are back and ready to lead people through your real life stories. Don’t let those haters bring you down! You got this! Can’t wait to see you succeed!

  56. Gabby
    December 3, 2015 at 5:36 am (9 years ago)

    Yay you’re back!! Can’t wait to follow & join you on this journey 🙂

  57. Sandra
    December 3, 2015 at 5:40 am (9 years ago)

    Love your blog! Glad to see that you are back in the saddle! There will always be someone who wants to kick your feet out from under you, but stay strong (I know it is hard) and keep being amazing. Thanks for share your struggles it does actually make people feel less alone.

  58. louiseb
    December 3, 2015 at 5:44 am (9 years ago)

    Wow, you are beautiful, I am shocked to hear you are bullied with negative comments! They are very broken people. I enjoy your blogs, but do what is right for you.
    I have 7 rescued dogs, so I appreciate your dog tales too!

  59. Iris Acevedo
    December 3, 2015 at 5:45 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine. I think your a beautiful young lady. I started following your blog because of your candidness and willingness to share your journey with others. I too have struggled with body image issues and weight management starting from a very young age. I am now 40 years old and getting better at it but it’s still hard. I just started blogging for my sewing business and I’ve been posting a lot of pictures of myself in garments that I’ve made myself to wear it has been hard showing myself especially because like you I’ve back tracked a little and gained a few pounds. The act of showing yourself on a large platform in and of itself is an act of courage. Especially when you don’t feel so great about yourself. What I’ve learned throughout this process is that people cannot be the source of my self- worth. I have to be confident in who I am with or without validation from others. To answer your question about whether to blog or not. I think you should. You are making a positive impact on the lives of many people. I find that amazing and I think it took courage to start this journey and maintain as long as you have in the face of criticism. Don’t make your haters happy by opting out of the race. My pastor always says: when you have haters then you know your on the right path. Success always comes face to face with opposition. It’s there to strengthen us. I’ll be praying for you and I look forward to reading your upcoming posts. God bless you!

  60. Sara R.
    December 3, 2015 at 5:48 am (9 years ago)

    As someone who’s read your blog religiously I was sad to see you fall off the map, but now I understand why. The Internet is such a mean place. But when I got an email that you made a post I legit did a little dance in my kitchen haha

    Here’s what I think. We all go through ups and downs with our weight loss. I can only imagine how you feel doing that while having complete strangers pick on you. But you’re funny, gorgeous, and strong and you can handle them. Use this blog and use us for support in your journey! Post the before photo and the meals! We can all do this together 🙂

    You do you boo 🙂

  61. Kelley
    December 3, 2015 at 5:49 am (9 years ago)

    Cat-I for one was just thinking about you the other day.. I AM HAPPY TO SEE YOU ARE BACK! You are a breath of fresh air-no matter what you weigh!! You were missed.

  62. Rhyne
    December 3, 2015 at 5:51 am (9 years ago)

    You are an absolute inspiration, don’t EVER let anyone dull your sparkle! Brush those haters off, and know that you have immense love and support behind you!!

    Keep being real and following your path, even when it’s challenging. You’ll be rewarded 🙂

  63. Christina (@clpatters)
    December 3, 2015 at 5:56 am (9 years ago)

    I’ve been following your blog for a couple years now and I was sad to see you/it go on the break, but now totally understand the circumstances, and I’m so, so happy to see you’re back! I’m in the same boat as you right now – I’m back to my highest weight ever, and after a lot of frustration, I’ve just started the process of losing the weight again. The beginning is definitely the worst/hardest part (along with the maintenance and keeping the weight off). I look forward to your future updates, and I think you should do it however you want! Whether it be putting *everything* out there, or just whatever you feel comfortable posting! I’m so sorry about the mean and hurtful comments – just know that your other readers and I think you’re beautiful, both inside and out, and we are here to support you on your journey!

  64. thisgirlwalks
    December 3, 2015 at 5:57 am (9 years ago)

    So glad to hear you’re back. Cannot believe that people are so mean out there. Wish we could take it all back for you. Way to be brave and return! Looking forward to reading all your posts. xo Jordan

  65. Alison
    December 3, 2015 at 6:01 am (9 years ago)

    Right here with ya! Struggling with weight gain after such a big successful loss a few years back. I would love to use your blog as inspiration while we tackle the body challenge.

    So glad you’re back in the saddle!

  66. Brit
    December 3, 2015 at 6:02 am (9 years ago)

    Hey!!! I am so excited that you are back! You are strong beautiful woman so forget the haters.
    I read your story about a year or so ago and it inspired me to make healthier choices because I feel like you are a normal person just like me. I watch your YouTube channel which is adorable. I love your energy and honesty. I have been struggling with my own weight issues and try to get healthy in order to have a baby.

    I think you should go all in! Mostly for selfish reasons because I need inspiration but either way I am just excited to be able to receive delicious food ideas.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  67. Marissa W.
    December 3, 2015 at 6:02 am (9 years ago)


    Brava to you for your return. The internet can be a truly evil place, and I am really proud of you that you decided to return in full force. I recently went on a diet and lost about 20 pounds, and your recipes helped me do it! I loved how easy your snack recipes were, and that they were small enough amounts that on my own, I could eat all of the delicious little morsels before they became stale. PLEASE KEEP IT UP! I have gained about 4 pounds back, and would love a partner in getting back to my ideal healthy weight. I think no matter how you structure your blog from now on, I will continue to read it, and to truly enjoy it. Perhaps some posts about your exercise ideas and plans would be helpful? Just a thought. Anyway, you are beautiful, inspiring, smart, and creative, and I fully support you, now and always, in becoming the healthiest you you can be.


  68. Amanda C.
    December 3, 2015 at 6:04 am (9 years ago)

    I am so happy you are back! I’ve been following your blog for about a year and I have never commented, but you should know that I think your blog is so great and I’ve used so many of your recipes and loved every one of them! And I’m sorry to hear that people have been so crappy to you -they are cowards. But I’m looking forward to your posts and I’ll be right there with you cause I need to get back on the bunny bandwagon. Thanks for what you do!

  69. Dani
    December 3, 2015 at 6:11 am (9 years ago)

    It takes a lot of guts to do what you do. Its easy for people to sit behind shield of their computer screens and pass judgment on others. They are weak and insecure, just trying to bring others down to their level. Try and focus on the many people you’ve help motivate, even those who may never comment. I’m not the person who usually comments on blogs, but I’ve read yours for years and always found inspiration and support. Seeing you write about your struggles makes your blog real and relatable. We all slip up from time to time.

    Recently my sister and I challenged each other to daily workouts until Christmas. Whoever misses the most days buys the other dinner. The accountability has helped motivated me immensely. So if you’re up for it, I’d say go for it on daily updates. I think it’d help you, as well as all your readers.

  70. April
    December 3, 2015 at 6:11 am (9 years ago)

    Hey! Happy you’re back! If there’s anything I’ve learned as a nutritionist, it’s that our bodies are constantly changing and we will gain and lose weight. Our bodies are intelligent and we will overeat if we’re not getting the right nutrients for our body. It goes on a desperate search the fulfill your nutrient needs. I’ve enjoyed your posts, keep it real and know that you have so much support! <3

  71. Lisa
    December 3, 2015 at 6:12 am (9 years ago)

    Oh my gosh! People are so mean. People seem more and more cruel everyday. What I have truly found is that angry people are NOT happy. And I am right there with you about being back to the start in my journey. I can’t wait to follow and support you and gain motivation from your progress! I also struggle with disordered eating and I have been at both ends of the weight spectrum. It’s so hard to handle. I fully trust your recipes.. whoever says that is someone who is wasting energy coming to your blog/youtube to complain about you. If they really felt that way, they wouldn’t look. They feed off causing you hurt. Wanting support is not the same thing as looking for sympathy. These people don’t have enough support in their lives.

    I am so sorry about your dog <3. You are an amazing person and pet owner and any pet is lucky to have you <3

  72. Dena
    December 3, 2015 at 6:16 am (9 years ago)

    Wish I could apologize for all the bad and terrible remarks made to towards people’s YouTube channels, blogs, Twitter pics, Instagram pics, and I’ll never understand it. I can’t imagine sending those kind of messages to actual people it makes no sense. I have loved your blog since day one! I have major recipes done a few of your DIYs and enjoyed reading all your content. I was drawn to you for your light in your energy. I am very excited your back and offer any words of encouragement I can. You got this bunny your bunny followers are behind you 100%! Xoxo. Hate comments I’ve always thought are a reflection of how they feel about their lives were not how they truly felt about person they send the hate to. I dont know I’m just someone who is out hete in Cold Michigan sending you love and encouragement!

  73. Brandy
    December 3, 2015 at 6:18 am (9 years ago)

    So glad you’re back! Love your blog, you are beautiful and an inspiration! Sorry for the loss of your furbaby but congrats on the new addition to your family! Potato is very handsome 🙂

  74. Emily
    December 3, 2015 at 6:21 am (9 years ago)

    Catherine – please come back. You’ve been such an inspiration to me in my own journey!

  75. lolakitty
    December 3, 2015 at 6:22 am (9 years ago)

    I subscribed to your blog just before you dropped off. I’m sorry that people are so nasty. Unfortunately it’s like that in every aspect of life, but even more so in the virtual world where unhappy people hide behind computers and have no accountability for the things they say. Trolls always attack those who want to be a positive force in the world. They would rather have you at their miserable level than see you soar and help lift others to a happier, healthier place. Please don’t give up. We need more people like you out there. If you give up, they win. As for me, it’s a bonus for me to start this new journey with you at this point. I have done well, regressed, slipped up, fallen, given up… but only temporarily. Like you, I have suffered loss, grieved, been beaten down, but I’m getting up again. Starting new with you at my virtual side will be more helpful than you know. You are putting an important and positive message out there. You’re helping those who may not have supportive people in their lives. You may be all they have. Stay strong, and remember, no matter the number on the scale, you are a beautiful person. The world needs you and people like you so much.

  76. Jessica
    December 3, 2015 at 6:28 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! People can be so cruel 🙁 Thanks for being positive. You are beautiful and we love you!

  77. Meredith
    December 3, 2015 at 6:35 am (9 years ago)

    I’ve had similar ups and downs because life happens. I have loved your blog and would not stop reading ever…. Your honesty is what makes it attractive. Thanks for your bravery. I honestly can’t imagine how hard it must be! You have tons of supporters (also totally jealous you met andie Mitchell!) glad you are back!

  78. Kate
    December 3, 2015 at 6:35 am (9 years ago)

    Rarely leave comments on the blogs I read, but I just had to jump on today to throw some love and support at you! You are one of my favorite blogs, and I actually prefer yours because you ARE real. I won’t even say to ignore the haters because I know it’s so much harder than that. But I would encourage you to be compassionate with yourself. Our brains are hardwired to forget the compliments and remember the insults, so you’re working against evolution here. It’s ok to struggle! But you have a load of supportive readers behind you, even if we don’t always comment 🙂 Keep up the good work, you’re a rock star!

  79. Nancy
    December 3, 2015 at 6:36 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine. I just want to say that we so often judge ourselves by the world’s standards. It is hard not to. But you are a beautiful woman whose worth is not determined by what you eat, how much you do or don’t weigh, and what people say! Keep ressing on.

  80. Jessica
    December 3, 2015 at 6:43 am (9 years ago)

    I am so excited you’re back!!!! When I noticed your posts had stopped, I was hoping everything was OK. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with the negativity of Internet users 🙁 I can definitely understand why you took a step away. I’ve always appreciated your openness with us, your readers, and as far as your new weight gain, whatever you choose to do we are here 100% to support you 🙂 as for the poll – whatever you think will hold you most accountable, I think you should do and we will love you through all of it 😉 I’m about to give birth to a beautiful baby boy in January, which means I will have at least a dozen pounds of pregnancy weight that I will want to get off. I can already tell you that, based on the encouragement I found from your writing over the last few years, I would definitely be encouraged by you this time around in a more personal way. I have some goals for once the baby is born, and I can tell you that seeing your progress would definitely be an encouragement to mine. We can do this for us – and we can feel so much better in the end!!

  81. Kelly
    December 3, 2015 at 6:51 am (9 years ago)

    First off, I’m overjoyed to see you back GIRL! I feel like I lost a friend for a minute. Jk because I get to see your little Rollie pollie on Instagram and snapchat!

    But in all seriousness, THANK YOU! Thank you for being real, for being amazing, and for being you. I started blogging more over the past year and posting more on Instagram about my journey. The feedback I’ve received has been nothing but positive, however, I’m constantly fearful for the inevitable criticism that comes from putting yourself out there.

    I’ve loved your blog since finding you on Pinterest and completely fell head over heels for your raw messages. (Not raw in the vegetable sense, but like, that too!) Your journey towards self acceptance and recovery from ED is something so many women face with the challenges of weight loss. I find myself often taking extreme measures on both sides (binging, starving). When your blog became more “surface level”, recipes and reviews, I was slightly disappointed. Not because I didn’t love the recipes, I think your obsession with dates has given me so many good ideas! I was disappointed because I missed YOU! I missed reading the updates of your travels and your ups and downs. The sprinkles of personality throughout your blog is what makes it unique. And I hope you don’t lose that, in real life.

    Haters gonna hate. They’ll say whatever they want behind the computer screen with no regard to the fact that you’re an actual person, with actual feels, who pours her heart out in writing. I say, don’t stop. Keep writing and delete the bad comments and move on. Ultimately it will make you stronger. Remember middle school bullies? I’m sure your mom told you to ignore them because they’re just jealous of you; same is true here.

    Even though you were gone, I was still constantly inspired by you. You touch the hearts of too many people to let a few aholes be the cause of your pause. Sometimes we take a minute (or more) to regroup and refocus. Ultimately, you don’t need to be skinny or perfect. You need to be Catherine. And keep blogging, because I know you love it. You’re a breath of fresh air baby girl!!!!!!!! Love you, love your life, love your show. Keep it up. I’m recommitting to my journey and can’t wait to see what yours brings! Xoxo

  82. Lindsay
    December 3, 2015 at 6:53 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! I found your blog a feed years ago and I completely related. My weight has been a struggle for me and i would often come to your site and even re read your posts to remind myself I wasn’t the only one. I’ve put a few pounds back on and I’m trying to inspire myself to go back to my healthy eating and exercise and I would read any new posts here avidly.
    You are beautiful and an inspiration to so many! Don’t let the Internet jerks get you down ever!

  83. Erica
    December 3, 2015 at 6:55 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back, Catherine!!! I have been following your blog for a couple years now, and I’m so excited that you’re back! I would love it if you used the blog to document your journey! I am the same age and height as you, and in the 7 years since I left high school I have put on about 70 lbs, and the other day it finally hit me that this pattern needs to end. I know there are plenty of haters out there, but there are even more people that support you and your blog! I can’t wait to see your new posts, and I hope that I can find my motivation in this journey (with you)!

  84. Elizabeth
    December 3, 2015 at 6:57 am (9 years ago)

    Yay! So happy you are back! I was wondering what happened! You are my greatest inspiration because I feel like we are going through the same stuff. I need to get back on track myself. We can do this together! And don’t worry about the haters. In the end haters are going to hate and its only thier opinion. Not the truth. Hopefully you can YouTube what you ate in a day videos? Those are always nice to follow. Have a nice day! -xo

  85. Denise
    December 3, 2015 at 6:58 am (9 years ago)

    Kudos to you for being honest and real! Whatever you decide to do for your blog, I will follow with High fives! Thank you!

  86. valeriemirza
    December 3, 2015 at 7:03 am (9 years ago)

    Cat–SO glad you’re back. Personally, it could not have come at a better time for me. I’m amazed at how incredibly similar our stories are. I have those YASS ME TOO moments when I would read your blog all the time! I lost over 40 pounds, even started a blog for a little bit, and had such a similar journey to yours. I lapsed into a borderline eating disorder and became obsessed with eating healthy (it was around this time I found your blog and LOVED your balanced approach to healthy eating). But now, here I am two years later, back at my heaviest and having serious depression issues. I quit my blog because I felt like I couldn’t be an inspiration to people anymore. That’s a silly thought and you are SO much stronger than that–you are relateable and inspiring and beautiful and amazing! And you realize that people want and NEED to hear the truth in your story–that’s what makes it so beautiful.

    People don’t realize that trying to lose weight and be healthy again after you have regained weight is SO much harder than just losing weight for the first time. I think for me it’s because I know I’ve BEEN THERE. that it’s really hard, but also possible. The first time I lost a lot of weight, I had no idea I could even be as thin as I was. So of course it was all exciting and amazing and just kept getting better. But now, looking at pictures of how thin I used to be, i just want to go BACK to that, like NOW. I’m tempted to do drastic things just to get back to where I was. But I know I have to be patient and loving to myself, and take it one day at a time, just like I did before.

    I also just turned 26 (woo!!) and at the beginning of this month I decided I wanted to go in full force and take back control over my life and my body in a healthy, balanced way. I’ve been struggling and trying to decide exactly how to do that and was thinking of documenting everything I did/ate along the way. So like I said, your timing in PERFECT!!! I would LOVE for you to post about your journey because it would also keep me accountable. I know I’m just one person, but you can see from all these comments that there are SO many people who love and affirm the way you do your blog.

    So yes, please. YOU DO YOU. Because you. are. awesome.

    Welcome back. We love you!!!

  87. evynwhiteley
    December 3, 2015 at 7:10 am (9 years ago)

    Catherine. I woke up so happy when I saw this new post! 2 years ago when I first read your blog it put my life into perspective and helped me fight a huge battle against myself. I check your blog daily and am always grateful when I see a new post. You are a huge inspiration to me. Hang in there girl

  88. Jennifer
    December 3, 2015 at 7:25 am (9 years ago)

    You’re super amazing inside and out. Guess who’s gained weight too? ME. Guess who else has? Almost everyone at one point or another. It just sucks that you’re public about it. And those negative people are NOT.. in no way (absolutely zero, can’t express it enough) a reflection of you. In the moment it’s hard to realize that and those comments are a stinger but they are reaching out to a stranger on the internet because they are miserable in their lives. You’re the only blogger I’ve ever bought things from and the only blogger I’ve commented on (I commented a whiiiile back so this is my second time eeek! Double cherry pop lol) I would love for you to continue your blog and start over because I’m doing it too! I have to be a bridesmaid in 9 months. So let’s see where we are in 9 months. WE can do this! Much love Catherine!!

  89. Haley Grace
    December 3, 2015 at 7:27 am (9 years ago)

    I know it’s difficult not to focus on weight, but why not make it more about being healthy & content in life? I’m sure a number of people follow you that aren’t able to lose weight due to various health issues, medications, etc. so I know it’s refreshing to be in a community committed to health no matter what the size looks like. Glad you’re back & looking forward to more posts!

  90. Scherf
    December 3, 2015 at 8:10 am (9 years ago)

    Your blog is the only blog I follow bc it’s REAL. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! You are an inspiration. I too need to kick start into weight loss, let’s do this together. Would love the meals and pics blogs. I hope you choose to! Have a wonderful day beautiful friend!

  91. DC
    December 3, 2015 at 8:12 am (9 years ago)

    I’ve browsed Rabbit Food for quite some time now, and was bummed when I noticed you had stopped posting… I’m a huge meat-eater, but my sister is full vegan and so I always enjoyed learning more about how I can make treats she would like and even things I would like to be healthier!

    I’m glad to hear you’re back and just wanted to reach out and let you know you can expect one more person to leave positive comments as you start your next journey! I’d love seeing your daily meal plans… I have a weird interest in knowing what people eat or do on a daily basis.

    A suggestion – I find that prepping a couple of meals (like, a recipe that serves 4) on Sunday, and then portioning into Tupperware, helps me a TON in staying on track. And, if you cook up 2 different meals, you can rotate them so it’s not so repetitive. Even if you’re not into cooking entire meals ahead of time, I also prepare all of my salad fixings (chop, wash, make dressing, etc.) so that I can just dump everything into a bowl for a five-minute, healthy dinner.

    Good luck and I’m looking forward to reading more!

  92. Julie
    December 3, 2015 at 8:26 am (9 years ago)


    Timing is everything…I happened to go to your blog yesterday because I felt like you hadn’t posted in quite some time, and was reading to see if you had posted. When I saw it had been some time, I thought: “I hope she’s okay!”

    So, the post in my email inbox this morning was a welcome sight! Thank you!!!

    I am also struggling with a significant weight gain over the past year after having a big loss for my wedding last October. It is such a disappointing time for me, but reading how you’re struggling too makes me feel hopeful each of us will find our way back!

    Keep up the writing, and we’ll all keep up the reading! 🙂

    Much love.

  93. Tara
    December 3, 2015 at 8:28 am (9 years ago)

    We have missed you! So sad that people have negative comments. Don’t let it get you down! I have always been up and down with my weight and recently decided to really get back on track. It took 7 months – but I was able to lose the weight. So keep your head up and keep going!!

  94. Amanda
    December 3, 2015 at 8:34 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back!! I’m SO looking forward to new recipes…and not going to lie, more bunny apparel (I hope!!) 🙂 I’m obsessed! While I’m not going through a weight loss journey, I’m still so inspired by your motivation and I want you to know I’m cheering for you in Michigan! Everyone needs cheerleaders no matter what they are going through in life. I say if it feels right, then share your story, no matter how little or how much. Good luck and I can’t wait to start following again!

  95. pamela
    December 3, 2015 at 8:36 am (9 years ago)

    Glad to see you are back on the blogging! For me, feeling like I was not alone in this struggle helps me stay on point. I would love if you would start it up again and this way I can join in, because my back and fourth yo-yoing has to start showing results! We can do this together!

  96. Strength and Sunshine
    December 3, 2015 at 8:41 am (9 years ago)

    I’m here with open arms and support dear! I was wondering if you would ever come back!! xoxo

  97. S. Bunney
    December 3, 2015 at 8:41 am (9 years ago)

    I’m new to your blog……..probably started reading just about when you took the break. But I love your candidness, and I think you’re darling! Try to ignore the haters…..even though I know it’s SO HARD! They need to find something productive to do, and the bottom line is they are really just incredibly unhappy with something in their life…….so approaching it with compassion helps. Looking forward to more……..

  98. Elizabeth
    December 3, 2015 at 8:43 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Cat! When I was in high school I think I followed your tumblr (I could be wrong, it’s been quite a few years) when I was first losing weight. Fast forward 4 or 5 years and I’m also pretty close to my highest weight and feel like I’m starting over but I just found your blog last week. I made a decision to make my health my number 1 priority and it’s really helped me get back on track!
    Everything I’ve read on here is super helpful. I’m excited to read your posts about the next part of your journey. Good luck, beautiful!

  99. melissahermez
    December 3, 2015 at 9:13 am (9 years ago)

    I am sad to hear that such hateful things were said to you! For me, I welcome your return and was happy to see this post in my inbox this morning 🙂

  100. MELANIE B
    December 3, 2015 at 9:18 am (9 years ago)

    You are an amazing woman with a huge, generous heart. You are an inspiration to so many on so many levels. Haters are gonna hate. Will Smith has a quote that i have posted on my desk, mirror, all over… “stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions”. So many of us can relate to you because you are REAL. We all get off track and YOU have learned how to get back on track when life gets in the way. Make living happily your priority! If we only focus on ourselves, we don’t take the time to slow down and enjoy life. If you ever get to Kansas City again, I’d love to meet you and give you a big hug and tell you how important you are to so many of us.

    Happy Holidays!

  101. Amber
    December 3, 2015 at 9:21 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back beautiful gal! You are one of the most amazing persons I know! Don’t let the haters get to you, because they are not worth it. Real people struggle, and anyone who has truly struggled with real life at any point wouldn’t put others down, they would help lift them up. I am right there with you and back at my heaviest weight and honestly its so overwhelming that I don’t want to do anything but curl up in a ball and cry. Thank you for being so honest, real and inspiring. Keep being you my friend, because you are wonderful! Love you! xoxo

  102. Kailey
    December 3, 2015 at 9:31 am (9 years ago)

    Don’t let the haters get you down. You are a beautiful and amazing person.
    Keep up the amazing things you’re doing and I just have to say that I adore your snapchats!!
    You have always been a big motivation for me and I am so happy to see that you’re blogging again. I look forward to your next round of recipes.
    Stay classy lady!

  103. Lauren G
    December 3, 2015 at 9:39 am (9 years ago)

    CAT!!!!!! &$@?!/)#%€£¥!??€€£<€<¥}'me

    Screw the haters! The only reason people take time out of their miserable lives to say such nasty things to such an amazing person is because THEY ARE MISERABLE!

    Following you for years now, yess years, you have given ME such inspiration on eating healthier and changing MY lifestyle! Seriously stalking your blog back at your first post, going through recipes, attempting so many of them, sending me a Christmas gift last year, seriously I do not know how many bloggers would ever be like that!! I feel as we are truly friends and when we go to Disney it'll be like we've known each other forevers!!

    Do not give up, I REPEAT DO NOT GIVE UP!! You are beautiful you are beautiful, HEYY YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! I am so excited you are back and going full force into blogging and your weight loss journey, GIRL I NEED IT TOO!!

    I'll always be here as a fan and a friend ❤️ Heart youu girl!

  104. Andrea
    December 3, 2015 at 9:41 am (9 years ago)

    Catherine, I’ve never commented but your post today has compelled me to say this: thank you. Thank you sooo much for being so real. Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing your life with us. I can’t imagine the toll the negativity takes but appreciate you having the courage and determination to come back and share with us. I too am in your shoes and about to start my journey over so let’s do it together!!

  105. Amber
    December 3, 2015 at 9:49 am (9 years ago)

    When I saw your first picture in my email I thought, ‘gosh, she really is such a gorgeous girl!’ Most people’s weight fluctuates. lucky for you, even at your heaviest you’re still ridiculously beautiful. Hope you keep blogging and get some joy out of doing so. I always love your posts. And if it’s therapeutic for you to put your journey out there then keep on doing it! But if it’s attracted too many mean people to be helpful anymore, then don’t feel bad keeping that part to yourself. Gotta do what works for you!

  106. Tracey Carnazzo
    December 3, 2015 at 9:51 am (9 years ago)

    Thank you so much for coming back to your loyal readers. It is so important for people to remember that you are a real person with real feelings. The internet blurs the lines of reality sometimes and it makes it too easy to be cruel. Also people don’t realize there is a real woman behind this blog- you are not a character. I follow your words and your pictures because I appreciate everything you put out there. If you gained weight back, like ALL of us do after dieting, please share with us your plan to take it back off and inspire us. I am in the public eye as well, I perform comedy and sometimes people say hurtful things about how I look or my performances. Ignore them. It’s all part of the business. Focus on all the people who support you and adore you. Thanks for really putting it all out there. I am looking forward to taking this journey with you. xo

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:58 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support! We can definitely relate with how hurtful it is when someone says something negative about us (beyond constructive criticism). Even though theres so much positivity, it’s so hard to get past the negativity at times – rrrrr! Thank you so much for being so supportive, it means a lot!

  107. megan m
    December 3, 2015 at 9:57 am (9 years ago)

    we need more role models like you

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:54 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww thank you so much, Megan! That means a lot!

  108. Emily
    December 3, 2015 at 9:57 am (9 years ago)

    yay! i’m so glad you’ve rejoined the blogosphere!

    as the old adage goes, haters gonna hate. it’s unfortunate but true. i had a meditation teacher once recommend that we look upon every person and situation with love (not romantic love, just the kind of acceptance-love that brings good energy to the world). at first, i thought that was an odd suggestion, and it can be an extremely challenging feat when people are, well… dicks. but at the same time, it can be powerful to say, “i accept your harmful words and I choose to love instead.” after all, the kind of person who spends time trolling the internet trying to tear people down must be possessed by a very deep sadness—one that can only be the result of a life without love.

    you, on the other hand, are a bright light. don’t let the words of despairing trolls stop you from shining!

    looking forward to your journey. be well.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:53 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Emily! I’m so happy to be back!

  109. Mallory
    December 3, 2015 at 9:59 am (9 years ago)

    Cat! I am sooooooo glad you’re back! As a long time reader and someone who can relate with your struggles I love to hear your truth and that you’re ready to get back at it!

    Have you thought about hiring an online trainer? I recently did about 9 weeks ago. She provides me with a macro (fat/carbs/protein) breakdown for each day, a list of effective weightlifting & minimal cardio workouts (which are shockingly super easy and fun!) I’ve seen really great progress so far and i feel a ton more confident now! I’m literally addicted to this new feeling or confidence and happiness! Also, I still get to eat out, have wine and fun foods (no chicken and broccoli 24/7 over here girl!) lol

    I can give you her ig page if you want. I will say when working out and eating healthy the progress was pretty slow for the first few weeks but slow and steady wins the race, not a crash diet! 🙂 Let me know what you think and again I’m so glad to see your posts back in my inbox!

    Kisses – Mallory <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:52 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww thank you so much for your kind words and support! I have never thought of an online trainer, but possibly in the future! I definitely need to get my eating back on track because right now I am emotionally eating and overeating and need to get that under control. It’s something that I’ve been struggling with and really want to work on myself right now. Thank you again for the support! I’m so happy that you are seeing progress and loving your online personal trainer, that’s so exciting to hear!

  110. Amar
    December 3, 2015 at 10:06 am (9 years ago)

    I have been following you from the beginning. When you took a break last time I kept thinking it was me that was missing your posts. People are assholes. They really are. To take time out of ones life to write something mean is absolutely ridiculous and to actually post it… what does that say about them? It says they have nothing better to do than to tear someone down. Someone who has put themselves out there in the public eye. Have they never heard if you have nothing better to say then don’t say it at all?? I guess not.

    I have been on a weight loss journey my entire life it seems. I have been telling myself I am doing this for the past 12 years but have not really gotten far. I have changed my eating habits and incorporated healthier options. I have two toddlers. My youngest will be two in January. AND it kills me that I am still not “skinny” or at a weight I can smile about. I thought about this earlier in the year… if I had no kids I would look amazing and be at the GYM and bla bla bla…” Ummm not so much because then I realized my mom duties didn’t start until recently what was I doing with my time before that?

    At any rate I look forward to your achievements, your ups, and hopefully not to many downs in the near future with your blog. Just continue to be honest with yourself and block or delete those nasty comments. You don’t need that in your life. No one does. Not sure if you know them but to of my favorite health and fitness peeps are the Mannings (Fit2fat2fit). The husband and wife team keep it real and the programs they follow and offer are for every day people.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:50 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you SO much for your sweet comment, Amar! And thank you so much for sharing your story with me! I relate so much with you, losing weight this time for me is so incredibly hard… so I get it! Let’s do this together! I am so motivated and inspired by all of the women who have commented here and are also in the same place and want to join together and motivate each other! We’ve got this! Oh, and yes I adore the Mannings, they’re so great! Drew and I are IG buds and talk from time to time! Thank you again for your support, it means a lot!

  111. Janette
    December 3, 2015 at 10:09 am (9 years ago)

    I just started following you when you took a hiatus. I never stopped following because I was still going back and reading your old posts, catch up if you will. However reading this, was so sad! I’m sorry your comments have made you feel shameful. I think everyone, whether you’re skinny or fat has body issues. You want to be comfortable in your own skin. So I would say post the pictures and let the goo outweigh the bad! People will always be unhappy about something but what gets you through the struggles is the fact that you have loyal readers and you can be human and honest about what youre going through. Know how brave you are. Know how much you mean to your readers. Anyway, I absolutely adore your blog! I’m excited for your posts to continue to pop up! Welcome back!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:44 pm (9 years ago)

      Awwww, thank you so much Janette! Thank you for motivating me to keep on keeping on and inspiring me to be brave and post the before photo! Your support means so much to me and I’m so lucky to have a reader like you! xo

  112. Tiffany
    December 3, 2015 at 10:32 am (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! In the abbreviated wise words of Tay Tay…haters gonna hate, shake it off. Totally easier said than done! I think you are incredibly brave for putting yourself out there so openly, and what’s more, your fun and sweet nature is what inspires the rest of us non-a-hole folks out here!

    Thank you so much for being such a fun-spirited, positive, open, and inspiring human being. human being. You’re human! The weight-loss struggle is real, for most of us. You’ve built an incredible community of people you’ve supported, and I think you’ll find everyone you’ve lifted up will be here to help lift you up on your journey. Plus, I actually think it sounds like it might be a fun adventure to engage with your blog/social media/followers in a new way!

    Long story short, those of us that adore you for you, are here to support you and are along for the ride! Not to mention the fact that I’m sure a lot of us, myself included, are probably still working on losing weight and being more healthy, so we’re in the trenches with ya!!

    Thanks again for being our inspiration the past few years and know that you still are! You’re one adorable little bunny and I personally am looking forward to seeing how you and your blog evolve with your life! <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:43 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Tiffany! And YASSSS thank you for the T Swift quote! I’m listening to her 1989 album as I reply to all of the comments on this post! haha I love me some Tay Tay! But seriously, thank you so much for your comment and for being so supportive! I’m so happy to be back!

  113. Sherry T
    December 3, 2015 at 10:58 am (9 years ago)

    Your weight fluctuations tell me you are a REAL and a NORMAL person, and it is for this reason I LOVE your blog. Keep the good vibes and fun food coming our way. Negative comments just tell me that there is something seriously missing in that person’s life. For every person who has something terrible to say…you’ve got 10 girls who have your back. Welcome back!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:41 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so so much for the kind words and support, Sherry! Your support means so much!

  114. Julie Wood
    December 3, 2015 at 11:20 am (9 years ago)

    As someone who has struggled with weight gain and loss and gain, I feel your frustration so clearly. I am at my high end again too and so frustrated. I don’t have to deal with it in the public eye… so seriously, bless your heart for putting up with assholes.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:40 pm (9 years ago)

      Haha, thank you for making me laugh, Julie! And thank you so much for your support!

  115. thezsdad
    December 3, 2015 at 11:21 am (9 years ago)

    I’m glad to see you back. Ironically, I’ve gone through similar setbacks in my life the past few months and also find myself back near my highest weight ever, looking for direction and motivation to turn things around. Remember, we are so much more than our weight, and your positivity and honesty are inspiration to many, including myself. As what appears to be one of your few male readers, but happy to be one, I hope you start up again, because I’d love to come along for the journey…

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:39 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you for reminding me of that, thezsdad! Thank you so much for your support and kind words! Let’s all do this together, we’ve got this!

  116. Cameron J
    December 3, 2015 at 11:23 am (9 years ago)

    Cat!! Welcome back, and welcome to the family Potato – what an absolute doll (I also have an English Bulldog, aren’t they just about the best pets ever?)!!

    Personally, I would love for you to do starting photo and meals everyday. This summer was TOO good to me and now I’m at my heaviest weight with the holiday season looming. I also need to be held accountable and having you as inspiration would be a great motivator for me.

    And re: trolls – haters gonna hate. It’s easy to say when I’m not putting myself out there like you do on a daily basis, but just remember there are tons of us here to support and encourage you on your journey. So happy to have you back!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 11:35 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Cameron! Lets do this together! We’ve got this!

  117. Jordan
    December 3, 2015 at 12:12 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine!!!! I’m so happy you’re back! (Although I’ve been talking to you through Snapchat for a couple months! Porky says hi!)

    Your story and journey TOTALLY resonates with me and probably HUNDREDS of women. I’m working on my 2nd weightloss journey as well – it’s so hard but I’ve learned so much more about my happiness and about body acceptance. I can’t wait to read all about your journey as I continue mine – we’re all in it together!

    P.S. Can’t wait to see what shenanigans Potato gets himself into next. Love that we’re Snapchat buddies! xoxo

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:39 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww, my sweet Jordan! Thank you so much for all of your support and for always being so adorable and kind! Your Porky snaps always make me a Tato so happy! I am more motivated than ever to start a new chapter of this journey! We’ve got this!

  118. Emily B
    December 3, 2015 at 12:14 pm (9 years ago)

    You are beautiful and an inspiration. I cannot wait to follow along with your new weight loss journey as I begin my own. We will do it together!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:38 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Emily! Im really excited for you to follow along! I am so motivated 🙂

  119. Megan
    December 3, 2015 at 12:15 pm (9 years ago)

    Have you ever read/heard of mindful eating or intuitive eating?? Check it out!
    To me it’s a change in how we look at food, exercise and everything in between. It teaches us to have a more positive outlook on the journey of weight loss and maintenance by removing those negative thoughts and restrictive diets.

    Just a thought 🙂

    Excited to watch your journey, and just remember we are all on some sort of nutrition journey right along with you! (even those negative followers!)

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:37 pm (9 years ago)

      Yes! I have actually read intuitive Eating! I feel like I should actually reread it haha, it’s been a while. I have not read Mindful Eating though. It’s very easy for me to get caught up in restrictive eating, so I think it’s a great idea to brush up on that before getting back on the wagon in the new year! Thank you so much for your support and kind words. It means a lot!

  120. campbell
    December 3, 2015 at 12:16 pm (9 years ago)

    Oh Man. What a post! I can totally empathize with your situation; I too lost a ton of weight (unhealthily), maintained (healthily), and then gained it all back (unhealthily). I’m currently within five pounds of my heaviest weight and it sucks. There’s a feeling of panic that sits in the back of my throat most days as I feel the stress of being heavier again and the weight of feeling like I have let everyone down (including myself). While this is stress I can manage on a personal level, I can’t imagine that journey being broadcast to an audience and having to deal with an onslaught of negative feedback simultaneously. Thank you for keeping us in the loop and offering to keep plugging along. Selfishly I vote for a return to RFFMBT!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:34 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Campbell! I can DEFINITELY relate to your story! I am right there with you! Let’s do this together! We’ve got this! xo

  121. Izzy
    December 3, 2015 at 12:19 pm (9 years ago)

    Sending you lots of love! Welcome back! T-minus 4 months til I can start making your recipes for the baby avocado 🙂 xo

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:29 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you Izzy! Love you! I’ll make special avo recipes just for you! hahaha

  122. Lauren Shaber | Lauren Lives Healthy
    December 3, 2015 at 12:20 pm (9 years ago)

    SO SO SO happy you’re back!! I’ve honestly been thinking a lot of the same things lately… about being scared to look at comments and about taking a break from blogging just so I don’t have to subject myself to the mean comments. People are so freaking harsh, it’s unreal. I would say that you have to focus on the positives and just remember why you’re blogging (which is sounds like you learned over the past few months). Props to you for coming back even stronger and staying unapologetically you!

    Personally, I’d love to see your check-ins. I’ve found that daily posts is really exhausting mentally (not sure how much time you have on your hands), so even a weekly update might be nice. In my experience, sharing your story with others will help keep you on track too!

    & just a personal note – I’ve never once thought to comment something negative on your posts. You look absolutely gorgeous and still healthy. I didn’t even notice that you’ve gained weight! I’m just excited to follow along on your journey – whatever that journey looks like – and support you. You have a friend in me 🙂

    One more thing – focus on the people who ARE supporting and encouraging you; they’ll keep you happy and going strong. The haters have nothing on you!

    xo Lauren

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:28 pm (9 years ago)

      Sweet sweet Lauren! You are always so kind and so positive! Thank you for always being a shining light in the bloggosphere! I absolutely adore you and always love hearing from you, you inspire me to keep keeping on and to stay positive. Good idea about possibly doing a weekly recap, because daily could get kind of exhausting! I might attempt to try it out in the beginning and see how it goes haha. I’m feeling super motivated and ambitious, but we’ll see how it goes! Thank you again for your support sweet girl! xo

  123. Kimmi
    December 3, 2015 at 12:33 pm (9 years ago)

    Glad you’re back!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:22 pm (9 years ago)

      So happy to be back!

  124. Celina Kenyon
    December 3, 2015 at 12:39 pm (9 years ago)

    Love you!!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:22 pm (9 years ago)

      Love you too, boo!

  125. Drea
    December 3, 2015 at 12:40 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome Back! I’m so sorry that you have to deal with haters. I know how hard it is to stay positive when you spend most of your time on the internet. I work a business from Instagram and I feel like crushed when someone says something mean or nasty. I try to block and move on but it’s hard to shake stuff off sometimes. I just have to be happy with myself and what I’m doing and ignore criticism from people that are just being nasty. With the weight loss I feel the same way except I haven’t been able to lose the weight! By the way you look gorgeous no matter what weight you are! I’m loving your style so whatever weight you are at the moment your rocking it to be honest. Happy your back!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:22 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww thank you so much for the kind words and support, Drea! It means so much! You are seriously so sweet!

  126. Pamela
    December 3, 2015 at 12:40 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so sorry people can be so cruel and inconsiderate. I’ve always loved your blog and Instagram, and I think your journey is inspiring and something so many of us can relate to. It’s a shame some people don’t see the positive impact you have and are trying to make. It seems the negative people are always commenting while supporters often stay quiet. This is my first post on your blog, but I am going to make a more conscious effort to comment and support you-I’m sure your other followers will as well-I hope your inbox will be flooded with positivity and good vibes. Glad you’re back! And you are a beautiful person at any weight!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:21 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Pamela! It means a lot! I am so happy to have you as a blog reader even if you are a silent reader 🙂 I am overwhelmed by the positive support in the past few days. It has been so incredible!

  127. Veronica
    December 3, 2015 at 12:40 pm (9 years ago)

    Don’t let the haters get you down girl. It’d be great to have you back and show people that it can be done, again, especially with a community of supportive readers by your side! Have you thought about how you’ll do it?

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:19 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and sweet words, Veronica! It means a lot! After reading a lot of comments from readers, I think that I am going to start after the holidays in January, so this will give time to think about how I will prepare meals and post!

  128. Laura
    December 3, 2015 at 12:45 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so glad your blog is back up! I, like you, am in a spot where I need to lose weight after gaining back from a previous weight loss. I lost 30lbs around 2 years ago and have since put on 40lbs. It is tough, heart breaking and some days it feels impossible. I would love to be able to go on this journey with you and be able to use your blog like I did before to lose the weight again. You can do this girl 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:18 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Laura! It means a lot! We’ve got this, let’s do it together!

  129. aaczostedt
    December 3, 2015 at 12:48 pm (9 years ago)

    Your blog is fantastic, and has always been an inspiration! If you feel that before and after pics are helpful for YOU, go for it! You are a lovely human being, and people who make nasty comments about someone’s appearance are saying more about themselves than anything else.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:15 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support! It means a lot! I’m excited to be back and make a new start!

  130. Kathy Patalsky
    December 3, 2015 at 1:04 pm (9 years ago)

    I am sooooooooooo glad you are back and this post is beautiful and so 100% real and I love it just like I love you. <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:15 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you Kathy!!! Thank you for always being there and for always supporting me! Love you!

  131. Jessica
    December 3, 2015 at 1:05 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back Cat!!! Remember we are all on this journey and we are all here to help you through like you help us! <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:14 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Jessica! It means a lot!

  132. Vibrant Bean
    December 3, 2015 at 1:07 pm (9 years ago)

    You are amazing. you’re honest and put yourself out there which is probably more than the negative people out there. You’ve got this girl. You can get back on track and never feel bad when it doesn’t go perfectly and smoothly. <3 sending support!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:13 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for the support, inspiration, and kind words! I am so excited to be back! xo

  133. Micki DiChiro
    December 3, 2015 at 1:14 pm (9 years ago)

    Cat, this post made me cry! I am so supportive of you, and you are truly an inspiration. Every since we were little kitties doing arts and crafts at your house, I ALWAYS knew that you would do BIG things. And now look at you, you inspire so many people and you are so candid with the world, which takes a lot of courage and guts to do. Now I can say, “I told you so”. I love you, and I am happy you’re happy. It is sad but there are people in this world who are just straight up cruel. I hate to admit, but I am a victim that gets SUCKED into reading comments on EVERYTHING, after I’ve fallen 1000 feet down the rabbit hole, 4 hours have passed and I’m reading the 12,324,356 comment, my jaw is typically – by that time- ON THE FLOOR. I have to then grab it, lift it back up and place it back into my face and remember that those negative people are probably soo unhappy with their lifes and have nothing better to do than bring others down. That we shouldn’t spend ANY of our energy and time on them….. that at the end of the day there IS so much good in the world, and so many good people out there that are trying to make the world a better place. Like you. I appreciate you for that. xoxox love you momma rabbit

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:13 pm (9 years ago)

      MICKI!!! I love you, I love you, I love you!!! Thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me that you pop in and read my blog and spend the time to comment! Thank you for always being there! xo

  134. Miranda
    December 3, 2015 at 1:22 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine!! This has to be my lucky day – you’re back to blogging! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve checked your blog to see if you’ve posted something because I genuinely love all of your recipes, stories, etc. and I missed them so much! I completely understand why you took a break from blogging, but I couldn’t be happier that you are back! I took a little break from my own blog (the one you inspired me to start) and after realizing how much I miss it, I’m definitely going back to it! I wish you all of the best with this new chapter 🙂

    Miranda xx

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:11 pm (9 years ago)

      I can’t believe I inspired you to start a blog! That’s so amazing! Thank you so much for your support and kind words! It means so much to me! I’m so happy to be back 🙂

  135. jerseydarlingsdiary
    December 3, 2015 at 1:24 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine: I LOVE your blog. I follow your smoothie recipes, I made your piñata costume, I tried your fun appetizers (polenta pizzas were a hit with my friends!!) and your story continues to inspire me! People that have mean things to say are looking for a sad outlet – block them. DO NOT listen to them! Turn off email notifications. Please keep going and listen to your heart, not the cowardly critics. Do it for yourself – NO ONE ELSE! I just read Liz Gilbert’s book called Big Magic about creativity and fear. I think it will help you stay inspired. I recommend it. Can’t wait to see more from you!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 10:11 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, you are ADORABLE!!!! I love that you made my costume and so many of my recipes!!! Thank you so much for your support and the kind words! I am going to look into that book! xo

  136. Cori
    December 3, 2015 at 1:25 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! Glad to see you back on the other side of the screen!! I would love to see you share with us your journey as you navigate through this. We all are on our own journey and I know I draw so much inspiration from others to help me through mine. Be bold and share!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:59 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support! I’m so happy to be back!

  137. Natalie Carroll
    December 3, 2015 at 1:26 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! I came across your blog in my own quest to eat healthy & shed some extra, stubborn – and still there – baby lbs. I was inspired by reading your story and your spin on healthy recipes. I LOVE your honestly from this post…you are so relatable because of the ups & downs that we ALL incur on our journey, whether that journey is to become healthier through food, or just living more consciously with what we put into our bodies. There will always be people out there, especially on the Internet, that are haters. Fear of putting yourself out there AS YOU ARE should never be a reason to let people hold you back. Misery loves company and how sad it is that all those haters have nothing else better to do than hide behind their computer shaming and being mean others. You are doing productive things with your time and helping others along the way! Also I read that you live in the OC…you should check out my gym, it’s unlike anything out there with fun fitness classes AND nutrition guidance (not that you need it)! Don’t mean to sound like a solicitor, it just changed my life and I want more locals to find out about it!
    Good luck with the reimmersion into the world wild web…I’ll be cheering you on along the way!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:57 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so so very much for your support and kind words, Natalie! I will definitely have to check out Kaia Fit OC! xo

  138. thisiwrite
    December 3, 2015 at 1:34 pm (9 years ago)

    There will always be cowards who spread hatred from the anonymity of their screen-fed darkened hearts and your job is to pity their tiny lives and celebrate your own. Never allow the ‘haters’ into your psyche because the only person it affects is you. You’re better than that. Focus on the positive and continue doing what you’re doing. It is being completely YOU that leads to the greatest happiness. *smile*

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:56 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it!

  139. RMK
    December 3, 2015 at 1:34 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! I am a current college student and have been on an up and down weight loss journey. Last semester I pretty much developed an eating disorder but then over the summer I gained so much weight I was almost back to where I was when I started to work out and get healthy. This was really discouraging for me but knowing that you were going through similar things was very helpful. It was hard finding my motivation to eat healthy and exercise again but I am trying! I am looking forward to hearing about your journey and I know you will inspire mine. Thanks for being such a good role model! lots of love xoxo R

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Hi R! I have definitely been there! But you know what, I am here to help and support you! I totally get it and we are in this together! Thank you so much for your support and kind words! xo

  140. SugarRx
    December 3, 2015 at 1:36 pm (9 years ago)

    When I came across your blog over a year ago you became my inspiration and now I am down over 75 pounds and I have YOU to thank for that! I had lost the weight about 8 years ago and gained it all back plus some. You are beautiful! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Start over again and blog about it…inspire us all to do it again because the reality is that most people gain the weight back but not everyone has the courage and strength to do it again. If I can, you can. You got this!!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:53 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, that’s INCREDIBLE!!!!! Congratulations on your success, I love hearing that! You are making me cry (happy) tears over here!!! Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I am so excite dot be back and take another stab at this!

  141. Emily
    December 3, 2015 at 1:37 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so excited that you’re back! I’m ready to kick into high gear with this weight loss thing too. I’d love it if you posted daily and it could feel like we were doing it together!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:52 pm (9 years ago)

      I’m so happy to be back and so excited to do this together!

  142. Sierra
    December 3, 2015 at 1:37 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so glad you are back! You completely transformed my life. Until i stumbled upon your blog a year ago i had been struggling with my weight for 5 years. I loved that your blog wasn’t all puppies and rainbows. You were honest about your depression and body shaming. I didn’t know anyone in my life that struggled with these things to he extent that i did so i felt soon relieved when i “met” you. I used your blog as an outlet and inspiration to get on track and really take charge of my happiness. You got me hooked on spoon class (although i don’t go anymore), you made me more experimental with recipes and you let me know that i wasn’t alone. Ive been exactly where you are in this exact moment. When i was in high school i was 130 pounds and thought i was fat (crazy). So i went on a diet and i dropped down to 110. it wasn’t long before i shot up to 175. I can say from personal experience that being fat is bad…but being fat after just getting skinny is worse. I know that this is a very depressing feeling and its easy to give up. Over the past year i have been more conscious about i eat but at the same time i do a lot of pizza ordering and baking and i don’t shame myself for it or call these “cheat meals” they’re “sanity meals” In July i started my business teaching Aerial Yoga and i have now lost 40 pounds. I weigh in currently at a healthy 141 pounds. Just this month i also started a food blog called Eat greenish – . You’ve done so much to help others and gave us comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this struggle but remember to always put yourself first. You need to know that you can count on us to have your back on a shitty day when you eat a roll of oreos for breakfast (i did it last week!) and the people who matter will be there for you. Haters gonna hate! If these people really thought you were so disgusting they wouldn’t even view your blog, many of them are just sad people that are going through the same thing and don’t know how to make themselves feel better without bringing someone els down. Know that are a true inspiration to everyone and you have the ability to change lives every day. Love you!


    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:51 pm (9 years ago)

      Sweet sweet Sierra, THANK YOU for this comment!!!! I am pretty much speechless and don’t even know what else to say except thank you and YASSSSSS! I was reading and nodding my head “yes” to everything you wrote because, boy have I been there. Especially when you said “I can say from personal experience that being fat is bad…but being fat after just getting skinny is worse. I know that this is a very depressing feeling and its easy to give up.” You hit the nail on head about 100 times right there. This has been this biggest source of depression for me, and it has been unbelievably hard to get through this hurdle! Thank you for supporting me and for all of your kind words. You have no idea how much YOU have helped ME! xo

  143. Alicia M
    December 3, 2015 at 1:43 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m SOOOOO happy you’re back! I’m seriously obsessed with your blog – I love your pictures, recipes & healthy meal ideas. And I’m so angry to hear that people have been a**holes! Ugh!! I would love if when you came back to the blog, you focused more on health than weight. As a recovered anorexic who struggles regularly to get enough veggies in (and who definitely has gained her fair share of weight), I would love to see someone who has similar struggles focus on eating right, but not worrying so much about losing x amount of weight. When you were gone I went through the archives a bit & felt inspired to try spin again – and loved it! Would love to see generally ~healthy lifestyle~ stuff with less of a focus on x pounds lost or gained. 🙂 keep on keeping on girl!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:41 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Alicia! Im so happy that you browsed through and were inspired to try spin! I actually miss spinning and am thinking about starting again! I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin now that I have gained so much weight back, that I feel like I need to focus on eating healthier so that the weight will start naturally coming off in a healthy way. I love making healthy recipes that everyone can make in general though, so you will definitely see more of that! Thanks again for all of your support! xo

  144. shelby / SHOOOOOOOOBZ
    December 3, 2015 at 1:43 pm (9 years ago)

    CATHERINE!!!!!!!!!! I am glad you are back! and I WOULD LOVE to punch every single person that ever left a negative comment on your blog!!!!!!! It made me sad reading that — and seriously wish I could be in CALI to make you laugh!!!!! You are an amazing blogger and photographer and your blog is just THE BEST!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:35 pm (9 years ago)

      Love you, SHOOBZ!!! Thank you for ALWAYS making me laugh and for always cheering me up! It feels like we’ve never spent a day apart! xo

  145. flapperverse
    December 3, 2015 at 1:46 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! I am a long-time reader of your blog. You and I are in the same boat: in high school I was 181 lbs, but had a bout with an ED that brought me down to 132 lbs. As college does, I naturally gained it all back plus some, only to find myself at my heaviest weight of 215 in 2013. I lost about 50 lbs by the following spring. Last year I lost a friend of mine, and ever since then I think I’ve gained about 30 lbs.

    Your blog has been a source of inspiration and confidence for me, and I will literally listen to ANYTHING you do because I love and respect your voice!
    I loved posts where you wrote about new smoothie recipes, talked about your different workout regimens, as well as your selfies of you “in the moment”! It was all very inspiring for me!!

    Hope that helps.

    Amanda x

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:34 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, Amanda! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. There are no words. It gives me so much joy that you have found inspiration and confidence from my blog! You give me so much inspiration to keep blogging! xo

  146. Erika
    December 3, 2015 at 1:47 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back! i was thrilled when i saw the new post. Cant wait to see more of your magazines and new journey.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:29 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much, Erika! Looking forward to it!

  147. Allison
    December 3, 2015 at 2:07 pm (9 years ago)

    Trolls suck. Admitting your own struggles only makes you more endearing to your readers. Anyone who has struggled with their weight will raise their hands up in salute to you. A blogger who admits she’s not instagram perfect? Praise Jesus.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:28 pm (9 years ago)

      Hahaha loved your comment, Allison! I feel pressure all the time to be “Instagram perfect” and it really started to get to me. I had a really hard time posting newer photos and videos of myself where I had noticeably gained weight because I felt that I had failed as a healthy living blogger. I felt like I needed to uphold my “after” image and that no one would respect me or want to follow my blog anymore if I gained weight back. Yet at the same time, I didn’t want to hide. The internet is a very strange world, but I’m very happy that I was able to break out of the crazy Insta perfect world and stay authentic to me and my story. Thank you so much for your support and kind words, it means a lot!

  148. Allecs
    December 3, 2015 at 2:16 pm (9 years ago)

    Glad to have you back. I used to check back frequently, hoping for a post. I’ve mentioned before that I love your attitude and the fact that you’re so honest. I recently turned 30 and while I’ve been trying to exercise more, the weight is not coming off as easily as it did in the past. I think reading your blog again will inspire me to keep going. You’re awesome!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:24 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your continued support and the kind words! I’m so glad you kept checking back! Losing weight again has been really challenging for me as well, but I know that I really need to focus on my diet. I hope that I can help to motivate you 🙂 We’ve got this! xo

  149. Sonja Jackson
    December 3, 2015 at 2:21 pm (9 years ago)

    You are an inspiration. From my own personal ups and downs, I know how amazing and inspiring it can be to lose a bunch of weight and help others do the same… I also know the pain of going through deep depression and watching my small clothing get tighter and tighter while I felt more and more uncomfortable with seemingly nothing I could do about it. With PCOS and crazy hormone imbalances, plus my tendency to turn to my oldest frienemy, food, for comfort I ballooned back up. I know the feeling of extreme pride and accomplishment, and also being totally disappointed in myself and sad.
    You sharing about your genuine experiences totally helps me to connect and not feel so alone in my battle. I seem to be surrounded by people who have no trouble with their weight and have always been the “fat girl.” It means so much to know that others feel my pain and struggle. Please don’t EVER stop doing what you do. You are beautiful, smart, a great writer, and an inspiration to so so many people <3 <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:22 pm (9 years ago)

      Sweet sweet Sonja, I don’t know if we could be any more alike! We are practically twins! I teared up reading your comment because it really resonated with me. Like… every part of it. Please know that you are most definitely NOT the only one who struggles! Read the comments on this post, there are so many incredibly positive women who have struggled or are struggling with the same thing. But I know what it feels like to be the “fat girl” surrounded by people who don’t struggle with their weight or can’t relate. It can be really hard. I’m glad you’ve found my blog to be an outlet and a place where you can connect! That’s exactly why I continue to blog even through the challenging times! Thank you so much for your support and kind words. It means so much to me!

  150. Brittany
    December 3, 2015 at 2:25 pm (9 years ago)

    So glad that you’re back to blogging!!!! We missed you! 🙂 I say go for it and post your newest pictures, we’re all here to support and encourage you! I started following you a little over 2 years ago, and you are one of the most genuine and caring bloggers out there…you don’t sugarcoat things, and I think you’d find tons of love and cheering for you on your weight loss journey ♡

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:10 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww, oh my gosh thank you so much, Brittany! I really appreciate your support and kind words! It means a lot!

  151. Sarah Day
    December 3, 2015 at 2:33 pm (9 years ago)

    Let’s do this together girlfriend! Come January 1st this baby weight has to come off and get into bikini shape. I’m always up for a walk, workout, or sharing recipes along the way!

    Love you!!!

    Sarah Day and Piper K

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:09 pm (9 years ago)

      Love you, Sarah and Piper!!! Ok, I’m going to hold you to it! Walks in January after the holidays!!!

  152. Chanel
    December 3, 2015 at 2:49 pm (9 years ago)

    Screw the haters beautiful! Glad to see you back blogging and definitely post your journey. I’m definitely in need of some inspiration right now 🙁 lots of love xxx

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:03 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Chanel! Sometimes we all need some inspiration! You should definitely read some of the comments on this post, there are so many incredibly inspiring women here! We are in this together, let’s do this! xo

  153. Jessica
    December 3, 2015 at 2:51 pm (9 years ago)

    Yes! Welcome back 🙂 Recently started my own healthy journey; excited to follow along 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:02 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Jessica! I am right there with you, we’ve got this!

  154. Rachel
    December 3, 2015 at 3:22 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back!!!! We all need to show everyone respect. I don’t understand why we just have to put up with the rudeness on the internet!! I glad your back I think you’re right we all could use a little more support on this journey because it never really ends. Keep the post coming!!!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:02 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Rachel! It means so much to me! So excited to start this next chapter!

  155. Alicia
    December 3, 2015 at 3:25 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m usually a silent reader, not so much of a commenter. I’m happy you’re back. It’s amazing to have a voice that acknowledges that you can’t ALWAYS do it. Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated and easier to make the wrong choice. Ultimately it’s all about picking up and continuing on, and your story is so motivating for that reason. I also fell off the wagon so to speak. I went from feeling my healthiest, most fit back up to my heaviest weight. I would love to have your journey to work along side. Thank you for putting yourself out there, because the Internet really can be a cruel place. I admire your courage and am thankful to have found your blog.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 9:01 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Alicia! I am so happy that you found my blog, and I am so lucky to have you as a reader! I can’t thank you enough for your support! We are in this together, let’s do this!

  156. Claire
    December 3, 2015 at 3:56 pm (9 years ago)

    It’s ok! I have to start all over too. It happens. Thank you for being honest about it, because I can really relate and it’s nice to know that gaining weight back and starting the process over can even happen to you (I mean someone who has accomplished so much with diet and nutrition already).

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 8:03 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Claire! Weight is such a struggle, but its life. We’re in this together! We can do it!

  157. Lamar
    December 3, 2015 at 5:28 pm (9 years ago)

    You are so relatable! I love your blog!! Keep up the good work! 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 8:03 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you, Lamar! Thank you so much for your support!

  158. Michele
    December 3, 2015 at 5:51 pm (9 years ago)

    Mean people suck!!!

    I soooo get you with the weight loss ups and downs. I’m older than you but I can relate to gaining and losing and gaining. BTDT and it’s a constant struggle for me. Do whatever makes you comfortable on the blog but don’t let the haters get to you. I give you a lot of credit for putting yourself out there. Hugs!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 8:02 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks so much for the support, Michele! I really appreciate it!

  159. Alane
    December 3, 2015 at 5:55 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so excited you are back! You have been so inspirational! I love reading your blog because you are so honest and real! No more hiding. Embrace this new start. I say……. take the picture! Or don’t.. its up too you. Someone is always going to say something mean and hurtful regardless. I also am restarting my journey. Your blog helped me stay on track, make healthy choices and not feel bad about my love for coffee. Looking forward to your next post! #rffmbt #bunny4life #bunniesunite.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 8:02 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww thank you so much, Alane! Thank you for your support and kind words, it means so much!

  160. Adrianne
    December 3, 2015 at 6:06 pm (9 years ago)

    I was literally on your site a couple days ago wondering where you have been! Glad to see you are back. 🙂 You have inspired me from the first time I saw your site.

    I have been up and down with my weight my entire life, I lose it and always gained it back. It’s the most frustrating, awful thing in the world. I don’t ever remember a time when I haven’t thought about my weight. I hate that people are so awful to you, it’s amazing what they can say behind the safety of their computer screens, but I want to share a quote with you that my dad shared with me when I was young:

    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”
    – Eleanor Roosevelt

    It has stuck with me all through my life and has honestly helped me through a lot of negative things.

    I have one other for you:

    “What other people think of you is none of our business”

    I hope that helps you even in some little way. 🙂 I have learned the only reason people are that way to others is because they are unhappy with themselves. Instead of feeling bad about yourself because of them, you should feel bad for them and how sad their own lives must be.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!


    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 8:01 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for the support and positive quotes, Adrianne! I can’t thank you enough for your support!

  161. Sheila
    December 3, 2015 at 6:14 pm (9 years ago)

    Wow, I can’t believe people sometimes!! I’m so sorry you’ve been treated so horribly, especially after putting yourself out there. I’ve loved reading your blog, and have definitely missed you. Please stick around for us women who need the support that you can offer, you really are making a difference! The reason I’ve been so drawn to you is because we have very similar stats (same height, body type, weight, hair color!!), and it gives me that much more inspiration to stay focused on my eating goals. I, too, am at a heavy weight. I’m pregnant with #2, and after #1 I swore I would never get as heavy again. I lost almost 80 pounds after #1’s birth… then put on 40, got pregnant, and now I’m back where I was before. I pulled out my old maternity clothes, and they fit exactly how they did with #1. Very depressing, especially after putting in so much effort to lose all the weight after he was born. I won’t be able to join with you, but I will be cheering the bunnies from the sidelines!! And will, of course, join in as soon as this baby is out! I know you can do it. Please, I need this!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:41 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your kind words, sweet Sheila! Congratulations on your babes! When is baby #2 due? I am so motivated to take a before photo and do daily updates with what I eat each day because of the support of this community and the amazing women here! Even if you aren’t able to join, I will still be posting tons of healthy recipes and snacks that you can enjoy 🙂 andddd by the time you have baby #2 and are ready to get back on track, you will pretty much have an entire meal plan on my blog ready for you and tons of motivation from myself and others! I am so happy to have readers like you! Thank you for your support, it means so much to me!

  162. Jess L
    December 3, 2015 at 6:31 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m glad you are back and would love for you to share your journey! I need good motivation and ideas and would love to hear yours. Especially on food – and planning food for the day, snacks etc. It’s so hard! I’m one of those silent readers, but I’m vowing to add more to the positive comments out there because you rock and deserve to hear it!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:36 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and sweet words! I love having you here even if you are a silent reader! I can’t wait to share more healthy recipes soon! xo

  163. Hollie
    December 3, 2015 at 6:33 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back mamma!!! I’ve followed your page for about a year now and ABSOULTELY love it! I’ve made some of your recipes and they are AMAZING! Even just a few months ago you liked some of my pictures on Instagram which totally made my year❤️❤️❤️❤️ You are BEAUTIFUL and don’t let people bring you down! Stay positive! Everyone goes through rough patches with weight but that doesn’t mean you can’t get up and start again! We are here for you!!! I would love to see you post on this website again! I always admire how successful you are and love that you have your OWN blog! So happy your back!
    Hollie G
    Ps> if you ever decide to sell the over sized women’s shirts on your website again I would probably buy a 2937716152 of them ❤️

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:34 pm (9 years ago)

      Awwww oh y gosh, thank you so much Hollie! Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means so much to me! & I hope to have more Oversized Long Sleeve Shirts soon! xo

  164. katiehollystrong
    December 3, 2015 at 6:49 pm (9 years ago)

    I know how it feels to fluctuate with weight all the time, it sucks! I was so happy to see this blog post, I would check your site frequently in hopes of seeing a new post! I look forward to seeing more. 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:33 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and for not giving up checking on my blog :)! xo

  165. Kayleigh
    December 3, 2015 at 7:05 pm (9 years ago)

    This is the first time I have ever written a reply to a blogger but I just felt I should say thank you ! Thank you for inspiring so many of us to take control, try new things, and throw out the word ‘failure’ but instead replace it with the words ‘learning experience’. You are authentic and real and without your candid, funny, and sometimes tear jerking posts, so many of us would forget there is someone out there who feels what we feel. You’re such a beauty inside and out, and I am so glad you’re back!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:32 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so so much for the support and kind words, Kayleigh! and thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog! I’m so honored and humbled that my blog was the first one you commented on 🙂 I’m so lucky to have a reader like you. Thank you again for your support. It means so much to me!

  166. Ellen
    December 3, 2015 at 7:20 pm (9 years ago)

    I love how you don’t mask the truth of your life on your blog. And you have achieved your goal in making it a place where your bunnie followers including myself are able to see that social media role models don’t have it easy or perfect and make us feel like we are not the only ones who struggle. In all honesty I did notice the change in your body from photos and YouTube videos posted up but it just made me love and respect you and your blog more! I loved following your recipes, dispite knowing your body image had changed It didn’t make me think any different of you or your blog! You are a true role model for being strong and sticking to what you love even though your weight had changed it doesn’t mean you or your knowledge has. I think posting a before picture and owning who are and what you want to change would be the best “F U” to all the haters! And it would be the biggest inspiration to bunnies following you, and knowing you are doing this with them and showing us that fall backs happen to absolutely everyone, you just have to own it and push back through! You are a beautiful person Cat, mind, body and all! Stay beautiful, always! Xx

    Ps. I’m sorry to hear about Teddy, was such sad news to hear on FB. But a lovely congratulations on your new adorable pup, Potato. & Congrats on the editor job! Coolest job ever! Loved your snapchats during the Disney launch! And happy anniversary for your 1 year and a big happy birthday for August!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:27 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so so much for your support, Ellen! It was really hard for me to continue posting photos and videos of myself when I didn’t feel confident in how I looked, and at the same time I felt like a failure to all of my loyal readers. Like I had completely let them down. Here I was supposed to be this “after” photo, but I wasn’t anymore. It was embarrassing and hard for me, and there were definitely people who were vocal about it, but I am so happy to have readers like you who are so supportive and who understand that it’s part of life. I’m not perfect and I definitely struggle like everyone else! I’m so thankful for your support and your kind words about Teddy, Potato, my new job, anniversary, and bday! Thank you so much! It means a lot! xo

  167. Little Yellow Birdie
    December 3, 2015 at 7:33 pm (9 years ago)

    Screw them it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. I say don’t approve them, don’t give them a voice or a platform. Shut them out and shut them down. There is a time and a place for people to debate but if they can’t wear their big girl panties let them go somewhere else.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 7:21 pm (9 years ago)

      Yes! Thank you for the advice, and for your support!

  168. Devin Whitney Jones
    December 3, 2015 at 7:59 pm (9 years ago)

    I have never ever left a comment on anything. EVER! I am a part time reader who found your blog and identified with your humble and honest approach to weight loss/health/body image. I am a SoCal girl living in Denver so you also made me winsome for my old friends with your breezy spirit. I beg you to continue. You have a delightful, fresh voice. I can not believe people could be so terrible, I never read comments so this was news to me. When I was done reading your post tears were streaming down my face which prompted my hubby to ask what the hell was so sad…he told me that people are horrible in posts. Why oh why? Don’t let those meanies silence you, nobody loves them and they have to make everyone else as miserable as they feel. It is truly sad. Bless you cutie pie! xoxo

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 6:15 pm (9 years ago)

      I ADORE YOU! Thank you so so so much for taking the time to leave your very first comment on MY blog! I feel so very honored! I cannot thank you enough for your sweet kind words and support. I’m so happy to be back and so happy to have you as a reader! Thank you again for your support, it means so much to me! xo

  169. Sabrina Peyton
    December 3, 2015 at 8:26 pm (9 years ago)

    First of all “HI” and welcome back!!! Second of all , negative people suck and have no business judging someone else’s life ugh!! so annoying. Anyway I am super glad you got a little break and time to just be you without having to worry about people who have no life. I am personally very glad you are so honest and candid about weight loss & weight gain. I think it would be a fabulous idea for you to post a starting point photo and post what you’re eating, just so like you said it would be an accountability tool for you but also for us readers who wanna get going again or keep up the motivation. Weight loss is hard and it makes it more enjoyable when you can relate to others and lift each other up. You are a beautiful person no matter what your weight is, just know that there are SO many people who love you for who you are, not what you look like and we all respect and look forward to whatever decision you make regarding your life and health! XOXO!!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 6:11 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Sabrina! Everyone is motivating me to take a before photo and post my daily meals, do I’m definitely leaning towards it! I’m so happy to be back, your support means the world to me!

  170. Aleah
    December 3, 2015 at 9:17 pm (9 years ago)

    Missed you as well! I am a faithful follower from the beginning; I have the original tank to prove it! 😉 I hope you find all of the faith, love and nourishment you deserve so that you can move back in to a place of health and happiness!! <3 Here to support you 100 percent just as your posts supported me in the past. You are worth so much more than you know! Thank you!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 6:09 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, that is so sweet! Thank you so much Aleah! I love that you have an original tank!!! So stinking cute! Thank you for your continuous support and for always being so kind! xo

  171. Lexie Shah
    December 3, 2015 at 9:17 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy you are back! I have been up & down with my weight as well and was even thinking earlier today how I need to get back on track and then just read your post so I think it’s a sign haha. I am excited to get on this journey with you! Would love if you posted your meals for some inspiration for what to eat while trying to lose weight but also any helpful strategies or tips (both mentally & physically!) that you have for weight loss! You are such an awesome person–very excited you’re back

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 6:04 pm (9 years ago)

      Awwww thank you sweet Lexi! I’m right there with you, so let’s do this together! I’m really excited to do daily updates and do this with all of my bunnies! I feel more motivated than ever! I need to figure out how to balance my daily posts with my new job, but I think compiling a post of what I ate each day after I get home from work is definitely possible! Thanks again for all of your support! So happy to be back!

  172. Jeanne
    December 3, 2015 at 9:18 pm (9 years ago)

    I think I speak for most of us when we say you shouldn’t post the negative comments. If it’s about a recipe, fine. But if someone attacks you permanently, please just ignore them. I am always amazed how mean people can be when they are the other end of the computer screen. We won’t mind if you leave all of those comments out. They just drag everyone down. As for your weight- life is full of ups and downs! You were blessed with a beautiful face and a sweet nature. 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 6:01 pm (9 years ago)

      I will definitely take that advice and not post the negative comments that personally attack me! Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Jeanne!

  173. Marie
    December 3, 2015 at 9:52 pm (9 years ago)

    It’s all about the journey, not the end result! Just as life has its ups and downs, so do we and so does our weight. But it’s all ok! You inspire me to get back on track too. You deserve so much credit for your honesty and transparency! The positivity you’ve put out will come back to you, and the mean commenters must be ignored. Welcome back Cat!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 5:59 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww thank you so much, Marie! I am so thankful for your support, it means so much to me!

  174. Brittany
    December 3, 2015 at 9:52 pm (9 years ago)

    Hey girl! I’m new to your blog (well…social media everything lol) but it’s nice to see you getting back on the wagon again 🙂 I’m working on myself too, and it’s been great getting to read through your site, it’s so inspirational to see what you’ve gone through and how you’ve successfully kept yourself on track in the past – thanks for being so open and helpful!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 5:58 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Brittany! I’m so happy to be back and can’t wait to get back on track again!

  175. Kasey
    December 4, 2015 at 5:10 am (9 years ago)

    Yay!!!! Thanks for battling all that negativity, because I have to tell you you are my positive! I really appreciate that you are so real! Weightloss is a lot of hard work and maintance even more so! I am currently on a weightloss journey, I have lost about 50 lbs, and I am really struggling with body distortion, it’s nice to know that I am not the only one out there! I am so glad your back!,!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:31 pm (9 years ago)

      You are 500% not the only one out there! Just read through some of the comments on this post! It’s hard to write these very honest posts at times, but there are so many of us who are going through the exact same thing right now. I hope that you can find support through my ups and downs. Your support means the world to me, thank you so much for taking the time to comment! and congratulations on your weight loss so far! That’s so incredible, you should be so proud!

  176. Kaitlin
    December 4, 2015 at 5:29 am (9 years ago)

    YOU ARE AMAZING! I’ve missed reading your posts. In a world where people truly do spew rainbows and butterflies, it is refreshing to read your blog and be able to relate. I would love to read and follow your new healthy plan as I am also back at my highest weight 🙁 But we can do it!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:28 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and sweet words, Kaitlin! It means a lot to hear that you appreciate the honesty, even when times are not so great! I am excited to be back, we’ve got this!!!

  177. Keri
    December 4, 2015 at 8:43 am (9 years ago)

    One: you are beautiful!!! And people can be sooo mean! If people are saying something negative about you, its because they feel like shit about themselves and they are projecting. Two: it doesnt look like you weigh as much as you did when you first began your journey. Do you mind me asking how you think you gained the weight back? And lastly i am at my heaviest weight right now too and it sucks!!!!! I want to loose weight but its such a process and life altering thing and i need the patience and motivation!!! Lets do it together!!!! I would love to see a pic of you right now, so that those of us needing to get on track can feel ok in our bodys as well and you posting a pic would be incredibly brave!! I love your reciepes and i love following you-you are the cutest!!!!! 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:26 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much, Kari! I think my weight gain started because I was happy and I started not paying attention at all and thinking a little something extra here and there would be fine, and eating out too much with friends. And then before I knew it I had gained 10 pounds which turned into 20 and then it became out of control and I could’t get back on track. Then I started to become very depressed about my body image and letting myself get back to this point. Along with the depression I started emotion eating which didn’t help at all. I would love to do this together with the help of my bunnies I think it’s what I need! Thank you again for your support, it means so much to me! xo

  178. Jessica K
    December 4, 2015 at 8:48 am (9 years ago)

    I’m not usually a reader to leave comments, BUT I have to congratulate you on your honesty! I’ve loved your blog from the moment I stumbled upon it, and still do to this day. You’re so uplifting, even in your downward spiraling moments, why? because you’re being human and admitting to it! Keep it up-the blogging will come back naturally and the weight loss will happen again, but remember its the inner sunshine through your inner voice that matters most, not the outward appearance.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:21 pm (9 years ago)

      Awwww, oh my gosh, thank you so much for the sweet words, Jessica! Your support means everything to me!

  179. Mariah Baddas
    December 4, 2015 at 9:13 am (9 years ago)

    Dear Catherine! This honestly made my whole entire day reading your blog post! Welcome back! You have been missed… I cannot tell you how excited I am that you’re back to blocking, but I completely understand why you needed to take a break-there’s no way that anybody can enjoy that much criticism without feeling it. And I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. I wish that all those haters can just look at themselves and realize how hurtful it is to say those things. Thank you for being brave, for the rest of us who love you-we’re so excited to have you back! Literally, you’re such an inspiration and I look for you at Disneyland every time I go, ha ha, sorry- too creepy? I don’t care if you’re skinny, Jubee, purple and white polkadotted, just like a bum… You have a heart of gold and that shines through your blog and social media. Be strong, there are a lot of people who love you!! Xoxoxo

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:13 pm (9 years ago)

      I just LOL-ed when you said you look for me every time you go to Disneyland hahahaha, you are too cute!!!!! We are destined to meet at the park one day, I just know it! I need to do another “find me and win this RFFMBT shirt” giveaway at the park soon!!! Thank you so much for your support and kind words. You are such a beautiful person inside and out and your support means the world to me. xo

  180. Mariah Baddas
    December 4, 2015 at 9:16 am (9 years ago)

    Wow- lotsa typos! Haha sorry I was typing fast on my phone! ?

  181. Annita
    December 4, 2015 at 10:08 am (9 years ago)

    Met you when you spoke at the Dot Fulfillment lunch and learn and have followed you ever since! Although I’m old enough to be your Mom (55) I can relate to your struggles and am inspired by you!! My weight has been very challenging over the last 10 years as I have hypothyroidism and had Mercury toxicity. I’m working to lose 25 pounds but age and health issues make it difficult. So GO Girl! Post that photo, jump in with your great and honest blogs and forget about the haters!!! Best to you!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 3:01 pm (9 years ago)

      Awww hi Annita! So great to hear from you!!! We are in this together! Thank you so much for your support!

  182. Kristin
    December 4, 2015 at 10:29 am (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy you are back! I’ve been wanting to ask so many times if you would blog again but assumed for personal reasons you needed a break. Reading this post breaks my heart. I think you are so cute and so sweet. Following your blog in 2012 got me I. The best shape of my life. Like you there have been ups and downs since and that’s another reason i love you so much. You are always real. I hate that people have to be nasty. I’ve been victim to some online hate and I don’t even have any public forms of social media. I look forward to following your journey again. Chin up kiddo!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:57 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, you are an OG bunny! Thank you so much for your support and kind words, Kristen! I cannot believe that you have dealt with internet hate as well. It’s so terrible. I’m so happy to be back and can’t wait to share more recipes and fun with everyone! Thank you again for your support, it means so much to me!

  183. SQUID09
    December 4, 2015 at 10:04 pm (9 years ago)

    I love the support and vulnerability you show on this blog, It’s inspiring and comforting. I’m going to give you unsolicited advice: Delete the negative comments and commentors. Being horrid is their problem and doesn’t belong on a blog you created as a supportive and kind network of blogs and readers. What you have accomplished is amazing, and there should be no room for their hatefulness.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much! Your support means so much to me!

  184. Hoyte
    December 5, 2015 at 3:14 am (9 years ago)

    I have 2 simple mantras for you.

    1. Don’t worry about things you can’t control. (I’m 75 and this has worked for me for 40 years!)
    2. As a Personal Trainer I am a proponent of Conscientious Eating: Be aware of everything you put in your mouth. I know you knew that, but it bears repeating; in fact, every time you eat, remember your post!

    I’ve missed you, too.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:55 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and for the mantras, Hoyte! I’m so happy to be back!

  185. gill
    December 5, 2015 at 4:01 am (9 years ago)

    Catherine, I love your honestly….what I’ve learned from being on this planet 37 years is that the human race can be utterly wonderful and utterly horrible….and it’s so sad to see the latter.
    We are all human Catherine, blogging is a part of your life but it can be so draining….. I personally love your blog and I’ve loved the recipes of yours that I’ve done…delete the haters….delete their comments…you should, your life is to precious…..
    Do what makes you happy, life is to short.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:54 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support, Gill! I am definitely learning how to deal with the negative side of blogging, and your support definitely helps!

  186. Xan
    December 5, 2015 at 5:44 am (9 years ago)

    I hope you know that you are 100,000 times more brave than any hater will ever be. I am older than you, but a sensitive soul all the same…. It took me a long time to shut out criticisms that are not constructive criticism. At the end of the day, its not at all about you, but rather people feeling the need to be judgemental because of their own self dislike and self hatred. I don’t know when empathy left the building, but for many it has. Live your life. Be kind to yourself. Learn to center and ground yourself… All the negatives fall away. You will find you get to a point where they just roll off .. You will learn to laugh deeply, and find your inner joy. This is your journey, not anyone else’s. Own it. Embrace it. No one has the power to take anything from you…I wish you great luck in your new adventure to health. 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:53 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support and beautiful words, Xan! It means so much to me!

  187. Amanda
    December 5, 2015 at 7:13 am (9 years ago)

    It is so wonderful to see a new post from you! I am an avid blog reader but rare commentor, and I bet there are so many more shy people like me who support you too and we need to show it more!

    You are one of the bravest people I “know” – I’ve read many blogs and your’s is by far the most real. You are so vulnerable and i think that should be applauded, not criticized in any way ever. You could be fake and write posts that you know will get nice comments and keep haters at bay, but you continue to be true to yourself and all your readers.

    I’m a very sensitive person and I could never put myself out there for the world to see like you have on your blog. One thing that has helped me in my personal life is to realize that the things people say, really say more about who they are than whatever they’re talking about. The people spending their free time writing hateful comments on your blog are clearly dealing with personal issues and their rude remarks say more about how they feel about themselves than about who you are. Don’t let strangers determine your worth. You’re awesome and I feel like you have a wonderful sense of self truth.

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:52 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Amanda! I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and kind words. I’m sitting at my computer crying (happy) tears as I read all of these comments from the most incredible human beings who I don’t even personally know (yet I feel like I do). Your support means so much to me. I’m so lucky to have a reader like you! xo

  188. Amy
    December 5, 2015 at 9:16 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!
    My condolences on losing your dog, I know that must be very difficult.
    I am so happy to see that you are back and so sorry to hear of the pain that the comments on the blog and youtube channel have brought you. I think that it shows how strong you are that you have come back and shared your feelings on this very public platform. I too am trying to lose weight, so I do hope that you share your journey, but it really comes down to what you are comfortable with. I would like to see your daily meals as they act inspiration for what I can do for myself. My family has hung your food pyramid on our fridge to remind us of how we should be eating and seeing your specific meals would be very helpful for us. I know that there is a large group of people here who are going to support you no matter what you decide to do.

  189. Belle
    December 5, 2015 at 2:58 pm (9 years ago)

    Hello Catherine!

    First of all, thank you for being so brave to share your experience on such a public platform. People can be so cruel and have no heart, BUT there are so many people that support you and know that YOU inspire in return. I have followed your blog since 2012 and I just want to express how much light and inspiration you bring to my life! You sharing your story through blogging really touches people and we all can see how beautiful and bright your spirit is!

    I too have struggled with my weight and body image over the years, but your posts always give me confidence and strength! It is because of you that I tried chia seeds for the first time in 2013, or banana nice cream in 2014, and even spinning this year!

    You are genuine, inspirational, and have so much grace. Thank you for continuing to share your journey! Haters gonna hate, but your readers will always be the rising tide that lifts your boat, just as you are the rising tide that lifts ours.

    You are smart, you are beautiful, and you are supported.

    In strength and solidarity,
    Belle from the Midwest <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:49 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, thank you for the most adorable & heartfelt comment, Belle! Can we be bffs? I am so honored and humbled that my blog has given you confidence and strength. That brings me to (happy) tears! I loved hearing all of the things that you tried because of my blog!!! That makes me so incredible happy! My heart feels so full right now. Thank you so much for your support and kind words. You are so sweet and such a beautiful writer! xo

  190. Cindy
    December 5, 2015 at 8:48 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!
    I’ve been following you on all social media platforms and I share the same struggles as you do, especially on my weight loss journey. It’s hard to feel confident and happy when you can’t fit into your favourite clothes and just not have the energy and motivation to go out meet people or friends. After I broke up with my ex, all I’ve let myself focus on was work and let myself wallow. I try to tell myself that it’s not healthy, but the weight gain and losing one of the important people in my life, isn’t doing it for me. But, I feel like having someone read my message like you and be able to converse about just random things can help motivate me and look forward to something! Just like reading your blog and checking out your snaps and posts on instagram. I like making healthy food and will try spin class soon! Maybe you can create some meals that are budget friendly? I’d love to buy everything organic, but it would just break my bank! haha I want to be able to have the best and healthiest body for the future, move on and be happy with every little thing! Let’s have a great journey together, yeah? 🙂

    Ps. Condolences on losing Teddy. He was such a sweetheart!

    Potato is such a cutie as well! <3

    Much love from TO,
    Cindy x

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:44 pm (9 years ago)

      Hi sweet Cindy! First of all, I have 100% been there. I am an emotional eater. If I am upset, happy, you name it, I eat. It’s such a hard cycle to break, but we can do it together. Instead of eating when we are sad, we need to find new things to do, like crafts, or adult coloring books (have you heard of them?! they’re so cool and pretty therapeutic!). Second, I totally agree – it really helps to have someone to relate to. Look at all of the readers who have commented here. All of these strong women who have the same goal! We are all trying to eat healthy and get in shape, but sometimes life happens and we fall of the wagon, but we are here to support each other and get through the hard hard together. Let’s do it together! Thank you again for your support and for taking the time to comment xo

  191. Erin Hanagan
    December 5, 2015 at 10:04 pm (9 years ago)

    Sweet girl glad you are back! We love you here in Yuma !!!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:37 pm (9 years ago)

      LOVE YOU ERIN!!!! So happy to be back! Expect lots of Medjool recipes haha!

  192. Rosamund
    December 6, 2015 at 11:12 am (9 years ago)

    so pleased to see you back. And extra pleased that you are back because you want to be! People can be so quick to post negative comments or say something awful, whereas compliments and more positive things are often thought and never expressed. I love your blog because it is real. You have good days and bad days just like me and it helps being able to read about someone else experiencing the same feelings in regards to weight. And while weight may go up and down, you have never stopped being a lovely honesty person which is far more important then anything else! As a wise woman once said, haters gonna hate 🙂

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:36 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much, Rosamund! I’m so glad that you enjoy my blog and the ups and downs of this journey! It’s hard to write about the downs at times, but it’s incredible to have such a supportive community of readers who have been there and get it! Thank you so much for being so supportive!

  193. Kristee
    December 6, 2015 at 11:51 am (9 years ago)

    Hello Catherine,
    I discovered your blog about a year ago and I instantly enjoyed and loved your journey. I even rock my “Eat More Rabbit Food” tank at the gym and get numerous compliments and questions inquiring about its meaning and where they could get one. I have entered a phase in my life, as well, where weight is an all-consuming thing some days. I have to say though, hearing your story has helped. I would love to see your journey (showing what we all go through) and hear your honest account of your daily trials and tribulations. I commend you on your bravery of putting yourself out there. Just know there are those of us out here that fully support you!!

    Also, I am so sorry for your loss : (

    Thank you!!

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:28 pm (9 years ago)

      Thank you so much for your support Kristee. I know exactly what you mean, I have been there… in fact I’m there right now where all I think about is my weight… and I shouldn’t! It’s so mental. Having the support of readers like you who are going through it and just get it, helps so much. We’re in it together! I’m so happy that you love your RFFMBT shirt so much, you’re so adorable! Thank you again for your support and kind words!

  194. Kay
    December 6, 2015 at 12:00 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Cat!
    So glad to see you back! I’ve missed your blog. I follow a lot of blogs and I NEVER comment on any of them, but I felt the need to shoot you a comment after reading this post. Your blog is one of my faves because I love the whole aesthetic of it and that includes you and your beautiful face! I always admire your hair and your pretty smile. You are nothing short of beautiful. Don’t listen to the haters, they’re just jealous.. It’s so easy to cut someone down when you can hide behind a computer keyboard.

    Keep up the good work and don’t let the haters get you down!

    PS – RIP little Teddy :,( <3

    • Catherine
      December 6, 2015 at 2:14 pm (9 years ago)

      Oh my gosh, thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I’m so honored that you commented here ❤️. Thank you for your support and kind words, it means so much to me. would you believe me if I told you that my hair is clip in extensions? haha! I had you fooled! When I get the courage to do YouTube again I’ll do a tutorial for it! Thank so much again, I really appreciate you taking the time to show your support for me (and Tedders) and say hello! xo

  195. Suz
    December 6, 2015 at 2:14 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so glad my favorite blogger is back! I missed your posts so much and am glad that you are feeling up to blogging again? I’m so sorry about your pup, we just had to put down a beloved kitty of ours two weeks ago, so I definitely know the feeling. I cannot wait to see what amazing things you do!! xxx

  196. j
    December 6, 2015 at 2:15 pm (9 years ago)

    so glad to hear you are back! i have been following you for so long. you are such an inspiration and i love all of your recipes and blog posts. you are so real and honest and you always seem to say the things that i need to hear at the time. i am struggling with being super close to my heaviest weight again. i keep losing and gaining the same 20 pounds. what i am realizing now is that even at my lowest i wasn’t happy with myself so it didnt matter! im trying to just love myself and the journey… focusing on health rather than trying to to focus on a number… it’s so hard but im really trying and im glad you are back because i need the inspiration!!

  197. Meghan
    December 6, 2015 at 2:25 pm (9 years ago)

    So glad you’re back! If you decide to do this I will read every day and use it as inspiration. My weight has fluctuated a lot over the years as well. Don’t even read the negative comments! You don’t need other peoples’ acceptance to be happy. If you do read them just know that they feel far worse every second of the day than you do reading their mean words. We’ll be your comment police 🙂

  198. Megan
    December 6, 2015 at 2:26 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! I was just on here the other day looking through archived articles and recipes, thinking about what has been new with you. Thank you for the update! Yours blog has been one of my favorites for many years, even bringing me to tears the day I saw the Teddy post. Like anyone through a weight loss journey, we all have our ups and downs, loosing weight is no easy task. I’ve been looking to get my rhythm back with my journey for some time. I got married in Sept and was pretty consist working out and eating well until then. Well, after the wedding, celebrating life and happiness allowed many pounds to creep back on, I’m halfway back to my highest weight and know that now is the time to start doing something healthy and great for me again. I’d love if you documented your fresh start on here. Support, even if its in a cyber sorta way is always helpful and I know between me and all your other supporters we got your back on this. Looking forward to future posts.

  199. Elizabeth Fulton
    December 6, 2015 at 2:58 pm (9 years ago)

    Okay, first of all you’re amazing and such a beautiful person. I can’t imagine having to read all of those negative comments. And I’m so sorry about your dog. That must have been incredibly difficult.
    I personally think it would be awesome reading about your day to day journey. I just recently had a baby and decided to start my own blog to share my journey to getting fit and healthy. I guess I should prepare myself for some negative feedback.

  200. Lorraine
    December 6, 2015 at 3:06 pm (9 years ago)


    I’ve never commented on your posts but I have been following you for about a year now. I love your recipes but most of all your real and positive attitude!

    I graduated college in May and have been trying to find a job since then. My anxiety and stress has translated to, you guessed it eating a whole lot of junk and gaining back some weight i’d desperately been trying to lose.

    Hearing your struggles and your determination have made me remember why I started, and I would love to go on this journey with you! We can do it!

    Warm thoughts and prayers,

  201. Kenz
    December 6, 2015 at 3:07 pm (9 years ago)

    Baby girl your blog is a reflection of what life actually is.

    There are too few blogs out there like yours. As a reader you can feel a lot of inadequacy when reading about the bright and shiny lives of the bloggers you follow even though you know in your heart of hearts they have as many ups and downs as us all. I have no idea how it feels to be criticized in the public eye but you should be so proud of your strength thus far.

    Don’t let people get you down. Shine on you crazy diamond <3

  202. crystal cerda
    December 6, 2015 at 3:11 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi cat☺
    I first found your story on Pinterest and I had just had my baby boy and ready to get back into shape. The diets I was trying was not working too good and I was giving up already, but just reading your story became an inspiration and gave me some hope. I’m still in the process but I can proudly say that I’ve dropped two pant sizes not much but it ment a lot to me and I have you to thank because I would have just gave up that day. I’m so glad your back and I love your blog and recipes you have, and one last thing people are going to judge, criticize, and be mean but you know hunny that’s they’re problem not yours. Love you and keep your head up and just know you made a difference in someone’s life???????

  203. emdigistar
    December 6, 2015 at 3:37 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you for being so real and so honest. Welcome back!

  204. Jenna
    December 6, 2015 at 4:00 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine, I just have to tell you how happy I am that you’re back! Years ago I stumbled across something you posted on Pinterest and I’ve been following you ever since! I’ve really learned so much from you and your journey and I want to thank you for exposing yourself and sharing it! It takes a strong person to share things that make them feel vulnerable, and I give you so much credit for that! I can’t really understand why people feel they have the right to share their negative thoughts or comments, but know that you are have truly been an inspiration to me and so many others!

  205. Rebekah
    December 6, 2015 at 4:02 pm (9 years ago)

    Hey Lady,

    Just letting you know you are not alone.

    I’m a mom of one beautiful two year old girl, and ever since she was born I have been on such an awful cycle of binging and starving myself and drowning myself in mommy duties so that no one can question or see my “crazy”.

    I don’t have much of a support network so your blog and others have been my touch stone during this painful time. It helps to know I am not alone.

    I would love to see your journey back to how you feel your best – regardless of what weight it ends up being.

    I want to pass along a love of healthy eating and be the very best example of self esteem to my little one. I know I can do it, and if I can – I know you can 🙂

    Thanks for being you! I hope you know and feel in your soul that you are an inspiration!

  206. ididntbinge
    December 6, 2015 at 5:15 pm (9 years ago)

    Whoaaa you have so many comments I don’t know if you’ll read mine but I’m going to post it anyways.

    I’m really glad you’re back Catherine <3 I've never really commented on you before but I love how honest you are and I really dislike when people start commenting on bloggers' physical appearance. One thing is to criticize the blog content, but commenting on the author's body is another level.

    I don't want you to take this the wrong way please, but I don't really think it's a good idea to post all your meals on your blog because it can easily become an obsession and it may end up causing you more damage than good. Maybe doing some changes to your lifestyle will help you lose the weight you want to lose without it becoming too stressful. It may be slower but easier to maintain in the long term.

    I really hope you keep posting <3


  207. Erica
    December 6, 2015 at 5:19 pm (9 years ago)

    I really enjoyed your update. I’m also in the process of getting my weight loss back on track. I think it would be helpful for me and other readers to see what you eat. Sometimes that can lead to disordered thinking though so it is understandable if that would be too much pressure. I’m always really shocked at comments I see on blogs. It’s mind blowing people can write those things and feel no remorse. I can’t wait to keep reading your posts. Good luck with your new journey!

  208. Courtney
    December 6, 2015 at 5:22 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so glad you’re back! I cannot wait to see new posts! I’ve lost a little over 100 pounds and have gained about 30 back in a year so I need some inspiration too! I’m ready to feel good about myself again! I am open to whatever you post as long as you’re posting! Keep it up Catherine! We love you ❤️

  209. Solange
    December 6, 2015 at 5:43 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy to hear that you are back! I missed your post so much and to be honest I was worried that you had given up on blogging. I’m a much older fan who found your blog while searching for healthy meal options while I was in the process of transforming my eating habits and I loved it because your recipes are so easy to follow. I don’t want to address the internet trolls because they don’t deserve a mention however ignore them. You are a beautiful young woman who is inspiring others and giving them someone who they can relate to and look up to.

    I think posting a before pic, will give you the inspiration and reminder of how you don’t want to go back to that old weight. It’s working for me. I had lost about 15 pounds and have gained it all back and then some. I’ve started back because I wasn’t feeling happy about the way I looked and myself esteem was on the floor. So, I decided to go back to my healthy habits and I’m starting to feel like myself again.

    Glad you are back!

  210. Hmmomma11
    December 6, 2015 at 6:03 pm (9 years ago)

    Yes!!!! Please blog your daily meals on your journey!! Can’t wait to follow you and join you in my own journey!!

  211. Jessica
    December 6, 2015 at 7:52 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!! I am right there with you. Two years ago I lost 30 pounds and was right back where I was I senior year of college (never got where I was freshmen year when I was a division 1 swimmer oh well). I got married and gained it A-L-L back and I’ve been in a rut. Now I’m ready to get back to where I was. I just want you to know that no matter what you decide, I found so much inspiration here at rabbit food my bunny teeth. I make quinoa Mac+cheese all the time. Portobello mushroom pizzas are one of my fav lunches. I love reading about what you are up to and getting inspired from your recipes. I hate that so many people have left you so much negativity here. You are not along in your journey, and I’m glad you are back! I hope you stay. Lots of love form Northern California!

  212. Michelle
    December 6, 2015 at 8:24 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi! Yes I think you should do it! I know it’s a challenge to put yourself out there but you really have been a great support and motivator to all of us!
    I am a mother of 2 littles and your blog helped me lose 20lbs. This seems like a simple thing … but your blog was most helpful bc it gave me recipes and permission to only cook for ONE. Me! No leftovers and temptation to overeat.
    I’ve fallen off the wagon also this winter but I know I can do another 20! Let’s do it together! But wait until January 😉 A wonderful thing is happening to me in my 30s where I just have started caring less about what others think. Of course at times I still do but its a good feeling. And this would be a good reminder for BOTH of us that we are doing it for ourselves! And stop reading the comments for a while … I give you permission!

  213. Yvonne [Tried and Tasty]
    December 6, 2015 at 9:18 pm (9 years ago)

    Screw the haters! I’m so happy you’re back!!! I have to tell you, I lost just about 40 lbs last year and I was feeling on top of the world. I had never looked or felt better. Then life got in the way and the lbs creeped back on one by one. They always seem to come back faster than they ever take to get off. In the end, I too am back where I started. So disappointed in myself, ashamed for others to see my failure, embarrassed because I know better.. yet here I am. I’ve decided it’s time to make the change once again and seeing your post today was refreshing to know that I’m not in this struggle alone. I’ve followed you for a couple of years (maybe even three) and I’ve loved reading your posts and drawing from your motivation, encouragement and inspiration – don’t give up! There are so many that look up to you! Welcome back, I hope you feel the love, because there’s so much here for you!!

  214. Allie
    December 6, 2015 at 9:56 pm (9 years ago)

    So glad to see you are back 🙂 your blog really helped me get through some tough parts of my weight/health journey (which is still ongoing). I am one of those readers who is the “yessss me too!” readers you mentioned in your blog. I admire you and think you are brave for being so honest. There are so many “health blogs” that don’t talk enough about struggles both physically and emotionally to just figure out how to be both healthy and feel comfortable in our own skin, especially as women. Try and remind yourself that for every 1 negative comment you get, there are at least 10 ppl you have helped who you might never hear from. I am one of those people you have helped! So thank you 🙂 and I hope you keep writing.

  215. Chelsea Puntillo
    December 7, 2015 at 12:01 am (9 years ago)

    SO happy you’re back! This is my favorite blog BECAUSE you are a person, and you’re honest. I can’t wait to start following your journey and to be honest, I think it will inspire both new readers and old because very few people blog during their journey. Share your ups and downs and forget the negative internet trolls! You are awesome and an inspiration to many, including me!

  216. Lauren Myers
    December 7, 2015 at 12:17 am (9 years ago)

    Hooray! I’m so glad that you are back! I’m so sorry that the internet has been so cruel to you. It is beyond hurtful when people forget that everyone has feelings. They are all just jealous of your success. Remember that the people screaming the loudest, and most hurtful things at others actually feel that way about themselves. Instead of taking it in try to feel sorry for them.

    Your story has been so inspirational to me, and is helping me lose weight. I’ve lost 10lbs in 5 weeks following your food pyramid and exercising 4-5 times a week. I have another 30lbs to lose, but I’m on the right track!

    I say go all in, post a before, and put all your meals and exercises down. Not only will it give us all ideas/inspiration, but you will have a whole community cheering you on.

    Can’t wait to see what you do!

  217. Amber
    December 7, 2015 at 1:07 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine – I’m feel like a creeper because I’m always here reading your blog and never leaving comments. I’m so sorry to hear that the negative comments you’ve been receiving. When people leave negative comments like you have experienced it is always a reflection (a poor one!) on the person making the comments and never on you. Thank you for being you and letting us all into your life the way you have. It’s a very brave thing to do 🙂

  218. Alanah
    December 7, 2015 at 4:33 am (9 years ago)

    I’m open about how you describe your new journey. I’ve bounced around many different weights over the last 5 years and found a well-rounded, balanced life to be the key to staying at a healthy weight for me. Find whatever works for you- we’ll be happy to read along with whatever you feel like posting!

  219. Sammi
    December 7, 2015 at 4:39 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Cat,

    Glad that you’re back doing what you love. You’re beautiful inside and out, and more importantly you’re still the healthy, inspiring person who’s blog we love to follow.

    I know it sucks being back where you started. I’m in the exact same situation and was just yesterday giving myself the pep talk to get back into being healthy, taking care of myself and getting back into doing what I enjoy – we can do this!

    Really sorry to hear about your teddy, my dog also died this year (we have too many struggles in common this year!) and you never realise how heartbreaking it is until it happens to you, but glad you have potato around to give you the love and most likely mischief you need!

    Can’t wait to read your future posts and be there with you on our health journey!

  220. tracy
    December 7, 2015 at 8:12 am (9 years ago)

    Hi my name is Tracy, I pop on here now and then for some reason I wanted to see what was going on and I was very intrigued by all the posts in a happy way, sometimes when you feel all alone or nothing is going your way just get on here, and here everything that is going on with other people it brings your spirits up in so many ways. I definitely will joining all you sweet and kind hearted folks and when I get the courage up I will tell you my story ok yes it is a tear jerker and I am even thinking about writing a book( HINT) my life changed when I found a lump I lost everything and to make it worse my mom was dying when I needed her the most this page inspired me to get back in the grove and talk to others and let them no there are so many out there that have issues and just want to express there feelings or try to help little things make a big difference in so many ways, I will be back, have a wonderful day enjoy the minutes and seconds as much as you can one never knows how that next minute or second can change your life,I might not have much but I have a smile on my face for having another day on this earth Thank You for blog.

  221. Melissa
    December 7, 2015 at 10:29 am (9 years ago)

    Catherine, please don’t give up!

    You can do it again, I promise you. I’ll be honest; it’s harder doing it the second time, not easier. It’s easier to lose motivation because thoughts like “I already did this, and look where I am now, what’s the point?” can’t help but occur to you, but you just have to persevere.

    After I graduated from highschool, I lost a lot of weight. I was happier than I ever had been before, and for the first time in my life, I felt pretty. It was amazingly freeing, not looking in the mirror and hating myself everyday and telling myself how ugly I looked. However, after about a year and a half of maintaining that weight, I ended up in job I hated, and as I later discovered I eat when I’m unhappy. It wasn’t long before all the weight came back, and all the unhappiness and self-loathing returned. Now and then I tried to lose the weight again, but I would give up after about two weeks each time, crippled by the aforementioned thoughts. I ended up wasting a few years being overweight and unhappy, deciding I couldn’t do it the second time.
    Finally though, I had a bit of a health scare, and I didn’t give up that time and lost the weight again. I’m happy that I did it later rather than never, but I wish I didn’t waste those few years not doing anything about it; not doing anything about it didn’t make it happen any faster when I finally DID get around to doing it.

    I still struggle with the emotional eating (if I work a late shift, I tend to pack myself a larger dinner than I would usually eat to ‘cheer myself up’, or if something bad happens I’ll have that cookie or pie I’d been telling myself no to to make myself feel better) but I’m finally learning to identify it and stop. I just tell myself that on top of whatever’s making me unhappy, getting fat again on top of that will NOT help, it’ll just make me feel even worse and that’s been keeping me on track.

    Your story on your about page has been a huge inspiration for me since I discovered your blog over a year ago, and I urge you not to give up, and don’t allow yourself to feel like a failure. There are times when I feel like I want to ‘go back to normal’ but then I’ll think about this blog and that helps.
    You’re simply having a setback. You haven’t failed yourself, or your readers. It’s not the end, and you CAN do it again.

  222. Anna
    December 7, 2015 at 11:31 am (9 years ago)

    Dear Catherine,
    I’m so happy to hear that you’re back on your blog, I missed your inspiring and beautiful posts! I admire your sense of style ( clothing as well as photography and design ? ) and can’t wait to see more of it in the future.

    If you feel like starting your journey off with a picture because it’ll give you just the boost of motivation you need, then you should definitely do it. As a reader I can only tell you that I will continue to be looking forward to every blog post and every new healthy recipe of yours with or without picture! You have already accomplished so much and it’s amazing that you let us be a part of it.

    Sending lots of love and positive vibes from Germany ?

  223. Katie
    December 7, 2015 at 2:24 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!

    I’m a first time commenter but a long time reader of your blog. I (along with apparently everyone else here!) am happy to see a new post because you always do such a nice job of creating honest, thoughtful content. It’s very brave of you to share that you have gained weight again. While it might not be the usual way of portraying yourself on the internet where everyone pretends their life is perfect, that’s the reality of the journey of getting healthy and losing weight. There are victories, there are setbacks, and there are all sorts of things in between. We’ve all been there, and it’s a journey that we’re all on together. And honestly feel free to delete mean, unconstructive comments. The people who truly enjoy your blog don’t want to read their troll-like comments either. And if you can’t say something constructive, don’t say anything at all, right? Anyway, just keep on keeping on and know that you have readers who care!


  224. Jasmine
    December 7, 2015 at 7:23 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!

    Thank you for being so refreshingly honest and open. I think that as a woman, there’s nothing we are judged more harshly for than our weight. I too have had a similar experience to yours with weight gain, loss, gain….and so on! We’re a similar age and from the the same state (hi from San Diego!) and I absolutely love your blog.

    It’s so hard to face people I haven’t seen since I was at my lowest weight, especially now that I have gained most of it back. And just in time for holiday gatherings, yay! Just remember: haters gonna hate, and potatoes gonna potate 🙂

    But if I did it once, I can do it again…this time older and wiser and aware of mistakes I made the first time. Stay positive and I can’t wait to keep up with your new posts! Yay!

  225. Shaina
    December 8, 2015 at 11:59 am (9 years ago)

    I’m so so happy that you’re back
    I’ve always loved how open you were in your posts, and I think you’re so brave to write about such a personal topic to everyone!
    Love the idea of your readers following along in your day to day journey and can’t wait to try new Rabbit food goodies 🙂

  226. Erin
    December 8, 2015 at 1:29 pm (9 years ago)

    Hey!! I turned 26 in August too!! 🙂 I’m glad you are back, your blog is one of my faves. I swear this year is the year of gaining weight… Me and I feel everyone around me has put on some extra this year! But don’t let it get you down, you still look fabulous!!! Do you remember how happy it made you when you stepped on the scale and got to see it go down? Maintaining weight can get so boring. 😉 So I’m glad you got to have your fun and indulge, and now you get to have fun finding new ways to reach your goal! And I’ll be doing the same! My weight fluxuates easily and now it’s time for me to buckle down and get back to my normal size 🙂

  227. Clarissa Gamolo
    December 8, 2015 at 11:11 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!

    Glad you are back to blogging! I really enjoy your blog and I randomly discovered it two years ago when I was looking for some new motivation for fitness and an overall healthy lifestyle and since then I have been following your blog.

    I lost 30lbs and have gained it all back and I am finally motivating myself to get back on track.

    I think your blog is awesome and for me I know before and after pics help even if you don’t post them and just keep them on your phone, like I do, it’s been a great reference point for me.

    Anyways, can’t wait to read the new blog posts!


  228. jenn k
    December 9, 2015 at 5:48 am (9 years ago)

    Long time reader, infrequent commenter, super-fangirler of when you like my Tone It Up instagram related posts… (did i say that out loud…?)

    I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad you’re back with a renewed sense of self and that you gave yourself the time to let the naysayers of your successes (because let’s be honest, your success has NOT just been weight loss) not impact your blog and hinder your desire to keep writing.

    I know I’m joining a slew of women who are thrilled to see you return to writing, but at the end of the day, make sure you’re doing what’s best for YOU. Not these trolls, not people who will criticize if you pass over kale chips for spicy dill pickle potato chips (repeat offender of that over here!), not for Matt, not for blog enthusiasts… for you. If you aren’t taking the measures to be your best self, you truly won’t contribute anything to the collective.

    I’m very excited to be along for your journey, but I think I’m even more excited to see what you learn this time around. Sending you light and love from the East Coast. 🙂

  229. Katie
    December 9, 2015 at 9:03 am (9 years ago)

    Your blog is amazing and so inspiring – Although I don’t have a blog (or real internet presence for that matter) and can’t fully understand how hard it must be to see negative (and UNWARRANTED!!) feedback posted on the internet about oneself, just know that for every negative comment you’ve received there are many others out there who so appreciate and are amazed by what you do!!

  230. Aimee
    December 9, 2015 at 10:09 am (9 years ago)

    I just discovered your blog yesterday and I gotta say, it’s so inspirational! You are what I aspire to be–gorgeous, smart, sweet and talented! Forget what the haters say, you’re beautiful at whatever weight. Weight is such a personal thing, and it is extremely hurtful when people feel the need to comment on it. I’m also trying to get more healthy. After a bad relationship/break-up I was eating super poorly but now a few years later, I’m starting to get on track. Thanks for posting such positivity on your blog. I will definitely continue to follow! 🙂 Keep being you!

  231. Christia
    December 10, 2015 at 10:01 am (9 years ago)

    Hi! I love you 🙂 #thetalove

  232. Jaime Orlando
    December 10, 2015 at 12:29 pm (9 years ago)

    I would love to see your journey as you go!! I too am starting a journey after gaining quite a bit of weight. I know how hard it is, i have struggled with my weight my entire life and it would be nice to have someone to work on this with! Good luck girl!! and remember you are amazing no matter what, don’t let stupid comments others make drag you down. They are just jealous!

  233. Kathi
    December 10, 2015 at 1:10 pm (9 years ago)

    As some of the others who posted here, I gotta admit that I never comment…I am just a stalker and a creep 🙂
    Anyhow, I’ve been following you on and off for quite some time now, since I myself lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago. I love to eat I’m struggling to maintain it. What I want to say though is that you have inspired and motivated me so many times!! Thank you for that!!! I feel like now is my chance to give something back to you. I believe in you and glad you’re back!! 🙂

    Love from Austria,

  234. Loralyn
    December 10, 2015 at 3:38 pm (9 years ago)

    YES PLEASE BRING US ALONG ON YOUR JOURNEY! I’m so sorry for the negativity that you have experienced. Internet trolls must have so much insecurity and turmoil inside to be so cruel to others. I know that it takes ten times the positive to outweigh the negative so I don’t normally post but I’m adding my voice to the positivity. This crazy journey called life starts with life and ends with death, and it is not a straight line up. Its up and down, until the end. I’ve always struggled with my weight (what girl hasn’t???) and I am now realizing at 34 that it will always be a struggle. Sometimes I’ll be doing better than others, sometimes not, but the important thing is to balance enjoying life and not stressing or obsessing, but still find a way to be as healthy and strong as possible given our time, resources, energy, etc. And you know the saying “it takes a village”? Well I think its the same about our journey through life; we NEED each other to feel validated, to know we are not alone, to motivate us, to hold us accountable… so thank YOU for being one of those people for SO MANY OTHERS and we only hope that we can be there for you as well. Much Love!

  235. Annette
    December 10, 2015 at 5:08 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine!
    I found your blog not too long ago. I am 50 years old and have struggled with my weight and self image for about 20 years. I finally decided that yo-yo dieting was for the birds and in order to be healthy I needed to give up the processed foods. The weight is slowly coming off but I feel so much better. Your blog is very inspirational and full of valuable information, insight, and encouragement. I appreciate the help you have been to me and I look forward to supporting and cheering you on as you make the necessary health changes. Let’s do this, girl!
    May I suggest that when you find a negative comment/paragraph, just delete it as soon as you realize that the intention is to hurt or drag you down. There is so much more value in sharing out of a heart of love and integrity. Don’t waste your time on words of destruction. You are beautiful, inspiringly transparent, and encouraging to more people than you realize.
    Blessings to you and yours,

  236. marlene
    December 10, 2015 at 11:43 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi, I just wanted to leave some inspiration for your day. Many factors contributed to my weight lost. I lost 22 pounds so far, but you are one of my main sources of inspiration for that. I have not read many articles on your blog, just one that I found on pintrest. But I wanted to take the time to tell you – your comment about being conscious of what you put in your body was what did it for me, and I became aware of the amount of kilojoules (calories) I consumed daily and being aware of the content of it in the foods I ate. And that was it, it turned things around for me. I am a mother of two girls aged 6 and 3 and I did not have the guts to diet. I did a lot of emotional eating (something I had never done before in my life). But yes, something about your article contributed to me having the guts to change things around. Thank you and good luck. It may be worth mentioning that it only took 2 months to loose the 22 pounds… I thought it would take way longer.
    Love and Strength to you
    South Africa

  237. JANAE
    December 11, 2015 at 6:31 am (9 years ago)




    I know pretty much all that you’ve.said and can relate..ive been thru all that mostly must not for everyone one the Internet thats harsh.

    Please know you are a wonderful kind beautiful person inside and out it makes you rare and one of a kind that no one could ever be you! They are jealous sad nothings..because they know they suck and can never be a greatness like you.. never have that kind of soul and heart..telling everyone what u go thru also takes inspired me you helped me to see i wasnt alone and we are not the only ones out there..your never alone as creepy as that sounds haha theres always someone else..

    So sorry to hear about Corgi. .amd glad.he got to meet Potatoe.





    I emailed you a few times ..i was the stalker who bought the cotton on shirt haha by the way loved it and now cant find it..i have too much crap…i buy too much stuff and i dont know why half of it doesnt fit and i just keep holding onto to it and buying more…

    I probably forgot half of what i was going to say but..i missed you
    Proud of you for not letting whoever is the A@$$&*£¥S that treated u like that totally get away with it…i have a few of those over here they can really F up up lile serious..words cut like ice cold and brutal…i kno..We Can Do This Girlie!!!


    in case you forgot my email or finally sent it to spam hahaha

  238. Brittany
    December 11, 2015 at 3:11 pm (9 years ago)

    I am SO HAPPY you’re back. I missed your bunny food. xoxo

  239. Lesley
    December 12, 2015 at 5:47 am (9 years ago)

    So glad you are coming back! I am on a similar journey as you and I have missed you and your recipes!!! I can’t imagine receiving all of those negative comments but please know that you have ALWAYS looked beautiful! 🙂

  240. Martha
    December 12, 2015 at 10:57 am (9 years ago)

    I’m so glad you’re back!! This internet world is so full of sad and pathetic people always trying to shoot the stars down. And you, Catherine, are a cute, bright, shining star. Please disregard the losers. I know it’s probably easier said than done, but I believe that you’re back stronger and will succeed again. Lots of love. xoxo.

  241. Megan
    December 14, 2015 at 11:08 am (9 years ago)

    YES PLEASE UPDATE ON YOUR PROGRESS! I’ve been reading your blog off and on since 2010. Love your posts. Love your recipes (actually just came back to your site for the vegan mac n cheese recipe lol). I was so sad when your entries were becoming further and further apart. I thought you had moved on to other endeavors! Please write more!!

  242. Jess
    December 14, 2015 at 4:15 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so sorry to hear that people have been ugly to you. Just remember that when people say those things it is a reflection of them and how they feel about themselves. It has nothing to do with you. They get their power from tearing other people down. Don’t let them take your power! You are too strong and beautiful for that! Being authentic and then sharing that publicly is one of the bravest things a person can do as far as I’m concerned.
    I’m an online health & fitness coach. If you need any support with fitness or nutrition, please let me know. <3 My Instagram is @freespirit_fitchick 😉

  243. Stephanie
    December 14, 2015 at 9:37 pm (9 years ago)

    I just started reading your blog and I am so moved by your honesty. I have been feeling down on myself due to some weight gain (I lost a bunch of weight in college, kept losing, and then regained slowly) and you’ve inspired me.

    I hope you can ignore the hateful comments from people who are struggling on the inside and need to drag lovely people like yourself down! Thank you for posting!

  244. SJ
    December 15, 2015 at 3:48 pm (9 years ago)

    I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK!!!! I don’t think I ever commented, but I found your blog when I was 15 (I think?) Now I’m in my second year of college and was missing your new posts. I have a very similar journey to yours. I lost major weight, and after freshman year, am 20-30 pounds overweight. And like you, I don’t think I look it as much as I used to (i hope?), but I am using my Christmas break to get back on the wagon. Hello, green everything. Haterz gonna hate, but that doesn’t mean you have to join them! You are the most lovely person, and that hasn’t changed. It’s easier said than done, but remember that for every person who says something negative, there’s 100 of us who love and support you. The numbers are on your side! It took me a long time to not let people get to me. But I realized that though weight might not be their insecurity, they probably had another one that made them so willing to criticize and be mean. Sometimes people feel like they need to tear others down to build themselves up. But you and I know that building others up only gets you higher than ever before. Anyway, this was super rambly, but I’m super stoked you’re back in the game. Much love, beautiful lady!

  245. Emily
    December 15, 2015 at 4:54 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine –
    It was so refreshing to read your post! You somehow strike such a genuine balance of being totally honest and also positive/inspirational. This is my first time commenting on any sort of blog and I feel like I owe it to you because you have been such a positive influence on my life (and clearly the lives of many other loyal followers)! I found your blog when I googled recipes for green smoothies a few years ago and yours was the first I ever made and tried (and loved). Those smoothies (and your chia energy bites and all the other healthy delicious recipes) got me through my first marathon! We all have days that are awesome and days (and weeks and months) that are not, and please don’t feel guilty or like you ever let anyone down! Your story is, and continue to be, honest and inspirational regardless of turns or hills along the way. I think we’re all on a few hills of our own and you have created such an awesome supportive community! Welcome back! This got soooo long and I didn’t realize I had this much to say to someone I’ve never met but please know how much of an impact you have just by being brave and honest!! ??????

  246. laura
    December 16, 2015 at 4:42 pm (9 years ago)

    Please come back and do your journey so we can all follow along with you xxx

  247. Kaylagwenfitnessjourney
    December 17, 2015 at 2:13 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m so happy to see that all of the comments I’ve read, are so uplifting and encouraging. I think it’s important to share the struggles of your journey. That’s what people can relate to! I, too, am starting back up full force on my own journey. Lets all do this together! SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK!!!!!

  248. Ashley
    December 20, 2015 at 12:52 am (9 years ago)

    Hello!! I’m so glad you are back. I always enjoyed trying out your recipes. I also have always appreciated your honesty. Although I don’t struggle with “weight” exactly, body image and maintaining a healthy life style has always been my challenge. I will do so well for months… Eat clean, be active, not be a night owl and maintain good sleep hygiene, eat breakfast every morning, etc… And then I fall off. And I fall hard. Usually after several months of unhealthy eating and a low activity level, I’ll rise to the occasion and take better care in making healthy choices for myself again, but this last time it has been difficult. I started nursing school in August and it’s all gone down! BUT, it is my mission to get back with it after the holidays… Because really, does anyone do well on the health train in December? Not I!

    Anyway, cheers to getting back at it! Let’s do it together. I’m getting married in July and I am in the worst shape I’ve ever been. I want to feel confident in my appearance, and I know it starts with some small steps with good decision making. You are such a beauty inside and out and I look forward to being on this journey with you!!

    Merry Christmas!


    PS- I live in So Cal now, but I am a Wyoming Native and grew up there! I’m glad you made it there in your travels.

  249. Ashley
    December 20, 2015 at 1:00 am (9 years ago)

    ALSO– Is more apparel in the works?! I want a long sleeve T and a beanie! Ok, maybe a green tank too… Army green. ❤️

  250. Amanda
    December 20, 2015 at 4:40 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m glad you’re back! Please ignore the haters! It’s easy to say whatever when you get to hide behind a computer screen. That’s horrible that people would leave comments about your weight or whatever! >:O

    I too lost a lot of weight (unintentionally from just eating better like 60 pounds). And I got really crazy about eating (not anorexia, but more like, this is unhealthy and processed i’m not eating it. I never ate out and cooked literally all meals from scratch. i think it’s called disordered eating). Then I just got so busy that I started eating out and throwing all my eating rules out the window. Here I am one year later up to my heaviest again. So I feel your pain. to me at least, i just feel so uncomfortable because I’m so large now and my clothes don’t really fit. 🙁 I’m scared to see people that haven’t seen me in a year. And i’m stressed out because I think gaining and losing weight repeatedly is bad for life expectancy :/

    But I just wanted to say though I honestly think if you are going to eat better or whatever, please don’t do it with the sole goal of losing weight. Do it for your health (feel better, healthier heart, etc) and the weight loss will just happen. I feel like if you go in wanting to lose weight, that can turn into an unhealthy relationship with food and it’s easy to fall off track. I’ve been there. I also want to restart my healthy journey again. We can do it together! ^_^ and I just became vegetarian in August ^_^

  251. Marie
    December 20, 2015 at 6:51 pm (9 years ago)

    I just came across this blog and I would love for you to post your new weight loss journey! I am definitely in need of some inspiration and your blogis awesome. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and gained it all hack too. Don’t worry, It happens to a lot of people!

  252. laurenlweiss
    December 20, 2015 at 7:58 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so glad to see a heartfelt, candid post here! I am all about transparency and authenticity- my family, friends, neighbors, and even employers deserve to know the real me. It’s a honor to see your heart, especially when you are afraid to share it with the Internet world.

    I have missed seeing you post! I follow you on Instagram (I think that’s how I found you in the first place) and because of you, I have been inspired to do Nutrisystem! I hope to start in about two weeks and my husband has offered to do it with me. He has a stressful job that leads to a sort of Freshman 15. I am at about 175lbs now and I need to be in the 135-145lbs range to be healthy and fit into my clothes.

    Thank you for sharing your weight loss story and your maintenance recipes. Clean eating is a part of any foodie’s diet!! I like Cheez-its and lattes and chocolate but fruits, veggies, quinoa, Greek yogurt…those are the real staples!!

    Don’t let the haters get you down. Your fans will always stick up for you.

    Love from Oklahoma <3

  253. B.G
    December 22, 2015 at 12:45 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so, so, sooo happy you’re back! Every time I wear my EMRF t shirt I think of your blog. You have been sorely missed, but always from a place of understanding…I kinda thought that taking so much time off must have been you taking the best steps for you, so I’m glad to hear you’re back and moving from a better place 🙂

    I wish anything I say could help with the hateful comments…I just think we as a community need to make sure that the positive posts are outweighing the negative ones! Even if we don’t always voice it, your recipes, words, stories and pictures have a great and far-reaching impact. As difficult as it can be to think like that in the dark hole, please do know that your support and fans exist and we’re thankful for you, even if we seem invisible xo

  254. megan
    December 23, 2015 at 1:36 pm (9 years ago)

    I have struggled with many of the same things you have over the years- weight loss, gain, loss again, body image issues, you name it. It takes lots of courage to do what you have done, putting yourself out there for all the world to judge, for so many years! Don’t let the negative comments get you down. You have so many supporters who love what you are doing!! XO

  255. Yva
    December 23, 2015 at 2:23 pm (9 years ago)

    Catherine, you are amazing! Thank you for being so honest and brave. I’m so excited your back! I love your blog and cannot wait to see what you come up with for the next year! I foresee some epic rffmbt gear!! Xoxo

  256. Christa
    December 26, 2015 at 2:08 pm (9 years ago)


    I just found your blog today, and have spent the last hour or so reading through your journey, recipes, tips etc.. and landed on this post. Let me tell you what I see in you – Not only are you a beautiful woman physically, but you are smart, witty and an intelligent writer. Yes, your weight loss story is inspiring, but I can tell you have so much more to share with the world than just your physical beauty.

    I’m also 26 years old and have had my weight fluctuate up-and-down (currently up). I applaud you for being brave enough to share your story so honestly with the world, and I apologize for the fact that sometimes people don’t see how cruel their words can be, especially when they are hiding behind a keyboard.

    Because I just found you, I would love to keep following your story. So I will keep my fingers crossed that you keep writing. If you choose to, try to remember that you will never be everyone’s cup of tea. There will always be people who have something mean to say, and that says more about them than it does about you. Don’t write for them. Write for your “bunnies” and write because you love it. Personally, I would love to see more of your writing on what you love to do and the fun things you enjoy in life.

    Sincerely your new follower,


  257. petite heartbeat
    December 28, 2015 at 8:20 am (9 years ago)

    You are only human and the good thing about being a human is everytime you wake up, there is a chance to improve and become who you really want to be. Glad to hear you are back.

  258. Gillian
    December 28, 2015 at 2:01 pm (9 years ago)

    I first found your blog and weight loss pictures a couple of years ago and even saved a picture of you on my phone to help motivate me. You looked amazing and it was very inspiring to here your story. Over the last few years I have gained weight and I am too at my heaviest weight. Although not a nice place to be its comforting to know I’m not alone and would love to follow your journey getting back on the band wagon. You did it once and you can do it again and I still find you so inspirational. Please ignore all the negative comments, you are gorgeous!


  259. kathleenahulbert
    December 28, 2015 at 3:07 pm (9 years ago)

    Welcome back!! I have checked your blog consistently and am so happy to see you have returned. Whatever your journey is, your readers love you! Thanks for being so candid.


  260. Hannah
    December 28, 2015 at 4:52 pm (9 years ago)

    Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your honesty is so refreshing. As I find myself in very much the same place as you. Looking forward to journeying with you.

  261. maggie
    December 29, 2015 at 6:33 pm (9 years ago)

    So happy you are back, don’t let the negative bring you down!

  262. Kathryn K.
    December 29, 2015 at 7:13 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine,

    I want to say thank you for this blog! You are inspiring me with every word you pass on. I myself am struggling with a continual battle of weight ups and downs. I moved across the country to Southern California two years ago and have gained 35+ pounds. As I look towards my birthday tomorrow for the big 2-5 I feel ashamed of the outcome I see in the mirror. How did is let myself get this way? Where did my motivation and drive go to? Then, I came across your blog today. Reading your journey as seeing you’re pushing forward gives me that inspiration, hope and motivation I’ve been missing. I look forward to continuing to see your recipes, tips, and much more! Thank you!

  263. Missy
    December 30, 2015 at 6:10 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! Long time follower here. You have helped me be the healthiest version of myself that there can be. You helped me lose 15 pounds and keep it off (with the exception of having a baby 🙂
    It takes a brave person to be candid, especially on the internet. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do.
    Missy from the Philly burbs, who is currently rocking her Eat More Rabbit Food tee 🙂

  264. Janis
    December 30, 2015 at 5:16 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi! Ive never been much for really following anyone’s blogs, but I’ve come across yours a couple times from Pinterest and really enjoyed your recipes. It made me very sad to read the beginning of your above post. I find it super frustrating that there are wonderful people like you in the world simply trying to reach out and make connections with people and let them know they aren’t alone and help them along their journey, and the terrible people of the world go and get in the way. I know people say “be strong” and “ignore it” but when you are really putting yourself out there it’s hard not to take those things seriously. It’s amazing how much the “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all” teaching from my childhood doesn’t appear to have been passed along to the next generation.

    Anyway. Sorry to hear about your little Teddy! Potato is adorable 🙂

    I wish you the best on the restart of your healthy living/weight loss adventure, I will try to stay tuned as I’m in the same position on being back to my heaviest weight ever. Sometimes life makes it really hard to stay fit, but it’s nice to have people like you around to help us all stay motivated and give us great ideas for yummy and healthy things to eat.

    And I love the name of your blog.

  265. Julz M.
    December 31, 2015 at 8:05 am (9 years ago)

    I can’t believe I’ve missed this post for a month — I felt like a kid checking for texts from a crush (that never arrived) with the amount of times I checked #RFFMBT while you took some me time — your real Bunnies are still here and can’t wait to see what’s next! xoxo, julz from Sunny Bunny Florida

  266. Becky H.
    January 1, 2016 at 10:06 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m a bit late here, but I’m so glad you’re back. I missed seeing our updates! It made me so sad to read the beginning of this post. I can’t believe how mean people can be. Your smile, energy, and positive outlook have always been inspiring to me. I like that your posts are not always rainbows and gumdrops. I appreciate the honesty and can always relate to it. Thank you for sharing all your ups and downs. I look forward to seeing more!

  267. Dana
    January 3, 2016 at 11:14 am (9 years ago)

    F them haters Catherine!!!! I’ve been readin your blog and following your social media sites for four (?) years now. And you are truly a beautiful and inspiring person. I never thought I could lose weight and look as good as you ALWAYS do. As someone who has often gone against the grain in terms of my opinions I always felt that all that mattered was that I was able to help 1 person. Because one person is all it takes for you to make a difference. And you have made a difference in my life. You are the number one foodie blog I recommend to my “dieting” friends and have made your peach pizza more times than I can count. You have to wonder what’s wrong with these people and whomever raised them that they think it’s okay to be rude and call people names and be degrading. You’re an amazing person and should always know that.

  268. Lorraine delgado
    January 6, 2016 at 8:18 am (9 years ago)

    Cat, I came across your blog thru Pinterest. When I read your story I was able to identify with you. We share a lot of the same struggles. I’ve struggled with body image my entire life. There have been years where I full on workout and eat “right” and then other years where I’ve been at my heaviest. I’ve never been skinny, nor have ever wanted to be. All I’ve wanted is to be healthy, and be comfortable in my own skin. I just want to tell you that you’ve been on my mind since the moment I read your story. Your story has inspired me in many ways. you’re so real and transparent and that only makes me want to follow your journey even more. I think posting your daily meals could help the ones who follow you. The true followers that support you and don’t judge you.



  269. Sara
    January 7, 2016 at 12:46 pm (9 years ago)

    Dear Catherine,

    I have been religiously following your blog since almost the beginning (about 3 months after its first post). I think you should do what ever makes you happy!!! We are so excited to have you back, and the haters be dammed. I have noticed that people who are insecure with themselves tend to be the most negative to others. What ever you think will help what ever journey you wish to travel I say DO!!! We will support you and some of us (me included) are constantly struggling with our own journeys, so it can only help.

    Im sorry about your little nugget Teddy, thats so hard. Just keep your head up and do what ever makes you happy!!


  270. bodaciousbody
    January 12, 2016 at 5:01 am (9 years ago)

    Please do! I just started a blog because I lost 50 pounds and then, over the course of a year and a half desk job, regained 30lbs of it and I need something to look back on and tell myself, “I’ve done it once, I’ve done it twice, I can keep losing it!”
    If for no one else, do it for yourself. There’s hope in me that it’ll inspire at least one other person, and already my boyfriend has been subtly dropping cues of, “Hey, I’m starting to go to the gym…” and it’s becoming a (albeit subtle) domino effect. I’m rooting for you!

  271. Julia Z
    January 15, 2016 at 1:23 am (9 years ago)

    Hello Catherine,

    My name is Julia <3 I just discovered your blog, and love how open to sharing and how down to Earth you want your blog to be. The options and suggestions you have seem to be easily obtainable and never over whelming. It was exactly the type of blog I was looking for, something my boyfriend and I could both learn from and use. Him to help weight loss and both of us to EAT MORE RABBIT FOOD!! I'm excited to follow and be apart of the bunnies <3 xoxo

    Peace & Happiness Always

  272. Anastasia
    January 20, 2016 at 1:54 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine,

    My name is Anastasia and I want to thoroughly apologize on behalf of any mean comments you have received! I think people sometimes forget that their words are much heavier than they realize.

    Also, I wanted to tell you how much I love your site! I love the look, and the happy and positive words that you share! Very encouraging!

    To answer your question about whether your fellow bunnies want you to post about your new journey- I say “yes”! I think you have enough support from others that you will feel uplifted! If there are people who are cruel to you, then I suggest you block them from commenting and say 7 times to yourself a compliment to combat their mean words. I have heard it takes 7 positive thoughts to cancel out 1 negative thought! You are way more than your weight and they should applaud you for not giving up on you or your health! It is a journey, not a race, so we should not stop caring about our health once we finally reach our ‘goal weight.’

    All the best and I will be sending positive and healthy wishes your way!

    Many blessings

  273. Anita
    January 27, 2016 at 11:28 am (9 years ago)

    Hello Catherine, I was surfing the web (do they say that anymore, lol) today and searching for something to help me lose weight. A lot of it! I started out looking at Weight Watchers new program and after reviewing it and deciding that it’s nothing more than a low carb version of its former self, I decided to just count calories…it’s free and it’s easier for me. In my search I happened to find your blog. I sat and read it and by the end I felt you were such a sweet, beautiful and interesting young woman. I’m about 105 years old (54 really 😉 and I’ve been skinny and I’ve been fat. To me, in between is best. I’m starting today…I’ve done this 100 times, ugh! I’m hoping this time I’ll stick to things. One more thing before I write you a book. Don’t let the ugly haters of the world get you down. They’re not worth the time and energy it takes to feel bad about yourself…and never be afraid to read your own online pages (whatever they are)…if it helps you, just laugh at their rude comments. I know you’re supposed to pray for the mean people of the world, but sometimes you just wanna punch em in the face! …and sometimes in my point of view…that’s okay too! …Well, maybe, idk…maybe…yeah okay, maybe!

  274. Candice
    January 29, 2016 at 12:07 am (9 years ago)

    I am so happy that you are back. I am following your blog and Instagram from South Africa and the thing that I appreciate most about you is the fact that you real and honest about your journey. Thank you for sharing that with us!

  275. Melissa
    February 9, 2016 at 2:03 pm (9 years ago)

    Just randomly found your “nice cream” video, then this blog. SO awesome that you are blogging again. I read through some of the posts on the video I saw and it sucked. I am sure that wasn’t the worst of them. I can relate to your struggle, girl! Thanks for deciding to come back and inspire me!

  276. Racquel
    February 12, 2016 at 2:01 pm (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! This post really resonated in me today. I have been stuck for about two years with a big weight gain. I was searched blogs and found yours. So glad that I did. I love that you are honest and upfront!! I totally agree with what you said – that is what readers want to see! We want to know that we aren’t alone in the struggle, no one is “perfect” and that it can be done with just sticking with it (something I have been failing to do) I cannot wait to tag along on your journey! :o)

  277. Stephanie
    February 23, 2016 at 11:23 am (9 years ago)

    Finally read your “Cat’s back” email and I am glad you are back. I know negative comments impact you more than the positive ones, but you have got to remember that what you did worked. Everyone is human and makes mistakes or falls off the wagon. So get back on that carrot wagon and be happy. (rabbit pun intended) 🙂 I love your posts and recipes!!

  278. Rachel Hoke
    March 20, 2016 at 9:53 am (9 years ago)

    Hi Catherine! I just found your blog when I was searching Pinterest for weight loss smoothie recipes. You remind me of me when I was young like YOU! Always battling my weight and losing a lot, getting really thin (borderline anorexic) then playing the yo-yo game. I’ve battled weight all my life. Some of us are just lucky that way I guess…ugh. I am now 52 and peri-menopausal and struggling with awful weight gain due to hormones and good ol metabolism slowing down. I plan to follow your blog and would love to join you on your journey. I too am at the heaviest weight of my life and don’t recognize myself in pictures. It’s awful. I’m married to a great guy (and when you are in a happy place it’s easy to gain that “love” weight lol). I love to cook and have a teenage vegetarian daughter so I can’t clean my house out of tempting foods. I just need to find healthy options, a good eating plan and some determination and self control. We bought a vitamix at a home and garden show yesterday so I am ready to start making awesome, healthy weight loss smoothies!

    Also I am very sorry for your sweet Teddy, I know the pain all too well. I have a Corgi dog named Murphy who is about to turn 11. He too is paralyzed in his back legs and drags himself around, not due to arthritis but a degenerative disease very common in Corgi’s called degenerative myelopathy. I wonder if that’s actually what your Teddy had. You’re lucky you had him until 14. We take every day as a gift with ol Murf and didn’t expect to still have him now but he is on a lot of meds and in wheels. I’d love to post a photo of him in his wheels but don’t think I can in your comments. In any case he’s plugging along as well.

    I hope you are blogging regularly and I can join you in your weight loss journey. I really need some hand holding and encouragement. Your blog is great and you are a stunning beautiful girl no matter what you weigh. Just be the best and happiest YOU and everything else will fall into place. 🙂


  279. Nel
    March 29, 2016 at 7:12 am (9 years ago)

    Hello Catherine.
    Note: I haven’t really ever gotten into reading/following blogs or commenting in blogs, but last night was an exception.

    Ok, so you wanna know how I found your blog???
    I sat there last night and googled “Weight loss and weight re-gain story blog”.
    It took quite some diligent searching to find your blog and your story about huge weight loss and then re-gaining the weight back because it seems like not much people write about it. I’m sure it happens to a lot of people, but NO ONE WRITES ABOUT IT!!! Seems like they post the BEST and hide the rest.

    Why did I google those words? I’m there with you! I didn’t need to read another weight loss inspirational story. I needed to read a story of someone who gained it all back and now is struggling, just like me, to get back on the wagon! (Maybe I should have googled “wagon”).

    I have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty. I, naturally, am not a competitive person and not into sports, so it was always a matter of discipline to get active and get into sports, weight training, dancing and hitting the gym. I enjoyed them while I got INTO them, but it’s always a huge PUSH to get INTO something for me.

    As far as food, I have learned that food is kind of my drug. Some people do drugs to escape reality or some drink alcohol. When I’m stressed or depressed, when I’m down or exhausted, I turn to food. I’m a huge FOODIE. I come from a culture where everything revolves around eating together and eating a LOT. But also, I have a family history of diabetes & obesity on Dads side.

    Right after high-school I was introduced to weight loss pills (Who remembers Metabolife?) and so the 1st 2 years of college my body ran on those pills. They killed my appetite and gave me a ton of energy and I lost the most weight I have ever lost before because I basically starved myself skinny. At my skinniest was when me and my now husband fell in love, and a few years later got married. He didn’t know about the pills and he fell in love with me size 2-6. My hubby is a very fit & active guy with a naturally FAST metabolism, and so if his whole entire family. All of them are really into health and fitness and they can EAT but remain thin and lean. Even after college, during my wedding planning, I already began to put weight back on. My wedding dress was a size 8 and a BARELY fit into it on my wedding day. And of course right after the wedding, weight began SLOOOWLY creeping back on. Then I got pregnant with my 1st baby and I gained 80 lbs during my pregnancy. Then after the baby, I lost half that weight. Then I got preggo with my 2nd child and gained 46 lbs but after my 2nd, I gained even MORE weight during his baby & toddle years.
    At my heaviest, I was 256 lbs and a size 20 pants were too tight. (mind you I am only 5’2″!)
    When I turned 30 years old, on my birthday, I decided enough was enough. I was SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED. So I began watching what I ate and actually started going to the gym! I had my sister-in-law be my accountability buddy and I was at the gym every DAY, sometimes twice a day! (Spin class in the morning and Pilates in the evening.) sloooowly I began losing weight, and YES, everything revolved around what I ate and how much I worked out. I cut out sugar and carbs and basically ran on protein and fruits and veggies. I did many cleanses. And in a year and a half, I lost ALL the weight I gained with my pregnancies. (Down to 170 lbs) My hubby and I were attending a wedding and I was OBSESSED with squeezing into a size 6 dress. I didn’t eat anything for 7 days and drank only black coffee and a tiny bit of water and the scale read 163 lbs.
    My husband was in AWE of me at the wedding. (He had NO IDEA what I was putting myself though secretly.) Everyone was SHOCKED to see me. But that week I began to feel very very dizzy.
    After that wedding, something happened to my body and I would begin feeling tired, dizzy, especially after working out. My morning workouts usually energized me, but now my legs would feel like jello just walking out of the gym and it seemed like I wanted to sleep all day long. I went to bed tired and I woke up tired and slowly I began skipping the gym. Skipping the gym resulted in quick weight gain, which was depressing and discouraging, with caused me to binge eat late at night, plus being exhausted all the time – I was a hot mess.

    I did some lab work and the test showed that I have adrenal fatigue and it’s putting pressure on my thyroid glands so i had some hypothyroidism. I burned out my adrenals by pushing myself like crazy, I ran on black coffee morning and night, and I bottled up all my stress until my body was exhausted. I learned to simplify my schedule and responsibilities, learned to prioritize my sleep and NOT to procrastinate but I also gained ALL MY WEIGHT BACK and today on the scale, I weigh 236. I’m always tired and I have a chronic headache. I completely stopped supersizing and I secretly indulge in sugary foods and carbs, like a drug addict. I eat in my car on in secret and I feel like such a failure and feel so hopeless.

    It is one thing to be obese and you lose the weight.
    But it’s completely different when you lose wight and gain it all back (plus more). Have you ever seen the movie “Pilot” with Denzel Washington? I feel like him, at the end of the movie, but with FOOD and my weight. I complete relapsed into my drug and it’s killing me.

    So Catherine, maybe there is a REASON you re-gained the weight all back. Maybe you are not MEANT to be that Pinterest Before & After person. Maybe you are the person to encourage and inspire those such as me, who re-gained after a “success story” and the world needs to see the vulnerable real example of what happens to SO MANY but NO BODY SEEMS TO BE BLOGGING or PINNING those stories! I want to encourage you to post your “downs” as well as “ups” and keep on keeping on. You are not alone. May your story encourage those who can’t seem to climb back onto that wagon. Those who have no strength and have lost all hope. After reading through your post, I text a personal trainer lady that I met a few years ago but never took advantage of her services. I’m scared. But I’m not alone.

  280. Arnell
    December 8, 2016 at 6:31 am (8 years ago)

    Its as if I am reading a letter that a wrote myself. I use to be the fat girl all my life, then the girl that lost weight, girl with body dysmorphia normal girl with eating disorder and now overweight girl again… Vicious cycle achieved by my own actions. Catherine I remember reading your blog and following the Pyramid to a T and reached my lowest weight through it. Now I want that fire back in my life!!! I always thought I wished I appreciated the weightless journey and gave praise to myself more. This time round I definitely will. As the saying goes…. you don’t know what you had until you’ve lost it! I want to be stronger and HAPPIER (mentally and physically) then I ever was before! WE CAN DO THISSSSSS!!!!

  281. madalin stunt cars 2
    April 4, 2017 at 8:24 pm (8 years ago)

    My family has hung your food pyramid on our fridge to remind us of how we should be eating and seeing your specific meals would be very helpful for us. I know that there is a large group of people here who are going to support you no matter what you decide to do.

  282. Shelyse Erb
    May 2, 2017 at 10:49 am (7 years ago)

    Hey! I’m glad to see that you are posting again. Your recipes are some of the only healthy, plant-based recipes that actually taste good to me! I found that the lifestyle of many “health” bloggers is simply out of reach for me. They are using ingredients I can’t find or can’t afford. Their recipes are extremely time-intensive. And, all too often, their food just doesn’t taste good. I have found that your recipes are simple and attainable. You don’t know how valuable that is.

    Any struggle you have had with your weight or your relationship to food makes you *more* relatable to us, not less. We ALL go through periods in our lives where we feel that we have regressed. The media tells us that change happens overnight and lasts forever. That’s just not true. Change happens in small pieces and we keep changing over and over again. What matters is that we keep fighting.

    I think a lot of us can also relate to getting burnt out in a certain field of work. It’s ok for you to take a break from your blog for a while. We all love you and we love to see new recipes, but just know that there is no judgement when there’s a long time between posts. We’ve all been there 🙂

  283. Michaela
    May 19, 2017 at 2:36 pm (7 years ago)

    I understand what you are going through. Last year, I lost 21 pounds, and I felt amazing! Now, probably over a six month period, I have gained back ten of those pounds. Just remember: Don’t focus on who you are now. Focus on who you aspire to be! You can do anything! : )

  284. Michelle
    July 26, 2017 at 2:28 pm (7 years ago)

    I just came back across your site after probably a year. (I used to check it all the time and then life happened!) I’m so excited that you’re posting again and didn’t let a difficult season take this away from you. I had also lost about 80 pounds and through getting married, moving, and having some just plain terrible things happen, I gained almost all of it back after years of keeping it off. BOO! It was really encouraging reading your post because sometimes I feel like the only one who’s fallen off the wagon, but it’s awesome to see you pick yourself up and get back at it! You go girl!

  285. Loni B.
    November 28, 2017 at 2:42 pm (7 years ago)

    I haven’t been on your site in a while but I’ve always loved your post. You’re so beautiful and sweet. I’m so sorry about the trolls of the internet. I deal with them constantly so I understand. No matter your size you are beautiful and I bet way healthier than anyone who comes on here to berate you. I will continue to visit your website now and again as I have for years. Whenever you post, I’ll be here to support. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations on the new life chapters you’re experiencing too <3


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