Hi snow bunnies!
I just got got home last night from the best ski trip! A big group of us rented a cabin in Big Bear and drove up on Friday for the weekend. Although the conditions on the mountain weren’t perfect, we had SO much fun! I’m doing a post tomorrow about my trip for anyone who is interested! I’ll be posting my fav travel snacks and lots of fun photos from my GoPro : )
Yesterday I drove home from Big Bear to celebrate the 1st birthday of Full Psycle!
I love being a part of the amazing family that Shelly, Paul, and Kris have created. I’ve met so many incredible new friends and actually ENJOY working out for the first time in my life.

You know a cycling studio is good when you have to set your alarm for 5pm every sunday when the schedule goes live so that you can actually get into your desired classes for the week! One year later and classes are still full with a wait list. Like seriously? Unbelievable!!! Actually, it’s totally believable because Shelly, Paul, and Kris are the most amazing human beings you will ever meet. They remember EVERYONE’S names in class. And I mean EVERYONE! They’re encouraging, funny, loving, and so passionate about their studio and students. It’s their encouragement that has gotten me where I am today. I cannot believe how strong I have become since my very first class at FP.

Yesterday was such an emotional day for me. Yesterday on the one year anniversary of FP, I celebrated my new personal record of 518 kilojoules (compared to my first class of 158kj) which I would like to dedicate to my friend Ryan Eaton who I lost one year ago today. As I pushed through class, I couldn’t hold back the tears as this rush of extreme happiness and sadness took over me. In the last minute of class, I put my towel over my head and bawled my eyes out. I was so proud and happy of what I had just accomplished, but at the same time I was remembering this day exactly one year ago. I am so grateful to be surrounded by the most incredible family, friends, Full Psyclists, and readers! Each day you guys inspire me to become stronger mentally and physically. The past year has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, and I cannot imagine the past year without all of you.
Today’s recipe is surprise surprise, a green smoothie! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’m addicted to green smoothies and juices recently. There is no hiding it, I loveeee them!!! I love my smoothie extra thick, so I have been throwing avocado in the mix! This smoothie is extra creamy, and when blended with vanilla and cinnamon, it actually tastes like a snickerdoodle cookie! Strange, but true. Just check my Insta for comments from readers that have tested it out!

Snickerdoodle Green Smoothie
Serves 1
1 handful spinach
1 frozen banana
1/2 small avocado
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Blend blend blend until creamy and smooth!
Note: If you don’t have a high powered blender, you can use 1/2 cup of almond milk!