Hi Bunnies!

Soooo last Tuesday I was helping Matt move and my laptop fell out of my car straight onto the concrete and did a cartwheel. I literally started ugly crying within seconds thinking about all of the videos I had just shot for YouTube and recipe photos I had just taken that were not yet backed up. I grabbed my computer and opened it up and nothing was happening. It wouldn’t turn on and wouldn’t even make a sound, so Matt drove me to the nearest Apple store where I repeatedly sobbed and ugly cried the entire way. When we walked in, there were no appointments available and there was a walk in wait of 5 hours. But by some miracle as I was talking to the Apple Genius, someone had just cancelled their appointment and I was able to snag it for 40 minutes later! Matt and I grabbed lunch at Urban Plates (highly recommended) and then went back to Apple for my appointment where the Genius magically got my computer to turn on, although the screen still would’t work. After a few minutes he was able to hook it up to an external monitor and run some diagnostic tests on the hardware and two thin digital lines appeared on my screen (THERE WAS HOPE!). He thought that the wiring that connected my screen may have become unattached when it fell and that could’ve possibly been the only problem because the hardware seemed to be passing the tests. Then he moved my laptop screen a little bit and BAM the entire screen turned on like normal and the it was working like 100% again, WHAT?! The Genius that was helping me told me that since it seemed to be working ok there was nothing he could do and that I should take it home and back it up immediately.

Catherines Broken ComputerOf course, the second I took it home and opened it, it stopped working again. UGH! WHY WHY WHY! Plus, two out of three of my USB ports were completely smashed during the drop, but thankfully I was able to use the working one for my backup hard drive. I was able to get my computer to turn back on and stay on long enough (with a flickering screen) to automatically back up to my external hard drive once I plugged it in and then made another Genius Bar appointment (next available was Sunday!). Soooo long story short I went back to Apple and my computer was sent away to the apple gods for $600 (and that was with apple care). So the moral of this story is back up your computer weekly and put it in a soft case when traveling!!!

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to comments recently, I have been using my phone for social media for the past week and was just able to borrow my sister’s spare computer today to write this post! My blogging platform does not cooperate with my phone when I write or edit posts, so I apologize for taking so long!

I’m still planning on creating new recipes this week and as long as I can borrow my sister’s computer, I am good to go!!! Have you ever borrowed someone else’s computer and it’s like you don’t even know how to use a computer anymore? Their trackpad is setup different, they use “tap to click” instead of actually clicking, the mouse moves slower, their scroll settings scroll the opposite way, their homepage isn’t google, images don’t save to their desktop and all of the sudden your downloads are lost in Narnia? Ya that’s how I feel right now as I’m using my sister’s computer. It feel so freaking foreign. Like when you go to someone’s house and you cannot figure out how to turn on or use their shower…

Trying to use someone elses shower

Please send prayers to the Apple Gods hahaha! #savecatherinescomputer
Health & Happiness

11 Comments on Broke My Laptop!

  1. Lien
    April 21, 2015 at 11:43 pm (9 years ago)

    I dropped my Iphone 6 yesterday because I had to run to catch the tram and it slipped out of my fingers! Screen is cracked but it still works… I was crying as well! Going to the Apple store today to get it fixed.

    • Catherine
      April 22, 2015 at 12:26 am (9 years ago)

      Ughhhh I totally know that feeling, Lien! It’s just terrible! If this is your first cracked screen there’s a good chance you will get a free replacement at the Genius Bar, especially since iPhone 6 is still under warranty since it came out not too long ago! Wishing you good apple luck!

  2. lindsay
    April 22, 2015 at 4:11 am (9 years ago)

    Aww, nooo! That is the WORST! I hope it all works out and you can your pics/videos and files! I can feel the anxiety 🙁 good luck love! Xo

  3. Mary S
    April 22, 2015 at 7:57 am (9 years ago)

    I feel for you! I dropped my very first brand new iPhone from my purse getting out of the car and of course it face planted on the blacktop and the screen shattered. I think I cried too! Your story is told so funny I can totally picture it. Good luck getting a new or replaced laptop. Life will go on! Hang in there. Glad you could back up your data!!

  4. Ruebi @ LHB
    April 22, 2015 at 11:29 am (9 years ago)

    Oh man, I got bought a new laptop at Christmas and I kid you not, it was like that computer scene in Zoolander! Much confusion…

    I hope the Apple gods manage to fix your computer soon!

  5. evolvewithmary
    April 22, 2015 at 2:29 pm (9 years ago)

    I went through something similar while recording this weeks exercise video. Smartly, I stacked 2 large boxes together to get a better vantage point and started recording, on the last set a huge gust of wind made my computer stop, drop and roll. Thank god it turned back on with no problems.

  6. Jennifer Essad
    April 22, 2015 at 6:36 pm (9 years ago)

    I so feel your pain, my macbookpro crashed 2 wks ago, tonight it froze 3 times, the hard drive was replace w/my having apple care. We use time capsule. Thinking of you & your frustrations, best, Jen

  7. Jennifer Essad
    April 22, 2015 at 6:38 pm (9 years ago)

    ps, I’ve been at the genius bar and they’ve totally replace an item w/o question but that never happened to me. I don’t have that luck or karma! When I called apple care I was disconnected 3 times when reaching the 30 min on hold. I think they have changed for the worse in their customer service. But everyone says it was because of the watch coming out the day after my calling

  8. Liana
    April 22, 2015 at 7:57 pm (9 years ago)

    G’day from australia.I’m so sorry to hear about your laptop, my fingers are crossed.I came across your picture/story on pinterest. You are such an inspiration and I look forward to seeing future posts and blogs.

  9. kaylashayla
    April 27, 2015 at 8:57 am (9 years ago)

    Awwww I feel your pain! I left my laptop on the floor and when I came home my house had been flooded and my poor laptop had died! :'( I’m still trying to work out which new one to buy 2 months later! Xx

  10. LaNeshe (Nesheaholic.com)
    April 29, 2015 at 6:17 pm (9 years ago)

    Yea, it is so strange using someone else’s computer! Hope you get back up and running soon!


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